A Soldier's Winter


Temporal Novice
A Soldier's Winter

A Soldier's Winter

Winter has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the approaching season. A soldier's thought is only to remember how we have laughed a thousand times and sheds a thousand tears for no reason.

It seems like only yesterday that I was young and free and became a soldier like my dad many winters ago. Though countless seasons have passed me by and I don't remember them all, but I know I must have lived them because so many soldiers still call and say, 'Do you remember when'. I do have glimpses of how it was back then, with all my ambition and objectives... but, here it is the winter of my life and it has caught me like a mission with no perspectives.

How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did all the soldiers go? Where did my youth go? I remember... seeing older NCO's and officers through the years and thinking that those soldiers were years away from me, and that winter was so far off, that I could not fathom it, or imagine how it would be...

But, here it is...I've lived through so many conflicts, so many operations, so many maneuvers, so many funerals. I've seen the happiness and the sadness that has come with each, I've seen accomplishments, I've tasted success, I've experienced failures, and through it all..... my buddies, my family was standing beside me. But winter has come so fast, I only have the memories of the years that have passed.

They say a soldiers day is never done, and when the last boot is shined, when the last order is signed, the last inspection is made, the last salute has fallen, we will hear the evening cannon fire, we will hear the bugle play, we will see old glory folded, and know winter is on its way.

Each day now of the coming season seems to be getting shorter and shorter.... sunrises and sunsets seem closer and closer together, winter is approaching much too fast.... all my skills, all my training, all my abilities as a solider can't stop it, all we can do is have memories of the past.

And so, now I enter into this season of my life.... unprepared for all the aches and pains that I feel, the loss of old friends, the loss of old soldiers who's winter caught them off guard, and the ability to perform the duties of a soldier are very hard.

But I do know, that though winter has come, and I'm not sure how long it will last...this is for sure, when it's over...its over

Yes, I have regrets... there are things I wish I hadn't done.... things I should have done... but indeed, there are many things I'm blissful to have done...its all in a lifetime of a soldier I once was.

So, if you're not in your winter yet...let me remind to you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life, do it quickly! Winter comes so fast... do what you can today, because you will never know if this could be your last!

God has made us no promise that we will see all the seasons of life again...so live for good today, and say all the things that you want to say, so your buddies and your loved ones, will remember what you say every day. 'Being a soldier is a gift. The way you live your life is your legacy to those who came after you. make the most of it.'

Live it well....Winter is on its way!

Larry Cluck

Re: A Soldier's Winter

Real or imagined, that's a beautiful story of a veteran looking back on his life...

The need to reach a hand out, to help in the only way left - pass something along in this case ...never fades it would appear...

Re: A Soldier's Winter

Oh it's real. The poet is a retired Colonel.

It was written in 2005. Titor adherents claim that this poem is identical with the one of the same name referenced by Titor.

I disagree, but the poem itself is unimpeachable.

I disagree
I understand it may be your nature to do that - no lack of respect intended whatsoever.Sometimes I do not convey myself correctly.

I was alluding to the fact that soldiers spend their whole lives putting their necks on the lines for others ("unsung heroes") to an extent ...

Saving lives and living to "help"...

And just reading that, "helped" with wisdom, passing something along from eyes that have seen alot - even as winter approached...such a cold and lonely month...(metaphorically deriven from the usage of context here).

I've been privileged enough to know someone that lost everything dear to them and still "help" me out with what I needed at that time - not necessarily what I wanted - strength.

And for them "winter" has passed. It was terrible and long. God rest their soul.

Re: A Soldier's Winter

Titor adherents claim that this poem is identical with the one of the same name referenced by Titor.
You're guilding the lilly. Titorite, one person - not "Titor adherents" - plural, claims that the poem is the same poem that Titor referenced.

Here's that Titor said that he could remember of the poem:

"I am from 2036".

Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 08:48 PM


The day before it wasn't snowing.

The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter


..my world, my life, my wandering path.

I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child.
Other than the title they have nothing in common. Where the "Titor adherents" comes into the picture is the result of people "hearing" that Titor posted a poem and "someone" found the exact same poem on the Internet. They then repost the information elsewhere never having actually seen the original information themselves. It's then repeated a dozen times and appears as if a dozen seperate sources have verified the story - which they haven't. They're just blindly repeating Titorite's mantra without looking over the data for themselves.
Some of it is sock-puppetry. A lot of it is people taking for granted that what's posted on the Internet must be true because, afterall, it is the Internet, right?! No one tells fibs on the Internet. But the issue can be avoided entirely by reading Cluck's poem and then reading what Titor posted rather than relying on what someone else says that he posted. ;)

Re: A Soldier's Winter

Titorite for sure but over on ATS there seemed to be an entirely separate yet equally disturbed believer... Are you telling me that it was the same person just going round promoting this specific myth about the poem? If so, wow. WAY too much time on their hands. :)

Re: A Soldier's Winter

Titorite for sure but over on ATS there seemed to be an entirely separate yet equally disturbed believer
I'd have to go over there and look (though I'm not all that motivated ;) ) but I can almost guess that it's either Titorite or someone who saw Titorite's posts here and jumped on the bandwagon without looking at Titor's post first.
If one reads Titor's post it's clear that the two poems are unrelated, And at that it's a stretch to call Titor's a poem. Titor's just two lines; one that he said that he was just guessing at and the other that he said he was sure about.

BTW: I checked. All of the "Soldier's Winter" threads that I found there in the search function were started by Titorite.

Curiously, the 2009 post of A Soldier's Winter does not contain any matching phrase that can be attributed to Titor but a 2010 (or 2014) version does. Then, Cicero posts a poem (that he authored?) containing the new stanza from the 2010 ish version, claiming to be from 2011.

Is this 1st stanza added(??) by someone trying to validate Titor?


Is cicero's version simply plagiarism(??) and another attempt to validate Titor?


Or, is the claim that the poem "A Soldier's Winter" was written, after Titor mentioned it (2001), around 2005, simply wrong.

What I do know is that "A BOOK" was written by Larry Cluck which "CONTAINS" the poem "A Soldier's Winter".

The Silent Soldier (2007) Larry Cluck: Lulu.com (self published?)

I may buy this book just to see if the poem is credited in the book, to whom and when it was written. As it is, I tend to lean toward the poem being "out there" before the book from 2007.



The day before it wasn't snowing.

After amber suns made our Earth now glowing.

The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving

In the ash of winter, are minds are now moving

My world, my life, my wandering path.

It seems not God, but man's own wrath.

I pray God's eyes may us once again,

Gaze upon us at our end.

We will rebuild, we will renew,

From a world of greed and lust that left so few.

Remind me that I am still his child.

And provide us with your mercy mild.

Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/a-soldiers-winter#ixzz3UbYcc5WX

Family Friend Poems
