A Fictional Story About the Future According to John Titor
Note: For entertainment purposes only.
Yellowstone erupted on April 19, 2005 and buried the “breadbasket†of the USA under several feet of ash. Millions were killed instantly. Millions more died over the next few months from starvation, lack of water, and “Marie’s†disease.
Geologist theorize that the eruption at Yellowstone was triggered by an earlier earthquake that occurred in the final days of 2004 in Indonesia. This magnitude 9.1 earthquake created a tsunami that killed about 250,000 people.
The theory behind supervolcano eruptions is simple. A supervalcano traps magma and gases, mainly carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Normal volcanoes don't have this vast reservoir of magma and trapped volcanic gases. A crack caused by an earthquake opens a pathway from the magma to the surface that depressurizes the magma chamber. Escaping volcanic gases explode causing the magma to shoot out of the caldera like a shaken soda pop. Ka-BOOM. With a capital “K†and a capital “BOOM.â€
Yellowstone’s magma chamber was measured at 50km by 20km by 10 km deep about 8 km below the surface. 1,000 cubic km of material exploded into the atmosphere. Geologist theorize the 2004 earthquake opened a partial pathway from Yellowstone’s magma to the surface. It finally gave way on April 19, 2005.
“That is a day to remember (April 19th)â€
Vulcanologists believe the finals days started with the magma chamber becoming unstable. Then bigger earthquakes were recorded around Yellowstone. Finally, an earthquake sent a rupture through the last layer, blowing the lid off the pressure cooker. This generated sheets of magma which rose up to 50 kilometers sending gigantic amounts of debris into the atmosphere.
During the time leading up to the eruption the USA government insisted that there was no emergency. They pointed out that clusters of earthquakes occurred in 2003 and caused no eruption. Most citizens gave the government their unwavering belief. This would prove to be a fatal mistake to millions.
“It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.â€
The Yellowstone eruption throws so much debris into the atmosphere that the growing season is disrupted across the globe for years. Overall global temperatures lower by about five degrees Celsius. Fifteen inches of ash fall 1,500 miles from the eruption.
Five degrees Celsius average drop in global temperature has a devastating effect causing Europe's summers to freeze and triggering a volcanic winter.
Five degrees globally would translate into 15 degrees or so of summer cooling in the temperate to high latitudes. The effects on agriculture, on the growth of plants, on life in the oceans was catastrophic. Florida’s average summer temperature fell from the low-90s to the upper-70s (F).
“The average temperature worldwide is a bit cooler.â€
April 19th is a significant date in American history.
The Revolutionary War in America (1775-1783) led to the birth of a new nation. The war began on April 19, 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
On April 19, 1993 the bizarre FBI siege of the Mount Carmel religious community at Waco, Texas a massive force led by the FBI but including National Guard helicopters and Army Special Forces members assaulted the compound. Modified tanks and fire destroy the buildings, 80 Branch Davidian members die.
n April 19, 1995, around 9:03 a.m., a massive bomb inside a rental truck exploded blowing down one-half of the nine-story Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.
On April 20, 1999, two students armed with semi-automatic handguns, shotguns and explosives conducted an assault on Columbine High School, killing twelve students and one teacher before being killed.
Arab countries hostile to American policies claim that the eruption at Yellowstone was vengeance for America’s invasion of Iraq and other actions that have killed Muslims.
Nostradamus followers point to Quatrain 2.62 as evidence that the famous seer predicted the timing of the Yellowstone eruption.
Quatrain 2.62
Mabus will soon die,
Muhammad “Abu†Abbas, mabus, died in March, 2004 in USA custody after capture in Iraq
then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals,
then some horrible “event†happens that kills both people and animals
At once one will see vengeance,
People will see the event as an act of revenge
One-hundred, hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass
The “event†will last for 100 hours (hands on a clock) - 4 days and 4 hours when the next comet passes. The next comet after March 2004 is Machholz, C/2004 Q2 and can be seen in the northern hemisphere from Dec. 15 – May, 2005
And that Quatrain 10.49 predicted the actual event.
Quatrain 10.49
Garden of the world near the new city,
The breadbasket of the USA produces grain on a global scale – garden of the world; near the new city implies in the USA
In the path of the hollow mountains:
In the same mountain range as Cheyenne Mountain, home of NORAD
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
The breadbasket will be covered in ash from the explosion of the caldera (tub)
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
And the waters poisoned from the sulfur from the eruption
Western stability collapses. Global trading grinds to a halt as civil war breaks out in the USA. The USA government is under tremendous pressure to feed it’s people, especially those in the cities to prevent riots. People living outside the cities feel cheated and revolt by destroying transportation and electrical distribution facilities outside of the cities. This leaves the cities isolated. The fighting turns into a civil war of cities versus country.
â€There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005.â€
“The cities were not isolated because of them; they were isolated because of us.â€
Fighting intensifies in the Middle East. Wavering USA support for Israel, due mainly to the civil war, is what gives Israel’s neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and it’s offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. The oil fields of Saudi Arabia are destroyed. Governments across the globe seize remaining oil production. Oil cannot be bought at any price.
The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone realizes the world they thought they were living in was over. Bicycles become the main mode of transportation. Bicycle tires become hard to find as there are no longer any tire manufacturers left in the USA.
Outright open fighting is common in the USA by 2010. The instability in the USA gives China the confidence to expand. Taiwan, Japan and Korea were all forcefully annexed by China . A unified European army masses in Germany and moves east toward China. China attacks Australia but are pushed back. Most of the cities in Australia are destroyed.
In 2015 Russia launches nuclear missiles against the USA, Europe, and China. Most of the warheads that hit the cities came in threes and exploded close to the ground. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire). The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska. In the years following great effort is put into cleaning up the environment.
Note: For entertainment purposes only.
Yellowstone erupted on April 19, 2005 and buried the “breadbasket†of the USA under several feet of ash. Millions were killed instantly. Millions more died over the next few months from starvation, lack of water, and “Marie’s†disease.
Geologist theorize that the eruption at Yellowstone was triggered by an earlier earthquake that occurred in the final days of 2004 in Indonesia. This magnitude 9.1 earthquake created a tsunami that killed about 250,000 people.
The theory behind supervolcano eruptions is simple. A supervalcano traps magma and gases, mainly carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Normal volcanoes don't have this vast reservoir of magma and trapped volcanic gases. A crack caused by an earthquake opens a pathway from the magma to the surface that depressurizes the magma chamber. Escaping volcanic gases explode causing the magma to shoot out of the caldera like a shaken soda pop. Ka-BOOM. With a capital “K†and a capital “BOOM.â€
Yellowstone’s magma chamber was measured at 50km by 20km by 10 km deep about 8 km below the surface. 1,000 cubic km of material exploded into the atmosphere. Geologist theorize the 2004 earthquake opened a partial pathway from Yellowstone’s magma to the surface. It finally gave way on April 19, 2005.
“That is a day to remember (April 19th)â€
Vulcanologists believe the finals days started with the magma chamber becoming unstable. Then bigger earthquakes were recorded around Yellowstone. Finally, an earthquake sent a rupture through the last layer, blowing the lid off the pressure cooker. This generated sheets of magma which rose up to 50 kilometers sending gigantic amounts of debris into the atmosphere.
During the time leading up to the eruption the USA government insisted that there was no emergency. They pointed out that clusters of earthquakes occurred in 2003 and caused no eruption. Most citizens gave the government their unwavering belief. This would prove to be a fatal mistake to millions.
“It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.â€
The Yellowstone eruption throws so much debris into the atmosphere that the growing season is disrupted across the globe for years. Overall global temperatures lower by about five degrees Celsius. Fifteen inches of ash fall 1,500 miles from the eruption.
Five degrees Celsius average drop in global temperature has a devastating effect causing Europe's summers to freeze and triggering a volcanic winter.
Five degrees globally would translate into 15 degrees or so of summer cooling in the temperate to high latitudes. The effects on agriculture, on the growth of plants, on life in the oceans was catastrophic. Florida’s average summer temperature fell from the low-90s to the upper-70s (F).
“The average temperature worldwide is a bit cooler.â€
April 19th is a significant date in American history.
The Revolutionary War in America (1775-1783) led to the birth of a new nation. The war began on April 19, 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
On April 19, 1993 the bizarre FBI siege of the Mount Carmel religious community at Waco, Texas a massive force led by the FBI but including National Guard helicopters and Army Special Forces members assaulted the compound. Modified tanks and fire destroy the buildings, 80 Branch Davidian members die.
n April 19, 1995, around 9:03 a.m., a massive bomb inside a rental truck exploded blowing down one-half of the nine-story Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.
On April 20, 1999, two students armed with semi-automatic handguns, shotguns and explosives conducted an assault on Columbine High School, killing twelve students and one teacher before being killed.
Arab countries hostile to American policies claim that the eruption at Yellowstone was vengeance for America’s invasion of Iraq and other actions that have killed Muslims.
Nostradamus followers point to Quatrain 2.62 as evidence that the famous seer predicted the timing of the Yellowstone eruption.
Quatrain 2.62
Mabus will soon die,
Muhammad “Abu†Abbas, mabus, died in March, 2004 in USA custody after capture in Iraq
then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals,
then some horrible “event†happens that kills both people and animals
At once one will see vengeance,
People will see the event as an act of revenge
One-hundred, hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass
The “event†will last for 100 hours (hands on a clock) - 4 days and 4 hours when the next comet passes. The next comet after March 2004 is Machholz, C/2004 Q2 and can be seen in the northern hemisphere from Dec. 15 – May, 2005
And that Quatrain 10.49 predicted the actual event.
Quatrain 10.49
Garden of the world near the new city,
The breadbasket of the USA produces grain on a global scale – garden of the world; near the new city implies in the USA
In the path of the hollow mountains:
In the same mountain range as Cheyenne Mountain, home of NORAD
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
The breadbasket will be covered in ash from the explosion of the caldera (tub)
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
And the waters poisoned from the sulfur from the eruption
Western stability collapses. Global trading grinds to a halt as civil war breaks out in the USA. The USA government is under tremendous pressure to feed it’s people, especially those in the cities to prevent riots. People living outside the cities feel cheated and revolt by destroying transportation and electrical distribution facilities outside of the cities. This leaves the cities isolated. The fighting turns into a civil war of cities versus country.
â€There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005.â€
“The cities were not isolated because of them; they were isolated because of us.â€
Fighting intensifies in the Middle East. Wavering USA support for Israel, due mainly to the civil war, is what gives Israel’s neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and it’s offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. The oil fields of Saudi Arabia are destroyed. Governments across the globe seize remaining oil production. Oil cannot be bought at any price.
The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone realizes the world they thought they were living in was over. Bicycles become the main mode of transportation. Bicycle tires become hard to find as there are no longer any tire manufacturers left in the USA.
Outright open fighting is common in the USA by 2010. The instability in the USA gives China the confidence to expand. Taiwan, Japan and Korea were all forcefully annexed by China . A unified European army masses in Germany and moves east toward China. China attacks Australia but are pushed back. Most of the cities in Australia are destroyed.
In 2015 Russia launches nuclear missiles against the USA, Europe, and China. Most of the warheads that hit the cities came in threes and exploded close to the ground. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire). The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska. In the years following great effort is put into cleaning up the environment.