A New Approach to Time Travel


Temporal Novice
I realize my approach to the time travel conundrum probably isn't "new" at all, but I'm deliberately calling it that for two reasons:

1) Because I don't find a lot of discussion of it on this board (though I admit I haven't yet searched this massive forum exhaustively);

2) Because I want to draw as many responses as I can, in order to get a discussion going.

My idea is simple: I believe physical time travel is fundamentally impossible, but "psychic" time travel might be possible due to the fact that the mind is not subject to the laws of the first four dimensions.

And when I say "psychic," I simply mean mind movement, as opposed to physical movement. The body is not involved, it's solely a mind journey. I believe it may be possible to get the human mind into a state of consciousness (a "frequency" if you will) where it could navigate both forward and backward through time. I believe this may already have been done in limited ways, though massive exploration still lies ahead.

I would like to hear from others who might share this view, or a similar view, or anyone open to discussing the topic in general. I have a few ideas of my own about it, but since I am new to this forum I would like to hear the initial reaction to the topic, to see if anyone else is into it and hear what they have to say.

I am not a mathematician, physicist, or scientist; I don't have equations or formulas. I am a layman and student, interested in the exploration of lesser-known powers of the human mind, and what those powers might enable us to do if we can figure out how to unlock and harness them.
Yeah, it isn't discussed as much, but I hear of it often on coasttocoastam.com, personally whenever I hear a guest go on in depth concerning 'psychic' time-travel, I tend to fall a sleep, because they usually sound like their full of it.

I partially agree with you though, that physical time-travel isn't normally possible. I would say the only way a physical 3d person could travel would be to another point of the 3d universe in present time only, not in the future or past in any noticable ammount of time. Which technichally is time-travel, it just isn't into the future or past, it's simply surpassing the normal bounds of space-time travel.

I also somewhat agree with you that your higher than 3d self can possibly travel into the past or future, but this tends to be less interesting to us 3d beings as it would be best tested while acended aka dead. Although there are those that speak of trippin on drugs or meditating to temporarily ascend to higher dimensions, which may be possible, hey even buddha described the seven heavens as he was meditating, sounds like seven higher dimensions to me, and I wouldn't claim it would be impossible as I've never meditated in that manner. People seem to want to see the future of the 3d world though, seeing it as a spirit may case the focus on the 3d world to be lost.

I see some new time travel frauds popping up though, titor knock offs, their work is so lazy. Personally I like a good hoax as much as the real deal but seriously, if your going to pretend to be from the future, posting a blog with current events copied directly from cnn.com isn't going to convince many, you gotta be creative, design some new brand name logos, take some time doctoring some photos, etc...
Hi Razimus, thanks for your reply.

Perhaps we won't find the idea of "psychic" time travel so sleep-inducing when we finally wake up and realize we're not "3-D" beings at all--we're psychic creatures, creatures of mind, inhabiting a multi-dimensional universe.

This archaic notion of "3-D" should to be abandoned as soon as possible; even physical science (limited as it is) acknowledges many more dimensions than a mere three. SpaceTime allows for a fourth dimension; just the other day I heard one of the founders of string theory speak of eleven dimensions.

So I propose we move forward into a new mode of thinking, with our first step being the shedding of this absurd "3-D" talk. Time travel goes way beyond the three dimensions, so why don't we approach the discussion with a fresh premise--namely, that we are not primarily "physical" beings at all, we're minds who happen to inhabit physical bodies.

Once we get beyond the primitive notion that everything we do must necessarily occur in the physical, "3-D" realm, maybe we can start making some real progress in the time-travel discussion--rather than wasting our time and energy speculating about phony "time travelers" who graciously pause in their temporal adventures to post messages in cyberspace for our benefit.

What about it? Is there anyone here willing to consider the subject from a new angle? I believe this is the only way true time travel can ever occur.
Greetings Emit, and welcome to the board:

I would be the first one to admit that "we" are beings that are something more than just physical. In fact, I would be interested in discussing the aphysical aspects of consciousness with you, but not to the exclusion of the physical, or the scientific.
Perhaps we won't find the idea of "psychic" time travel so sleep-inducing when we finally wake up and realize we're not "3-D" beings at all--we're psychic creatures, creatures of mind, inhabiting a multi-dimensional universe.
My comment to this is that there in an inherent duality to any distinction, or demarcation we choose to levy on anything. So if we are going to claim that we are "non-physical" (psychic being your choice of words), then by defining us as that part we must also deal with the part that this definition excludes, and that would be the physical part. So while I can agree that we are creatures with a non-physical aspect we call consciousness, that aspect cannot be wholly divorced from our material, physical beings. We are both of these (physical and non-physical) and it is the combination of both of these aspects that makes us unique. A very similar analogy is that a "system" is not all hardware, nor all software, but rather a conglomeration of both. You cannot ignore one, to focus on the other, without losing a large part of what defines that system and makes it unique.
This archaic notion of "3-D" should to be abandoned as soon as possible; even physical science (limited as it is) acknowledges many more dimensions than a mere three. SpaceTime allows for a fourth dimension; just the other day I heard one of the founders of string theory speak of eleven dimensions.
As a man of science, I am not in favor of "abandoning" things that have shown to be valid, even if they are limited. Science does not tend to "throw things away" entirely, but rather build upon those truths that have stood the test of Time and testing. ON string theory, I'd say 11 dimensions is possible, or at least the 11th dimension may be an extension of 10 dimensions which includes 9 dimensions of a physical matrix (I call it Massive SpaceTime), within which is embedded the aphysical ("psychic" as you say) aspect of consciousness.
So I propose we move forward into a new mode of thinking, with our first step being the shedding of this absurd "3-D" talk. Time travel goes way beyond the three dimensions, so why don't we approach the discussion with a fresh premise--namely, that we are not primarily "physical" beings at all, we're minds who happen to inhabit physical bodies.
You might wish to join us in other threads, as I think I am describing something similar to what you are suggesting. But I must again state that I am not about "shedding" anything. Rather, what you will see from my approach is that it builds upon 3-D (or the current fad of 4-D), and describes how we CAN understand physicality (as a 3x3=9D) entity which does, indeed, interact with our non-physical selves. IOW, I am about an "integrated" approach, not a "throw it all away and start over" approach. And I think the approach I extoll is a bit more responsible... i.e. it doens't throw the baby out with the bath water. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

What about it? Is there anyone here willing to consider the subject from a new angle? I believe this is the only way true time travel can ever occur.
As I've said above, I am willing to discuss new ideas, but not if it means "throwing away" perfectly good theories that do not need to be thrown away. Rather, they might only need to be modified and/or expanded to include the things you describe.

Again, welcome to the board and I hope you enjoy yourself here!
Hi RMT, thank you for your welcome and your interesting contribution to this topic.

I agree with you that we are physical as well as non-physical beings, but I don't agree that both natures must necessarily be involved in every human undertaking.

Take dreaming, for instance: there is no participation by the physical body at all in dreaming, it's entirely non-physical in nature.

It's true that the brain is involved in thought, and I am willing to concede this as the nexus of the physical and non-physical. I will allow for the participation of the brain in time-travel, if only as the conduit through which the mind (which is distinct from, but probably somehow connected to, the brain) can transcend physical limitations and reach a higher dimension.

For there can be no time-travel unless we transcend the limitations of the physical dimensions (be they three or nine) and raise our consciousness to some completely new realm which we have not yet attained. As long as we persist in speaking in terms of "time machines" and physical time-travel, this whole field of inquiry will remain a quaint and amusing relic of science-fiction.

I would be interested in checking out the threads you refer to, would you be so kind as to specify which ones you mean?

Generally speaking, I think you are right that building upon previous knowledge is preferable to "abandoning" and "shedding" it; but in this particular case I believe the old thinking is too far off the mark, and a completely fresh approach is needed. The old physics goes by completely different laws than something like what I'm describing. What I'm talking about involves a completely revolutionary approach to the time-travel topic, wherein the mind alone, and not the physical domain at all, is the operative realm.

However, I will accede to building upon the old principles in order to hear more of what you have to say; for it appears you are partly aligned with my thinking, and I would be interested to hear more of your thoughts along this line.