A method of time travel


Epochal Historian
One takes a large fifty-five gallon drum to the top of a hill and lays it on its side.

The time traveler, complete with a football helmet, shoulder padding and pillows gets inside of the time travel chamber.

# Note, the time travel drum, must have air holes drilled on its sides.

The lid is then securely shut, from an outside assistant.

The traveler looks at his watch and yells to the assistant outside, "Okay, Mike, give'er a push"!

The drum begins to roll on its side and travels down the hill.

The time traveler, while the drum is traveling, looks at their watch.

When the drum stops rolling, the traveler must yell again, "Okay, nice ride, let me out"!?

The time traveler will note upon exiting, that not only has the time changed, but they are in a different location.

> Problems with this form of time travel:

Big rocks placed on the hill.

Not caring about your a safety equipment.

Too steep of a hill.

A sharp drop-off, at the bottom of the hill.
One takes a large fifty-five gallon drum to the top of a hill and lays it on its side.

The time traveler, complete with a football helmet, shoulder padding and pillows gets inside of the time travel chamber.

# Note, the time travel drum, must have air holes drilled on its sides.

The lid is then securely shut, from an outside assistant.

The traveler looks at his watch and yells to the assistant outside, "Okay, Mike, give'er a push"!

The drum begins to roll on its side and travels down the hill.

The time traveler, while the drum is traveling, looks at their watch.

When the drum stops rolling, the traveler must yell again, "Okay, nice ride, let me out"!?

The time traveler will note upon exiting, that not only has the time changed, but they are in a different location.

> Problems with this form of time travel:

Big rocks placed on the hill.

Not caring about your a safety equipment.

Too steep of a hill.

A sharp drop-off, at the bottom of the hill.
im willing to be a guinea pig. reckon this might actually work.

another problem with this method is that if u end up in a different location from when u start, you dont know where you'll end up, in the new time space there might be a house built there