Whoa...this poll has really gotten skewed results since I last looked at the results!
This is why several of us here have endeavored to "cross the line" into metaphysics. We know that there is a certain amount of bias towards "creationism", but bias has always been part and parcel of scientific inquiry.
Right on, Zerub! And I must say I REALLY get annoyed whenever I see the "extreme Creationists" OR the "extreme Evolutionists" get on their soap box and start preaching the "evils" of the opposite view/belief. It goes right back to something you have been saying (and I agreeing with) for a long time: We are living in the Time where extremism (of EITHER variety) is on its way out.
Furthermore, people always tend to immediately associate Creationism with a "religious" viewpoint, when it need not have that judgement pinned on it. You do NOT necessarily have to believe in a God to consider if "all this" could be the result of someone's (or something's) INTENTION! It is the people who are so vehement (for whatever reason) in wishing to DENY that there is a God who immediately associate Creationism with religion. There is another view and I have just pointed at it...
In other threads we have explored (and I believe shown to a reasonable degree) that it is a human being's INTENTION that leads to that human embarking on actions which lead to some creation. And in this we also discussed that consciousness, being a PROCESS rather than a THING, is non-physical (aphysical). So if we understand that ANY type of creation that we elicit comes from this aphysical thing called our INTENTION, why isn't it possible to consider what INTENTION may have lead to the overall Creation of our universe without having to immediately pin someone's idea of God on it?
Look, I believe in God, and one reason I do is because I have a bit of an understanding that God is not a THING, but a PROCESS... and a process is aphysical. This is also made quite clear by the "I AM" quote that OvrLrdLegion is discussing in another thread. We, as physical beings, always want to "fill in the blank" after the "I AM" with some sort of noun. But what if
there is no blank?!? What if this statement is complete all by itself? And if it is complete all by itself, it seems to me that whoever was stating "I AM" was really stating a scientific fact relating to creation. If we really have to "fill in the blank" it would seem to be the only appropriate way to do it would be "I AM a PROCESS , not a person, place, or thing."
So Creationism need not be about anyone's idea about what God is. But rather it can be discussed as a process that flows from INTENTION. We do not HAVE to describe what sort of "physical" being that INTENTION flowed from... because there may not be one that we understand. Yet we CAN discuss the PROCESS of Creation as it flows from INTENTION, and perhaps come to understand a little bit more about how the aphysical aspects of our universe impact the physical... and in doing so perhaps come to a greater understanding of our consciousness as a process, and how it "fits in" in this universe.