A Question plus some Entertainment


Temporal Novice

I’m not really sure how to go about this, so I will just jump right in!

Firstly I would just like to say that I obviously am not going to be able/willing to prove any of what I am about to say, because if I had the ability and will to prove it, a forum on the internet would be the last place I would chose. Well, what are you doing in the claims section of a time travel forum, you may ask. Well I have a question I would like some help answering and in exchange feel free to ask me any questions that you’d like and I will do my best to try and answer them, which hopefully you will find entertaining (one way or the other).

Right I guess it is time to get going, here is the premise (for both my question and yours).

Next 500 years or so: Continuation of current trends. E.g. population continues to grow without adequate controls; technological development continues to be of the refinement, rather than innovation type; global warming (or localised cooling as the case may be); poverty and famine.

Second Technological Revolution: A workable (predictive) model of a cell is created and combined with computers that are just reaching the point where these models can be used to predict the results of genetic manipulation on multi-cellular organisms. This is accompanied by a sufficient understanding of biological mechanisms for the creation of the first artificial organic/hybrid machines.

Transition Phase: At the time it is supposed that with the collapse of all but the most niche ecosystems, a large correction in global human population will be required. Not expecting the poor to want to go quietly into the night (so to speak), the decision is taken to induce (through the creation of a totally artificial disease) a dramatic reduction in population, the lucky few being vaccinated, probably for a price, though details are sketchy. Unfortunately, one of the people working on the artificial contagion had other ideas and built in a time-delayed mutation, that would allow the disease to overcome those that have been vaccinated as well as those that haven’t. In addition to this a group of genetic constructs, mainly built selectively from the normal human gene pool were created to essentially be the controllable workers / soldiers of the disease's survivors. These constructs had a number of genetic differences to normal humans, but in layman’s terms, the code contained in the virus was unable to run on their cells, due to slight changes made to various proteins and other genetic structures within them. Though the exact motivations are unknown, it is supposed that the scientist responsible didn’t really believe mankind had learnt its lesson and so thought maybe someone else should have a go. Either way, the effect was to create the next step in human evolution and to clear the incumbent species from its path. This new kind of human contained a qualitatively different kind of mind to the people that it replaced. This allowed for far more efficient and advanced economic models to be developed and utilised, without the near inevitable slide into chaos and dictatorship that normally accompanies similar attempts made by “old” humans.

Third Technological Revolution: It takes about another 500 – 600 years for this new incarnation of humanity to reach the point where it can come into its own, now with a sizeable population (millions not billions) and the technology of the previous human species both understood and further refined as far as it can go, another innovative leap in technology ensues. Details of this technological revolution are hard to describe, in any way that you will understand (imagine trying to explain the concept of relativity to someone from ancient Rome and you’ll be close to the problem), so I am not really going to try at this point. As a rough analogy, the mathematical principles behind the universe were worked out to the point where we can have a good guess at what questions we should be asking.

Where I come into this: Roughly 400 years after the Third Technological Revolution, a solution that allows for time travel (of a sort) is found. Simplified the solution goes like this:

A universe can’t have a future that isn’t based on its own past, in other words the classical concept of a machine that transports you back in time can’t work, because the occupant (and machine) will have no past in the reality in which they find themselves. Turn this logic round and what was found was that no matter how the attempt was formulated it simply was not possible to join in meaning the two universes, as this would essentially violate the basis of both universes.

Just to avoid confusion you can’t travel back into the past of your own universe, because you can’t observe without changing and your past can’t change (it is relative to you or if you like it is your definition). If you could go back into your own past, then the universe would exhibit quantum properties, where the only solution would be the failure of the original time travel experiment, preventing the break in causality.

In order to get round both of these problems, a solution was found that doesn’t rely on anything except a universe’s own past to create an observer in the past and a rather elaborate mechanism for retrieving the observations from this “time traveller”.

Unfortunately there is an unwanted side effect. When the time traveller goes “home”, a copy of them is left behind in past. Attempts to build a “self-destruct” mechanism into this leftover time traveller have failed, and this simply leaves me with a choice. What should I do?

The choices as I see them are:

1. Devote myself to some branch of technology, where I think I have a fairly good chance of making a difference.

2. Try to lay the philosophical groundwork, for the mathematics created during the Third Technological Revolution.

3. Try to promote the kind culture/belief system/society that I came from (in other words try to teach the new quality of mind possessed by the “next stage of human development”). I can honestly say I have no idea how I would go about this, or even if it is possible, but this choice holds the most appeal for me, because in some ways, it could be like going home.

4. Just carry on as normal, making the most of my life and not worrying about “helping”.

Thanks for reading, I hope you find the ideas interesting and I am willing to try to answer any question you would like to ask. I will try to stay away from answers of the "I am just the pilot" vein, though obviously there is a lot that I have only a shaky theoretical grasp of.
Firstly I would just like to say that I obviously am not going to be able/willing to prove any of what I am about to say, because if I had the ability and will to prove it, a forum on the internet would be the last place I would chose. Well, what are you doing in the claims section of a time travel forum, you may ask. Well I have a question I would like some help answering and in exchange feel free to ask me any questions that you’d like and I will do my best to try and answer them, which hopefully you will find entertaining (one way or the other)

Hello Jay6752

The Second Technological Revolution: A workable (predictive) model of a cell is created and combined with computers that are just reaching the point where these models can be used to predict the results of genetic manipulation on multi-cellular organisms. This is accompanied by a sufficient understanding of biological mechanisms for the creation of the first artificial organic/hybrid machines.

Did you knew that the boffins has created a living computer - made from rat brain-cells at the platter. It is not very fast or complex computer, but it functions - or that the scientist are saying. What do you call these 'hybrid' creatures? Biomechanoids ?

Transition Phase: .... Unfortunately, one of the people working on the artificial contagion had other ideas and built in a time-delayed mutation, that would allow the disease to overcome those that have been vaccinated as well as those that haven’t. In addition to this a group of genetic constructs, mainly built selectively from the normal human gene pool were created to essentially be the controllable workers / soldiers of the disease's survivors.

Have you seen a movie called Twelve Monkeys ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114746/plotsummary ) ?

Third Technological Revolution: It takes about another 500 – 600 years

If you come from 400 after 3rd Revolution, then how can you know, how long that '3rd period' is going to last, and what comes after the 3rd Period? (I am asking because you write like you know what is coming from your 'alternative' future.)

What you should do?

The option two with teaching the mathematics is certainly the best way of proving who you are. If you stuck with that, then you definitely prove who you are, where you come from and what your intentions are - which are good ... or so you say.

Why? Because, tt would be the only good option and from that it would give us - the people - technologies and capabilities that we haven't even dreamed of, therefore the option two is the best option and the 'internet' is exactly the right medium for that. It will keep you mostly anonymous and allow you to 'classify' certain information that you do not want 'us' - in this 'reality' - to have. Although if you give us the mathematics, then eventually we will figure 'rest of the things' out.
"Did you knew that the boffins has created a living computer - made from rat brain-cells at the platter. It is not very fast or complex computer, but it functions - or that the scientist are saying. What do you call these 'hybrid' creatures? Biomechanoids ?"

Interesting, I am not sure what you'd use a brain based computer for though. The big advance that sparked the Second Technological Revolution was a complete understanding of biology leading to computers that could model living cells down to the level of subatomic particles with a level of accuracy that allows them to be used to predict the outcome of changing parts of the cell DNA/protein molecules. These "hybrid creatures" are merely complete artificial "life forms", but as they have been designed from the ground up they don't tend to have their own agenda, like naturally occurring life does. In other words you are far less likely to lose control of your creations.

"Have you seen a movie called Twelve Monkeys"

Yeh, good movie! Not exactly what I am talking about though, if that was the inference.

The technological revolutions tend to be periods of intense innovative technological advancement, usually lasting between 50 and 100 years. For example the First Technological Revolution was concluded by about the 1950s having started roughly 100 years earlier, there is some debate as to the classification of the period preceding this by 100 years, as to whether it actually constituted the beginning or merely a period of preparation. Personally I don't see the point in squabbling semantics on that point. The Second Technological Revolution however was over quicker (c. 50 years), though most people believe it would have continued for longer if it wasn't for the untimely demise of most of the worlds population. The Third Technological Revolution is usually considered to have taken 50 years or less, generally this is because once the basics of the new "technology" were grasped, almost all further development could easily be classified as refinement.

As far as what comes after the Third Technological Revolution, I have no idea, except that I know the direction it was going. This direction is I think best described as the science behind Buddhism, sort of similar to enlightenment. Currently the research is more of a cross between a theological discussion and a branch of totally abstract mathematics, but then that isn't all that dissimilar to how the last technological revolution got started.
Unfortunately I have no idea if it is the start of some new direction for our species' understanding of the universe or just a dead end, but some people think it has got promise.

Actually that does lead me to one very interesting observation that I have made (well interesting to me). So much of your society and popular culture seem to hint at a deeper understanding of the universe. I was wondering whether maybe there could be some kind of mass collective subconscious for humanity, not of the telepathic kind, but rather through normal communications and time, a near-aware thought process is emerging. Oooow, I feel a hypothesis coming on!!!

Thanks for the suggestion, I think I probably will have a concerted effort at the basic principles at some point. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a free lunch (not even with a “time travel” machine). I will have to work out the mathematics from the start, using nothing but the principles that could reasonably be guessed by someone in this time. However I think you'd be surprised what could reasonably be guessed by someone. After all, luckily enough life seems to have an almost limitless number of possibilities ahead of it. You've just got to pick the right one! Anyway I would only be able to make a sort rough outline (you can't get that lucky). Similar in fact to what da Vinci did with his drawings of flying machines.

If you wondering about all this talk of luck, it stems from the mechanics of “time travel”, in other words what ever exists in the present/future has to be a product of the past, otherwise how do you define past or future. This basically is why it wouldn't be possible to “prove” in the scientific sense of the word that you were a time traveller. You could however make it so that it is the most likely answer, just so long as you could still be nuts/lucky/etc... and believe me, someone will always think that of you, no matter what you do with your life. So I am saying almost anything is possible, but it may take some hard work and time.

Anyway enough random musings, it feels good to talk to someone about this, if only because it allows me to put it down on “paper”, something I have been meaning to do for some time. However there really is nothing like communicating with another human.

The only thing that I really have trouble with, is the thought that I will never be able to go back, still I can console myself with the thought that from another perspective I already have, just doesn't quite take the yearning away though. On the bright side though, life is a forest of possibilities, who knows what will happen. Just wish humanity could show some maturity on a large scale, society is such an unstructured, scatter-brained mess. Which would be OK if people had chosen that, but they didn't, it just sort of happened that way.
A question of C = M*E^2 is valid


Thank for coming to the form. Hope you can stay a while as long as we have good question to ask. I have one really simple question to ask you in which came from another thread. Titorian, which is not John Titor, came up with a new equation from the future and am wondering whether you can verify it since it should be public knowledge in the future.

The equation is this C = M*E^2 and could you tell us where it is used since Titorian never told us how to use it or where it should be used in regards to physics. He claimed current Dr. Michio Kaku came up with the equation in the near future or so.

Re: A question of C = M*E^2 is valid

Assuming the speed of light is C, mass is the M and energy is the E, then this equation can't be right, as it would contradict e=m*c^2 (Einstein's equation rearranged gives c=SQRT[e/m] ). However there may be other meanings of the variables C, M & E. For my own part I have never come across an equation related to time travel or any associated branch of physics that has an equation of this form at it heart. Depending on the variables, an equation with a simple form like this could describe any number of things in the wider field of mathematics.

That said, it may be an equation describing something, it just isn't something that I have heard of and couldn't speculate as to its use without knowing what the variables are.
Did you knew that the boffins has created a living computer - made from rat brain-cells at the platter. It is not very fast or complex computer, but it functions - or that the scientist are saying. What do you call these 'hybrid' creatures? Biomechanoids ?

Interesting, I am not sure what you'd use a brain based computer for though.

I can see at least two ways to use that technology. First one deals with a creation of an intelligent machine and second one deals with the cybernetic implants, that subject immunity system try to get 'rid-off'. Both of these thing can be seen pointing at the creation of living machines, or as one would call them, biomechanoids.

The big advance that sparked the Second Technological Revolution was a complete understanding of biology leading to computers that could model living cells down to the level of subatomic particles with a level of accuracy that allows them to be used to predict the outcome of changing parts of the cell DNA/protein molecules. These "hybrid creatures" are merely complete artificial "life forms", but as they have been designed from the ground up they don't tend to have their own agenda, like naturally occurring life does.

After Second Technological Revolution the people fully understood all parts in the genetic-map, and were able to (re)program DNA/RNA in such a way, that they -in all their glory- were able to create new creatures. The people called these new living beings as a 'hybrids' or 'hybrid-creatures'. The only problem with these new beings was that they did not have an free will.

Did I understood your message?

Have you seen a movie called Twelve Monkeys

Yeh, good movie! Not exactly what I am talking about though, if that was the inference.

Where did you see it, in your 'real' world or in this alternative universe?

The reason why I was referring to that one, was that it was the first thought that I got from explanation.

Actually that does lead me to one very interesting observation that I have made (well interesting to me). So much of your society and popular culture seem to hint at a deeper understanding of the universe. I was wondering whether maybe there could be some kind of mass collective subconscious for humanity, not of the telepathic kind, but rather through normal communications and time, a near-aware thought process is emerging. Oooow, I feel a hypothesis coming on!!!

Please, do enlighten us with your hypothesis, and do explain how 'things work' in your universe (timeline). How does the intelligence evolve at there?

If you wondering about all this talk of luck, it stems from the mechanics of “time travel”, in other words what ever exists in the present/future has to be a product of the past, otherwise how do you define past or future. This basically is why it wouldn't be possible to “prove” in the scientific sense of the word that you were a time traveller.

Can you give us mathematical explanation on this theorem. You don't have to give us proof immediately, let us ponder with it for a while. Just show us the maths.

ust wish humanity could show some maturity on a large scale, society is such an unstructured, scatter-brained mess.

Can you eloborate this bit further? What is scatter-brained mess? What does 'scatter-brained' mean?
After Second Technological Revolution the people fully understood all parts in the genetic-map, and were able to (re)program DNA/RNA in such a way, that they -in all their glory- were able to create new creatures. The people called these new living beings as a 'hybrids' or 'hybrid-creatures'. The only problem with these new beings was that they did not have an free will.

Sort of! There were two things going on, the result of the Second Technological Revolution allows simple artificial organic machines to be created, e.g. diseases up to “grow your own” houses, etc… It also allows for a far more creative and powerful kind of genetic engineering, this is what produced the next stage of human evolution, as it would have been prohibitively complex at the time, trying to create a humanoid from the ground up. This next stage did have free will, but with an artificially reduced variation on mind types and strong built in macro social bonding, we could cooperate in a constructive way, on a much larger scale than the original humans (think humans with the social drive of ants).

Where did you see it, in your 'real' world or in this alternative universe?

A few years back on TV.

Please, do enlighten us with your hypothesis, and do explain how 'things work' in your universe (timeline). How does the intelligence evolve at there?

Well we definitely do have a macro thought process going on, so I suppose it is likely that one exists here too, though perhaps in a more disorganised fashion, as after all it isn’t recognised. The hypothesis would need to be formulated in such a way that it is testable and specific. Ummm, something along the lines of an equation with variables describing, the time taken for information to move through the population, the penetration of this information, comprehension across the population and resulting processing and onward transmission. Perhaps looking at sample populations that would have a shorter communication time, and more readily comprehensible input and output, similar to say the distributed programming efforts, made by the open source community. I really should block out an afternoon some time and actually have a go at putting this together. As with any science though, to get anything meaningful, it would take time to formulate the hypothesis and then test it, not to mention write up the results and seek publication. Still I definitely think I am going to add this to my list.

Can you give us mathematical explanation on this theorem. You don't have to give us proof immediately, let us ponder with it for a while. Just show us the maths.

It stems from the mathematical equations formulated as the precursor to the Third Technological Revolution and I don’t know the exact maths (it runs to pages of equations and systems of equations, that would make your eyes bleed!). However I have a very good grasp of the principles, if they are of interest to you and I can give you the basic formation of the equations.

There are seven separate equations relating to different aspects of a universe. As far is known, in basic form, these are prerequisites for the existence of any universe, no matter how the particulars of that universe function.

N.B. All these equations only have validity when considered from a subjective point of view, which is how the universe must be viewed. Therefore the universe can only be validly modelled from a subjective standpoint, though the subject is arbitrary, allowing for the fractal expansion of the model, thus building a valid, modelled universe.

1. Interaction of matter (not part of the observer), on a purely physical plane.
2. Copy of equation 1, but seen the other way round (required to balance the point equation).
3. The physical universe’s interaction on the matter making up the subjective observer.
4. Copy of equation 3, but seen the other way round (also required to balance the point equation).
5. Equation describing an observers impact (in terms of meaning) on their environment.
6. Equation describing other observers’ impact (in terms of meaning) on their environment.
7. The “point” equation – ties the other equations together so that they can be considered one large system of equations, which interrelate meaningfully.

FYI the form of the equation e=mc^2 would be contained within equations 1 & 2, with quantum physics describing extremes of variables found in equations 3, 4 & 6 (I think).

To be honest I probably should have started with the more philosophical definitions and principles, which then lead on to the more mathematical concepts.

In relation to your question, the important bit, is that a universe is by definition a single whole, that can’t be connected to anything else, without that being part of the universe. That is how we defined it to begin with and so it is something that can be relied upon. Along with a whole bunch of other definitions and principles the logical basis of the universe was arrived at, which was then used to formulate a general set of equations for the universe. These were then used to model the world around us and proved their veracity by successfully predicting testable facets of the universe in which we live, such as how life begins on lifeless worlds.

In relation to the problem of time travel, that means that you can’t travel between two distinct universes, either in terms of matter or meaning. What you can however do is induce the required meaning to exist in the target universe using facets of equations 5 & 6, you’ve just got to make it appear from the target universe, as though it had a “choice” in the matter.

Can you eloborate this bit further? What is scatter-brained mess? What does 'scatter-brained' mean?

to be spread thinly, to have many thought while not being able to focus on one.

ruthless has got an excellent definition of scatter-brained.

Best example has got to be global warming.

Any reasonable person would think, maybe humanity should be a bit more cautious. Granted there is still quite a bit of scientific debate around the subject, but given that it could potentially cause catastrophic climate changes, especially when combined with your ridiculous world population, perhaps some restraint would be a good idea. The example is someone that likes to play catch, using a revolver. Granted might not have any bullets in it, but perhaps you’d be better off checking first, especially when you consider that if you blow your head off, it will be too late to do anything about it. Oh and then there is the devastating loss of biodiversity across the planet, did you know that humanity’s impact on biodiversity is already (or will be shortly) sufficient to class this period of time as a great extinction? And you’ve barely started!

As you can tell, I find these attitudes rather difficult to stomach sometimes, though I suppose I can understand how they arise (scatter-brained as a species).
I do not have time to sit around and spin some elaborate web of a story of being a time traveller on multiple websites. I am much more interested in factual and experimental information than fictional story telling.

I'm bored, so sue me!

Factual and experimental information?

Like what, John Titor's highly likely story? I guess it is lucky that I am so far off with my version of reality, because with time travel just round the corner it'll be anti gravity cars and living on the moon in just ten years!!! Problems like global warming will be easy to fix, we'll just blast the planet with a time ray, while the whole population chills out at a beach resort on Mars.

Ahhh, but then I guess ignorance really is bliss. Still I guess we only have to wait until 2036 and we will find out, won't we. I'll even make a mental note to come back to this website then, if you like and you can take the **** out of me for being so far out of whack.

Hang on, multiple websites, like what websites, I haven't posted this anywhere before. In fact I don't think I've even written it down before. If it somewhere else I would definitely be interested in knowing where.
Oh I see, that's your signature. Opps, didn't mean to reply to that then.


Do you actually have something you are trying to say, or am I better off not replying?