A preposterous notion


Quantum Scribe
I fathom that any information gathered through "time travelling" would fall under the umbrella of "artificial intelligence", anyone care to expand this proposed debate?
Some people predict that there is trouble on the horizon regarding artificial intelligence. It is possible that A.I.s could wipe out most biological life forms?



The Species Dominance Debate

So in about a decade there will be a thriving artificial brain industry, and nearly everyone will have a home robot, which will be upgraded every two or three years. Each new home robot generation will be smarter and more useful than the previous generation, so that as the gap between the human intelligence level and the artificial intelligence level gets smaller every year, the species dominance debate will heat up. Millions of people will be asking such questions as: Can the machines become smarter than humans? Is that a good thing? Should there be a legislated upper limit to machine intelligence? Can the rise of machine intelligence be stopped? What if China's soldier robots are smarter than America's solder robots?" And so on and so forth.

Well, if time travel existed, and it was dangerous it would make sense to send the brightest robots, I've seen zero evidence of working learnable a.i., just hoaxers claiming to have magically created it, yet when I see it it's always a robot with a program attempting to mimic learnable a.i., terminator the matrix, I just can't see a.i. ever winning in a fight against humans, we may not be the brightest but we can adapt, and destroying things comes naturally to us.
Thinking back to the days of "John Henry, the steel driving man" ?
Artificial intelligence is basically a computers ability to learn and, in the future, make educated guesses. Electronic systems are not human beings and thus the only way the artificial intelligence would be a danger to us is if we tell it to render everything to max efficiency no matter the cost. Remember, the reason for being of a machine is only the one that we give it. At least this is what I think.
Re: A preposterous notion...indeed

Hello friends

The problem with this assumption is that robots, androids or cybermen can not and will not have what it takes to actually learn. I have seen robots with very sophisticated programs to actually make a learning-like process, develop elementary educated guesses and even carry out a simple conversation. However, they lack natural spark of mind.

If you don't mind I would like to refer you all to earliest brain explorer Dr. Eccles of early 20th century. He deduced, as well as Duke University has over the recent years, that the brain is simply a very complex machine unlike the rest of the human body. its tissue is electro-neuro conductive; meaning that all of the tissue conduce thought; how about that?

This thought is conduced at processing speeds so fast it allows virtual coordination with the outside world (except for a .005 seconds delay. However, with all this the brain is simply a machine needed to convert thought into actions. However, as Eccles did find all this thoughts generate somewhere else. He called it the mental field. This mental field exist in an non-spatial awareness state that is hyper-fluid having no friction whatsoever.

While we could create very elaborate machines we could never ever create minds. They are insubstantial and sublime essences and this is no longer the realm of science but that of religion, mysticism and philosophy.