R.I.P. clamorian 2050-2007
poor lil guy... he had no chance against RMT's super intillect.
I think my intellect had little to do with the defeat of this time traveling clam. I think what he couldn't stand up to were my appetite, my incisors, and most of all my digestive enzymes! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
And thanks to Darby for his always informative discussions of proper physics. May I contine?
Darby correctly points out that the hopes and dreams of the "overunity" crowd are based on some magical process which provides greater power output than it uses as input. But in an even more frustrating treatment of reality, they won't even be able to get a "unity" device, much less "overunity". The "unity" that is discussed relates to the physical efficiency of any device or system which provides useable power. We use the Greek letter "eta" as the variable for physical power efficiency, and this is one of the first fundamental concepts I teach in my ARO 103 Intro to Propulsion Systems course. The simplest formulation of "eta" is:
Efficiency = eta = Power Output/Power Input
The laws of thermodynamics (specifically the 2nd Law) tell us that whenever one changes the FORM of energy there is always some energy lost due to the process of that conversion. For example, a propeller-driven airplane takes energy inherent to a fuel and air mixture (chemical energy) and converts it into mechanical energy (shaft torque and speed, in RPM). Any Internal Combustion Engine performs this type of energy conversion. And even the best ICE's cannot achieve even an efficiency of 0.90 (or 90%). Heat is the largest component of "energy loss due to conversion" in the process of going from chemical to mechanical energy. But now we must add the propeller's efficiency. The propeller accepts mechanical power as an input (torque & shaft speed), and it converts that into aerodynamic (pressure) power (thrust and airspeed). Because there is a lot less heat produced in this conversion, propellers can achieve fairly high efficiencies, but even the most efficient propeller cannot do better than about eta=0.94, or 94% efficiency.
So, before anyone claims they have achieved "overunity", one should first look for someone to claim they have actually achieved unity efficiency (eta=1.0). Someone who really understands physics and engineering will also understand that, to be an honest broker of advanced technology, they should first show unity efficiency. If they cannot show that, any claims at "overunity" are likely from people who simply have not accounted for a particular form of energy loss as a result of power conversion.