A practical approach to time travel

Would-be Novelist

Temporal Novice
If time travel is possible, why haven't we seen anyone from the future?

Maybe we have but haven't recognised it. However, no-one has visited me recently.

Consider this - if a time machine was built today which allowed you to go back to any peiod in time you liked (but you couldn't return), would you go? And if so, how far back would you go?

Now if you could go forward in time to your place of origin (or some time after this, depending on the duration of your stay) how long would you be prepared to stay in the past?

A long business trip might be for a year. If there is no benefit in the travel (ie you do not get a chance to make a profit from it and return young enough to enjoy the profit) would you bother?

OK so assume someone in the future has built a device to allow travel back in time. When can we expect to see them?

I propose that we will see them when the development of a machine to allow travel forward in time is sufficiently advanced so that people travelling backwards in time can arrive, perfect the machine, go home in time for dinner and then withdraw all their clever investments from the Swiss bank accounts where they have stashed the worthwhile share certificates, then lead a life of opulence in the Bahamas (or whatever place on earth is relatively pleasant in those years).

In other words, all we have to do is build a machine to send someone FORWARD in time, then the rest will look after itself. As soon as the machine is close enough to being perfected, some bright spark from the future will come back, finish it off and reap the rewards.

Any comments?
So whats stopping you? Why not slap a TM together this weekend and see for your self?

Are you the guy who is going to write a novel (with our help) and cash in for yourself? We used to throw such charactors off the y2k boards.....but times have changed, (no pun intended), the more the merrier I say. Welcome aboard we need all the brains we can get around here.

So, where's all the time travelers from the future? I've got a simple explanation. Lets say they start publicising their exploits, wouldn't they be arrested as kooks or terrorists? At least if you say you saw a UFO you can get off as a mere wacko and know that there are too many Treckies out there to lock up, where as TT shenanigins like going back to film the Kennedy assination could make you disapear in ways you never immagined.
OK. Get an engineer, a hypnotist and a PC with CAD software together in a room. Tomorrow would be a good time. Let's hypnotize the engineer, hypnotically progress him/her into a future time where time travel is commonplace, put him/her in a time machine factory, have him/her examine time machine blueprints and have him/her reproduce the blueprints on the PC with CAD software installed. While he/she is still under hypnosis, ask him/her whether or not this procedure has already been successfully accomplished in our recent time, and who has done it.