A pen?


Temporal Novice
This is not a hoax and not a claim "I am from the future".

Yesterday late evening I was searching for my pen. I have written something using it, after while I have decided to write something again, and started to search for my pen. It was good and nice, and I didn't wanted to lose it, so instead of grabbing some pencil, I started searching for it. No pen around.

I have searched everywhere. Under any book, in my sleeping things, etc., even in the places, where no logic can imagine it being. Didn't find.

Common thing, isn't it? I have decided to forget about it - gone is gone. May be, I would find it three months later, for example, somewhere. I grabbed a marker in order to write something, but before that have decided to lay for a while with closed eyes(didn't fall asleep, didn't dream, just relaxed). Thought about some things, and after I opened my eyes - the pen was laying RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. It JUST APPEARED! No, it didn't appear in dynamics - but I know, that it was NOT present there before! I have been searching there! I did it carefully! I opened the book, near which this pen was laying, and put if somewhere else, and I really checked that place! And after that - is was right in front of me, in a place, where it is very hard not to notice it!

My first thought was - "How could it be?". I thought, how couldn't I notice it, about the wonders of the human brain.

But then I have thought(yes, I am a time travel fan) - hey, may be there is another reason? And why not to let, to assume, that there is another reason of this strange disappearance and appearance of the pen(by the way, the fact that pen has disappeared, had surprised me toow). I have thought about some mystics - that some guy from another world or another dimension could borrow it and then take back. Or - that I have thought about something good, that's why God has returned the pen to me:) Or - that someone from the future(not from the past) has grabbed it, and then have decided to place it back, making his time travel not noticed(well, if time travel is possible, guys from the future should have designed some ethics and the ways not to scare people from the past:) ). May be is was myself, but may be not.

No, I am not crazy:) I am just open minded.

Of course, when such things happen, we find a lot of explanations for thet, which seem absolute reasonable for us, and we immediately take them. I can name them for myself:

1). It was late, I was sleepy, and could not notice something.
2). When I was laying, I could move my legs and arms in someway, and the pen has arrived from some "hidings".

But why do we take following reasons as true automatically? Why not to suppose, that there is something else? That it can be something else? May be a lot of things, which are "strange" for us, and we explain by some "reasonable" explanations, have another nature? May be there are guys from another world come here and there in our world, knowing some good conspiracy tools?

I don't say that we should take "mystic" explanations as true, but may be we can be more open minded in RESEARCHING not only "physical" reasons, but either some "alternative" ones?

I am more inclined to think, that the reason of that strange disappearance of the pen is the point number two I mentioned above. But who knows, may be it is something else?
Of course, when such things happen, we find a lot of explanations for thet, which seem absolute reasonable for us, and we immediately take them. I can name them for myself:

1). It was late, I was sleepy, and could not notice something.
2). When I was laying, I could move my legs and arms in someway, and the pen has arrived from some "hidings".

But why do we take following reasons as true automatically?

It has to do with probability. The probability of a more mundane reason for you not being able to find the pen is much higher than some fantastic, unbelievable reason.

Why not to suppose, that there is something else? That it can be something else? May be a lot of things, which are "strange" for us, and we explain by some "reasonable" explanations, have another nature? May be there are guys from another world come here and there in our world, knowing some good conspiracy tools?

The best reason for why NOT to jump to outrageous conclusions or assumptions is because down that road is insanity. When a person first begins to convince themselves that there is some "supernatural" reason for some occurrence they have experienced, they have opened the door to convincing themselves that something is true before:

a) All data has been captured/reviewed.
b) Someone else with a more objective opinion has suggested the most likely reason.

Now, I know people will always say "but I am not crazy, and I don't think doing this every once in awhile will make me crazy." While this may be true, the human mind loves to establish patterns. We are comfortable with patterns, which is why we can find bunnies in the patterns made by clouds in the sky. The more you allow yourself to believe something "supernatural", the more you enjoin your brain into a pattern of behavior. And even some of the most stalwart, supposedly sane people can lead themselves into a tortured world of mental anguish by convincing themselves that something highly unlikely happened, rather than the more mundane explanation. It is hard for a person to observe themselves objectively in such a situation...

I have this problem with socks, why on earth would time travellers want to keep borrowing my socks? Are they all one legged? Still, at least they return them clean and usually leave them in the same place (behind the radiator in the back room). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't say that we should take "mystic" explanations as true, but may be we can be more open minded in RESEARCHING not only "physical" reasons, but either some "alternative" ones?

I am more inclined to think, that the reason of that strange disappearance of the pen is the point number two I mentioned above. But who knows, may be it is something else?

On the something else lets not forget, ghost, aliens, friends playing pranks, someone in your house you don,t know about. Or, you just lay things down and forget where you put them. Happens to me all the time. It is very frustrating looking for something you just had in your hands moments before. Good luck catching your time traveler.
On the something else lets not forget, ghost, aliens, friends playing pranks, someone in your house you don,t know about.

...Bic Stealth Pens, organic nanobot pens that evolved legs, anti-grav pens that float and fall randomly, "Blink" spells cast on pens by out-of-control AD&D characters, camo-paint pens that can hide...
Mayan Palingenesis...

But why do we take following reasons as true automatically? Why not to suppose, that there is something else? That it can be something else? May be a lot of things, which are "strange" for us, and we explain by some "reasonable" explanations, have another nature? May be there are guys from another world come here and there in our world, knowing some good conspiracy tools?

I don't say that we should take "mystic" explanations as true, but may be we can be more open minded in RESEARCHING not only "physical" reasons, but either some "alternative" ones?

I am more inclined to think, that the reason of that strange disappearance of the pen is the point number two I mentioned above. But who knows, may be it is something else?

What about this alas Goro Adachi Style...

The phoenix is rising. The 'Mayan countdown' is on. What lies beyond the edge of time, beyond the maya/illusion, is the product of our decisions to be made during the next four years. If we do not make them count with concentrated determination, wisdom, foresight, and courage, we will be reenacting the story of the Tower of Babel and meeting the same fate as told in Genesis.

<font color="red"> Courageous decision making is what shifts a timeline, in a sense, how we 'time travel'. [/COLOR]

<font color="blue"> That's how we can survive the 'Gate of God' called Babylon in one piece, and enter a New World. After all, Mars is waiting... The 'Face on Mars' and all. [/COLOR]

end quoted
Link to goroadachi.com/etemenanki/

I had a similar thing happen to me a few months ago right after my son was killed. I had set up a shrine of pictures in my kitchen and every few days I would re-arrange them and move different pictures to the front. Well, one of my re-arrangings I couldn't find the picture from senior football night of him with me and his dad. I was frantic because it was the only copy I had and I always kept it with the other senior football picture of just him in his uniform. Well, I turned everything upside down and finally gave up that it was gone and I wasn't going to find it.

The next day I was walking through the kitchen and there the picture was right where I would have placed it if I had found it. My husband was the only other person in the house so I asked if he had found the picture. He said no. I told him it was missing and I had left the space for it, and now it was there. I was shocked and he probably thought I was crazy from grief, but I know the picture was not there the night before. This was not time travel I'm sure, but I know for sure that everything can't be explained like scientific minds would like.

I later found a second copy of the same picture tucked inside some of his high school memorabilia. A coincidence? Perhaps, but I don't think so, not since it was the same photo and it was probably the last one that had been taken of the 3 of us.

I hope time travel is possible so I can have a way to save his life. He was a great kid.
That is an extremely interesting post painted.

I usually do not keep pictures around.

You might have just changed the way I look at things.

It bothers me on the most base of levels.

It is the case that photos are hugely important. I lost my best friend to a car accident 6 years ago he was just 24, after he was gone I found I had just 2 photos of him. Every time I look at those pictures it reminds me of all of the very best times we enjoyed. It still weep and I only wish I had more.

Before that I had never bothered with pictures but now I make sure that I have loads of photos and video of all my kids. Just looking back over the last 6 years reminds me of so much I might otherwise have forgotten. I regret now not having pictures of their early years.

Kindest regards, Joel
My advice is once you start don't stop either. I took tons of pictures when he was little, videos too, but once he was 'grown up' I kind of stopped. I was horrified when he died to find I had only taken 2 pictures in the last six months of him with his new tricked out cell phone. Luckily he had worked some jobs with his dad in WY and NM (we live in OH) and my husband took a few pictures when they had Sunday off and did some sightseeing early in the year. I've had couple other things besides the missing photo happen to either me or my husband, but it would be off topic to discuss them here.

I will say that one of those things has led me to believe that I will find a way to time travel and change what happened to him. Hoaxers don't know how much they hurt people like me, although I do seem to be in the minority for my reason for seeking time travel. For me it's not a joke.

I assure you that majority of the people here take the topic of time travel as seriously as you do. Some of us have personal reasons like you. Others (like me) wish to time travel for the simple sake of scientific curiosity.

And then, of-course, there are the hoaxers. Yes, they are pathetic. And don't think, for a moment, that these guys are fooling anybody around here. They do, however, serve one important purpose on this board: Rebutting them sharpens our scientific minds and provides an excellent demonstration of how the scientific method works. Unfortunately, they aren't providing us with much challenge these days...
They do, however, serve one important purpose on this board: Rebutting them sharpens our scientific minds and provides an excellent demonstration of how the scientific method works

I agree with ruthless. Very well said.