A thought about N American trade & justice systems


Quantum Scribe
I was reading a report from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce website which spoke alot about the competitiveness of our economies facing an international market which includes the EU & China not to mention amongst others.
Our borders and the security we share is of course a huge concern and of great impact on the efficiency of our trade and joint projects.
This may not be accepted well by all, but I for one, think forget about all these conspiracies and ultra left wing fears of a '1984' type society, and rationally put to use technology in a way that is fair and agreed upon.
What am I saying? I think US & Canada should microchip adult criminals.
Not the children, I for one am thankful of the understanding that youth and it's rebelliousness can bring, and the lessons of 'growing up'. Besides the point, any juvenile would obviously need parental/guardian accompaniment in border crossings.
All adult criminal acivity? I don't know, that's not for me to consider at all I'm sure.
There's people that understand all these implications much better than I, that I am quite aware.
Think of the benefits of security, trade, and the alleviations of the paranoid when in this context it would be made clear what it's intended use is for.
-Not to mention it's potential as a deterrent.
After all there's already liberities annulled by certain acts.
(If you can't microchip, go for laser tattoo).

Before anyone starts yelling "Revelations" or some such, I'm speaking about the type of people that have existed in databases for a long, long time to protect you and me from harm.

Could something like this greatly help our economies & security? thoughts?
Why don't they use handprint or retina scanners at the border then?
I don't think anyone would mind being cross referenced in a database of the justice system?
It's the same thing as going through a routine ride program, if people have nothing to hide,
they know it's just to protect them from the ones that would cause harm.

I can see your point though, because we're not talking about inmates in hindsight (though I'm sure the parole board at times has a very stressful job), but there has to be a way without affecting livelihoods (only increase in mfg of security systems) to speed things along and make things more safe therefore creating more jobs over more economic activity?

I'm curious if you think there's any solutions to this that would promote growth?
(It's not my thought, it's apparently a major issue being looked at atm).
Such a system would sacrifice dignity for an illusion of safety and control. Dignity is far more valuable than perceived security. Subjecting criminals to such treatment could be viewed as double jeopardy, since they have already been punished. A surveillance society suppresses human passion which is wholly dependent on unfettered freedom. A better solution to the perceived dilemma is to dissolve all political borders and allow all citizens of earth to roam free.
I can see points to both arguments. In one way everyone wants to feel safer.
In another, there's not much difference in going between point A and B in a province or point A and B in the states.
Same issues, and concerns, I suppose just the sharing of critical knowledge is probably important on whatever lvls, so just expanding that network in itself and working as a team in regards to each of our nation's security.
Makes sense. Getting caught up in the politics I think sometimes blows these things into wild imaginations.
Though there's other places around the world it's not so hard to imagine security and safety being such a paramount task.
The old saying 'an ounce of prevention being worth more than a pound of cure' must weigh heavily in some minds.
I suppose I'll make my own ramble post as no one appears to want to touch it ^^.

I think I was pretty fixated on this story involving the Prof primarily because if life has taught me anything thus far it would have to be that no matter what station one finds oneself in life; as long as intention is correct then humility must be key.
I agree we've had in all our own personal histories as well in the history of human progression, alot of learning that came from darker recesses.
It's good to ponder on these things as, when time allows, we can come to better personal understandings.
However, this topic of point, 'if we keep looking back while moving forward, we're bound to stumble'.
Meaning we cannot live in history and we cannot prejudge areas of personal meaning when situations demand more of us.
The Professor in my eyes does not represent African Americans solely. He represents everyone whom is interested in learning.
The policeman does not represent a racial interest, but the protection of our community as a whole.
I'm glad the president clarified this.
no matter what station one finds oneself in life; as long as intention is correct then humility must be key.

My view on this incident is much more simple: It NEVER pays-off to be anything but calm and polite when the cops come around. Clearly, this highly educated and highly-statused black man believed he was due more respect than he recieved. But had he given the police all the respect they deserve for the job they do, things may have turned out differently. Shouting at cops and telling them they are acting as racists is not going to tone things down. If he really believed it was racial, he should have simply let his attorney (Charles Ogletree...no legal slouch) do the talking.

I'm glad the president clarified this.

I think that the President is back-peddling a bit because he shot from the hip on the topic...and later learned that the entire incident was tape recorded by the officer.
Not only that, but he's buying everyone beer !
That's actually pretty cool lol ^^.

If any beer companies had real sense they'd get some still shots for ad campaigns ^^.
Not only that, but he's buying everyone beer !
That's actually pretty cool lol ^^.
Bad idea. Why bring together a cop and the person he arrested again, but this time under the influence of alcohol? First impressions are lasting, and there is great potential for unpeaceful outcomes.
I'd imagine the presence of the Secret Service makes everybody a little humble.
At the end of the day, they will go home and the secret service won't be around. What do you think will happen then? What if the secret service joins in the fighting?
The policeman will go about his procedures just as he did in the past, and the Prof will continue teaching as he did in the past.
If you're asking how they'll look back at the incident together in retrospect, you'll have to ask them both and get two POV's.
If everything comes down to intention and they both in their heart's had the one they feel is 'correct' for the incident involved, a sharing of minds isn't so bad.
Even over a beer

IMO guards and alarms go up in situations based on experience. Other experiences can change that over time.

I've been guilty of prejudging in the past based on my own experiences, however alot of those have evolved into better understandings based on further experiences.

There is always going to be 'radicals' but I'm trying to speak about social 'norms'.


(BTW I'm really surprised no doomsayers have referenced Titor about his remarks in reference to you know what).
Bad idea. Why bring together a cop and the person he arrested again, but this time under the influence of alcohol? First impressions are lasting, and there is great potential for unpeaceful outcomes.

It seems to me the point we both missed in that regard, is that it's not about absolute 'do' or 'don't' - but moderation.
I don't mean to come off sounding like I'm realizing something perhaps you do not - it just occurred to me that I've reflected back on times 'in the past' whereas perhaps lack of that made myself over-talk another, or perhaps even not hear valuable information - so in that regard I'm humbled.

The 'after' the meeting where they interviewed the officer did seem to indicate that they observed the art of moderation just fine ^^.
