A messege to all time travlers. Very important.


Temporal Novice
Hi everybody. I am new here and I would like to know from you time travlers if I could please go to the future. I am sick of this world line and would like to skip at least 20 years into the future or more if your going further than 20 years into the future. If anyone in the far future that has time travel abilities or is here in the past from the future is reading this than please take me to more than 20 years into the future.

You've got to learn how to deal with whatever problems that are bothering you, now. If you can't learn how to resolve anything that is making you feel the way you do in the here and now, you will find problems in the future as well.

Know this, you are NOT alone. There are always options available, people to talk too. Take adavantage of those options, before trying to find an easy way out.

It may be hard, but, everyone has obstacles they need to overcome as they journey through life.

So buckle up, and enjoy the ride, and please remember, the ride is what you make it. Nobody else can make up your feelings for you, that is all up to you.
Its just this world we are living in. Wars and terrorisim and alot of other things. I would like to see what this world is like in 20 or even 1000 years. It would be like me taking a vacation and seeing where this world is headed and when I come back it would be like I never left because I would return at the same time and place from wich I left. I would like to see what technologies are in the future and I would like to have a look around in a time that I know I could never get to wich would be 80 to infinity years into the future. What happens in 2012 to 2020 wich saposidly an asteroid is sapossed to strike the earth in that time frame. There are lots of stuff and than I can return to the time and place from wich I left. It would be really fun and exciting to see how life has evolved in the future. Maybe I can get some answers if I go to the future and look around. Or are there policies about taking people with you back to the future? Do you have to follow guidelines when you Time Tavel?

Hi Hager123,

Yes, I know the world is sad, but always remember that it is happy also. It depends on how you look at it. The best thing to do is learn a little each day that helps to tolerate this World, and with that you will see that this time is like any other time in the Past or even in the Future. Oh, we all hope that someday it will be a better world. Perhaps someday, you will find a way to help that out and help this World along. I am sure that all of us will have a lot of real hard work to do along the way of the Time stream. Sorry, I am not a time traveler except by living and so are you. Explaining it to others, perhaps you even can come up with a better way of telling some other people someday, and by planting that seed of hope and not despair, you will have helped out this World, even if it does not seem like very much you may accomplish. Every little bit helps, and there are people who will listen and then there are people who will not.

Right now, you seem to be younger, so don't expect it to happen over night, and do expect that things will change in the Future. It always does, and it always will.


Imagine being above this plane of existence, and do not try and get bogged down with what others may do. Some people can seemingly only relate that way, and remember, you are only human also, like the rest of us.

You are human, aren't you?'
Well, in a sense, not being tied to this Planet forever, we are also spacetime aliens also.