A small but significant jump forward

Bryan Zearfoss

Temporal Novice
It was back in 1998, I was 7 years old. Every wednesday around 3am I would wake up in the company of my pet cat and we would watch the trash trucks move through our small town. Well one night, once the trucks passed I was sitting petting my cat when it happened. I blinked, and with the blink I jumped 4 hours ahead to 7am when my mother came to wake me for school. It may not be much being only 4 hours but the memory has never left my head. I am sure that I did not fall back asleep for one reason. My pet cat jumped with me too. You see the moment I blinked I was petting her and sitting up while doing so. when I jumped my pet and I were in the exact position. Can anyone help explain what may have caused the jump? Are these things environmental or do they come from us? Is one more susceptible to time jumps once it has already happened to them. I know it was long ago but smaller jumps have happened to me since then. I am worried. What if I jump very far? I know I am not the only one this has happened to. Can anyone help me understand? Should I be worried?
Don't be worried yet but keep watching it and recording all the jumps may help. I have a similar but different problem. For me, I jump between dimensions and just have gotten used to the fact that people remember me differently, people may look different certain days, there were many car accidents in town and the next day no one knew about them. A friend of mine had her hair dyed black and for one day it was back to normal but after that she had dyed black hair again. So start recording everything. Maybe someday it can be helped.
Should I be worried?

No. You were 7 years old. Temporal orientation maturity doesn't occur until about age 10. You fell asleep but time orientation for a 7 year old is much different than for a 10+ year old.

Think back. When you were in the 4th grade how long was summer vacation? When you were in high school how long was summer vacation? Not the actual days but the feeling of the duration. Three months for a person who is only 75 months old is much different than for a person 175+ months old. That's temporal orientation.
This is for BRYAN and SKARPZ. No snide comments from the peanut gallery, please. Unless you have something valuable to add to the conversation that isn't rude or condescending. Otherwise, go bother somebody who cares about your opinion.

Bryan, the reason I asked about the cat is because I've had cats all my life and I know they can teleport. Call me crazy if you want, but I've seen them do it. Many times. Two of my current ones even attempted to play a prank on me with it. (YES, animals have a sense of humour! And can feel emotions such as spite, jealousy, etc. Don't let anyone tell you differently. My friend's cat hates her sister. Every time the sister comes over, the cat pees on her coat. The cat never pees on anyone else's coat. Just the sister's. Lol. he obviously knows just what he's doing, who he's doing it to, and why.) And anyone who has had cats or knows anything about cats (or any animal other than humans, really) knows of their highly psychic nature. They can see things and pick up on things most humans could never dream of. I also know a Native American woman who says her kittens can astral project. I'm sure they can. All of these things are things we were all born able to do, we've just forgotten how..and/or society has squashed it out of us. Animals are still pure and don't have those kinds of limitations. So if they can teleport (and no one is going to convince me otherwise. I know what I've seen with my own eyes and others have confirmed seeing it too), and they can astral project (which I don't doubt)..then why shouldn't they be able to time travel? I believe they can. And IF your cat (I realize now that you are saying this was a long time ago and has happened since and you are grown now. I didn't notice that before..but maybe when you still had that cat...or if you've had other pets with you the other times) was with you when you jumped, I wouldn't worry about anything like jumping too far and not getting back, etc. A) Your pet would never do anything to put you in any kind of danger, and B) They know what they're doing. They're not new to this. I'm not sure why you jumped with her. Maybe she didn't realize you were. Maybe she thought it would be fun to take you along for the ride and thought you'd enjoy it. I don't think it would occur to them that it would scare you as they don't find any of it frightening.

I find it interesting that both Bryan and Skarpz talk of moving in dimensions or in time on their own, without needing machines or anything. I've always thought it would be that way. Kind of more like just teleporting through time. Humans always have to make everything so complicated. If you ever read a book called "A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engle (it's part of the time quartet, although that name, and the title of the first book "A Wrinkle In Time" are misleading. They don't actually do any time travelling [more space travel and some other stuff. Still really good stories though. ] until the third book [Planet] and then again in one called Many Waters and a later one about the daughter of two of the original characters. There's an animal in it [I won't say what kind 'cause then you might not read it] who constantly gets frustrated about how humans don't understand such simple things as how "we are going to a when, not a where. It's the same where, just a different when." No machines in these books. But still plenty of science. But also spiritual things. And that's how I believe these things work. You can't have one without the other and expect anything to come of it. Hence my signature.) Although I wouldn't like the lack of control you guys are talking about where it just randomly happens without you knowing when, where, or why, and there's nothing you can do about it. Reminds me of "The Time Travelers Wife". Worst time travel story ever! He has seizures and gets transported to different points in his life uncontrollably and never knows when or why. I don't know where they came up with that one. Although..it kind of makes me wonder...I have a history of seizures..when I wake I never have any idea what's going on...I lose huge chunks of time and people later tell me of things that supposedly happened in the past that I don't remember..or they remember them completely differently than I do. Hmm..maybe I'm a time traveller after all! (or maybe people are just old and have bad or selective memories, lol. they seem to remember me doing bad things I never did and claim not to "remember" bad things they did to me, but also places I don't remember going [although sometimes I vaguely remember it later], or saying they were with me when this or that happened or so-and-so said that thing when I KNOW they were not with me at these times and places. Of course the main person saying the latter had a t.i.a. about a year ago, so maybe it's them that's mixed up and not me.)

I'm thinking maybe you guys have abilities you just aren't completely aware of yet that you just need to hone and then maybe you could control it. I'm not sure quite how (if I did, I'd have been a millionaire a long time ago 'cause I have what I call a "useless" psychic ability. I'll talk about some episode of a tv show, and then that one comes on. And I think," how come when I talk about being rich, I don't get any money?" Lol. I have tried it with intention with films I wanted to see and songs on the radio or music videos and it worked..but I still haven't figured out how to make my millions come to me just by thinking they will. :( ), but I guess meditation would be a good place to start. Maybe you could try intentionally going somewhere...or rather...when, Bryan. Skarpz, I don't know if you should try that. The whole parallel dimensions thing is weird to me so I'm not going to give any suggestions about it. I don't necessarily believe in it. (Not saying I don't believe your sincerity. If you say it's happened to you, who am I to say otherwise?) I believe it's possible as anything is possible. Although yours makes more sense to me than other theories as you don't seem to be saying that there are a bunch of other "yous" out there. You don't mention having run into alternate versions of yourself or anything. That whole idea creeps me out, that there'd be a bunch of other me's that are me..and yet aren't me and some might even be evil and such. *shudder*

However, there is this thing called "quantum jumping". It's supposedly where you meet your alternate selves (on purpose) and they talk to you and help you out with your life. Like, say, for instance, you wanted to start your own ..I don't know..I'll pick something random..culinary school. That supposedly there's another you out there who has already done that and you meet them and they help you do it too. Sounds a little out there to me, but then again..I'm sure many of the things I say sound pretty "out there" to others too, so I don't judge. And if it helps somebody, then, what should it matter what I or anybody else thinks? It's all guided and everything so I don't suppose there's any danger. I really don't know. You have to pay for it though. I forget how much. But you can do the program online. You don't have to travel anywhere. Whether it's legitimate or not, that I can't tell you. My take on it is, they call it alternate selves from parallel worlds, but it's probably really just different aspects of yourself and your subconscious brought to the surface for problem-solving. Although they did send out one email saying that it's been proven that parallel universes exist. I haven't read it yet, so Idk what they're saying or if that's true.

What I like about what both of you seem to be saying is that time travel and parallel universes are two separate things. ( I think that you're saying that?) I don't understand that whole concept of "scientists" saying that time travel would create a parallel universe. I also don't see how someone who calls himself a scientist can believe in parallel universes and not time travel. Like I said, I'm not denying that parallel universes could exist..but they certainly are a weirder theory than time travel. And scarier too. If we travel through time into the past, we already know what's there. If we travel only into the near future, it shouldn't (hopefully), be all that different. If you go popping around dimensions that could be nothing like ours, you never know what you might encounter. Ever watch Sliders? I don't know about you guys, but I sure wouldn't want to wind up on some world where everyone is diseased 'cause they never heard of antibiotics, or in a world where Nazis too over the U.S....and then get stuck there no less!

Although Skarpz doesn't seem to be saying that's the type of thing that's happening to him. Just minor changes. Although I have seen you talk about time travellers in other posts, so you've got me a bit confused on which you're talking about when and if they have anything to do with each other.
Hi bowtiesarecool, I'm also a 'cat person' and have had cats much of my life. I'm very interested in what you said about your cat teleporting. Can you say a bit more about what you have observed regarding that. I also believe cats have very 'special' abilities.

Robert Heinlein was a dirty old man? Lol, how did you come to find this out?

I'll have to check out that story though.


I would be glad to share more about the cat teleportation at a later time when I am awake, lol.

However, one correction, I do not have one cat who teleports. Every cat I've ever had I have seen teleport.

Or at least the ones I've had since I've known what teleportation was anyway. I probably had seen the others do it when I was younger, but we don't question these things at that age. They're normal until society tells us otherwise.

Well, not exactly "seen" them do it, but before and after and..ah well..let me explain this when my brain is awake like I said before. Although I'm not sure I can completely explain it. But you seem to be someone who would understand why these things are not always explainable in the traditional sense.

I can also tell you things I've experienced from what I believe are the spirits from some of my deceased ones as well, if you would like.
Hey Bowties, I just got done reading your extend views of alternate universes and cat's that teleport. I see you have a lot of mixed emotions about abnormal realities and possible actualities beyond average perception. Although what really struck me was your claim to have a "useless psychic ability's" . My question to you is if you are manipulating certain frequencies such as T.V. or Radio, technically you're committing acts of telekinesis, So what make you think that? Is it because you feel like you're foreseeing it? or you're making them broadcast.? Also I want you to pay attention to the amount of time from when you "intentionally" think of a show, song etc; to the time of the broadcast. The subconscious will ultimately be thinking of that song/show you picked and will notice any detail resembling it. Now that may confuse you, because your thinking about it so hard subconsciously that you'll think you've influenced it on happening. For example Let's say the T.v. is on and you're not really paying attention to it because you're on an intense phone conversation with your boss. Now a commercial comes on and mentions a new show that premieres next, Now since you're highly in depth with the conversation with your boss, you don't notice it on the surface of your conscious but pick it up subconsciously. Now when you get off the phone you may be struck with a thought of how you remember seeing a preview to this show a week prior(due to it lurking in your current subconscious) and think to yourself "Hey I wish that show would come on today!" and bam it's on next.

For BRYAN and skarpz, I recommend you look into studies of Quantum Mechanics, specifically thermodynamics and entropy to expand your perception of our physical world. But I want you to remember although time travel is absolutely possible it is impossible to travel with our physical bodies. Bryan my interpretation of what you went through all those years ago is called astral projection in other words your bodies spent endured the four hours, but your spirit moved away and had it's own fun somewhere else. Unfortunatly you truly had no memory of the trip and only remember transcending back to you physical body. I'm out yall PEACE

Hey Bowties, I just got done reading your extend views of alternate universes and cat's that teleport. I see you have a lot of mixed emotions about abnormal realities and possible actualities beyond average perception. Although what really struck me was your claim to have a "useless psychic ability's" . My question to you is if you are manipulating certain frequencies such as T.V. or Radio, technically you're committing acts of telekinesis, So what make you think that? Is it because you feel like you're foreseeing it? or you're making them broadcast.? Also I want you to pay attention to the amount of time from when you "intentionally" think of a show, song etc; to the time of the broadcast. The subconscious will ultimately be thinking of that song/show you picked and will notice any detail resembling it. Now that may confuse you, because your thinking about it so hard subconsciously that you'll think you've influenced it on happening. For example Let's say the T.v. is on and you're not really paying attention to it because you're on an intense phone conversation with your boss. Now a commercial comes on and mentions a new show that premieres next, Now since you're highly in depth with the conversation with your boss, you don't notice it on the surface of your conscious but pick it up subconsciously. Now when you get off the phone you may be struck with a thought of how you remember seeing a preview to this show a week prior(due to it lurking in your current subconscious) and think to yourself "Hey I wish that show would come on today!" and bam it's on next.


Nope. That's not what happens. I'll say "this reminds me of that episode of such-and-such show (like an old rerun so no previews) where they said 'blah blah, blah". And it will be in a conversation with someone, not while I'm doing something else or talking to anyone else.

Then later that night, the next day or whatever, that episode will come on. I'm not doing it on purpose. It's been happening for years, to the point that when I say something like that my family will say: "oh, now that's going to come on" or "you did it again!" when it happens. NOTE: these are not films or shows that I know are going to be on ahead of time or what their schedule is or what channels they're on or anything.

So after that happening for years, THEN I decided to do it on purpose. There was a movie I was pretty sure I had seen and didn't like and years later everyone I knew kept talking about it and I thought: "hmm, that does sound like something I'd like, maybe I haven't seen it. I wish it would come on TV so I could (this was NOT a film that is shown regularly on television or that I had seen any ads for saying it would be on or anything), and soon thereafter it did.

One day I was flipping channels and a video countdown was on. I was on a different station and said: "Oh, I should go see if they have ,insert name of song here> on the countdown, I want to hear that." And I did and it was on. I did the same thing with the radio shortly thereafter.

But you seem like someone who wants to find reasonable explanations for everything (well, except for the fact that you believe in telekinesis), such as this and these guys' experiences. I disagree with you on time travel not being physically possible, but I'm not here for debates or arguments. But thank you for your input. I know it's not actually a "useless" ability. I know it probably means I have latent abilities I just need to train to awaken.

And I'd never be in a highly in-depth conversation with my boss on the phone, lol. Nor do I generally watch TV whilst on the phone. Unless I'm talking to somebody really boring.

Thanks for sharing your views, and have a good day, but I think I'd rather not debate this any further, no offence (it's just that getting into these debates takes up too much of my time and it's not what I'm here for, and also, people are touchy around here and I got banned once 'cause someone took offence to something I said. Not saying you would, just saying I'd rather avoid conflict. I just wanted to clear up what I meant.

Have a great day, night, whatever time it is in your part of the world.
All of these occurrences that you mention are natural phenomena and have to do with naturally-occuring 'bubbles' or 'blips' moving through the resonation. Think of it this way.. if you can.. I'm sorry I am not from around here. . But think of it this way if you can try; All of reality is based at it's core of identical design. At some level, which is called the 'threshold', things change, and SEEM to give rise to normal things. But this is really not the case at all. In reality, there is indeed a threshold, but it occurs as a result of 'resonance', sort of like vibrations that move 'just right'. It is the 'vibrations', that give rise to diversity, all created brilliantly. Alterations within the complex symphony result in what you are calling 'jumps' in time. Certain high energy sources tend to produce magnetic vortices, like a tornado if you will, that move through space and time and sometimes penetrate Earth's magnetic shield, and collide with the surface. Many times, humans are in the path of this collision, or lets say for simplicity, 'touchdown of a magnetic vortice' with the surface. Some theories of your day mention a type of holographic reality. Of course that is not what is really going on, but the idea does have a basis of truth, in that, what you see, feel, experience, etc. is not 'really' what is real. So what IS real? That remains a mystery, as it is an abstract idea created by the mind. And the mind, in itself, is yet another factor involved with perception of what you think is 'reality'. Now, something else you mentioned is 'memory', and this is a key component for future discovery of how realities are perceived, altered, and controlled (at least in the lab).
All of these occurrences that you mention are natural phenomena and have to do with naturally-occuring 'bubbles' or 'blips' moving through the resonation. Think of it this way.. if you can.. I'm sorry I am not from around here. . But think of it this way if you can try; All of reality is based at it's core of identical design. At some level, which is called the 'threshold', things change, and SEEM to give rise to normal things. But this is really not the case at all. In reality, there is indeed a threshold, but it occurs as a result of 'resonance', sort of like vibrations that move 'just right'. It is the 'vibrations', that give rise to diversity, all created brilliantly. Alterations within the complex symphony result in what you are calling 'jumps' in time. Certain high energy sources tend to produce magnetic vortices, like a tornado if you will, that move through space and time and sometimes penetrate Earth's magnetic shield, and collide with the surface. Many times, humans are in the path of this collision, or lets say for simplicity, 'touchdown of a magnetic vortice' with the surface. Some theories of your day mention a type of holographic reality. Of course that is not what is really going on, but the idea does have a basis of truth, in that, what you see, feel, experience, etc. is not 'really' what is real. So what IS real? That remains a mystery, as it is an abstract idea created by the mind. And the mind, in itself, is yet another factor involved with perception of what you think is 'reality'. Now, something else you mentioned is 'memory', and this is a key component for future discovery of how realities are perceived, altered, and controlled (at least in the lab).

CONGRATULATIONS lledbetter2266, you have made it into the TT Claimants' Hall of Shame!

And with that award comes a tin-foil hat in one of two colors: alien reflector silver or CIA/MIB detector blue.
I'd take the silver, but one must really ask why you're really here. You're clearly well into your 50's, and you're arguing against people on the internet. Did your career not pan out? Did your woman leave you? If you're educated and secure, you don't need to argue with complete strangers over unproved theory.
A dictator's disdain is flattering, Darby.
As your not masquerading is exceptional here,
and being that 'Tater' is so compelled to know
what makes everyone else tick,
why not tit for tat?--

Dick Tater, look inwards,
and answer your own questions* first.

I'd take the silver, but one must really ask why you're really here. You're clearly well into your 50's, and you're arguing against people on the internet. Did your career not pan out? Did your woman leave you? If you're educated and secure, you don't need to argue with complete strangers over unproved theory.
A dictator's disdain is flattering, Darby.
As your not masquerading is exceptional here,
and being that 'Tater' is so compelled to know
what makes everyone else tick,
why not tit for tat?--

Dick Tater, look inwards,
and answer your own questions first.

You really do have a way with words.
Hi, 'Mylo'. Thank you.

Picture :D your :oops: 'X' eloping with an :cool: eskimo.

What is love of knowledge/wisdom
without freedom of honest discourse?