A message for Pamela M.


Temporal Novice
Hello Pamela M.

A group of philosophy and physics students at Mount Allison University would like to speak to you regarding your experiences with John Titor. We would like to explore your experiments with J.T. and the letters that created the strange phenomena you experienced.

Is there a way that we could open a private dialogue that does not include the general internet community which would be detrimental to our research as they are too subjective and not to mention immature and close-minded. We are not skeptics, but are observers of this story, and some say internet legend. Our goals are not to prove or disprove John Titor but to simply put this story into the context of our research.

Ryland Schella, Mount Allison University physics student, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: (506) 389-1178
Fax: (506) 382-7359
Is there a way that we could open a private dialogue that does not include the general internet community which would be detrimental to our research as they are too subjective and not to mention immature and close-minded.

Way to go, Ryland. That introduction to TTI is sure to win the hearts and minds of the forum. And your post here was on a referral to TTI from StarLord and Sosuemetoo at Conspiracy Cafe.

Do you think that you might want to reintroduce yourself, say howdy to the folks here and ask for some help in contacting Pamela without the generalizations about the Internet Community? Your first go-round really didn't cast a favorable light on Mount Allison University's physics department or the general research ethics of its School of Letters & Science.

Just a suggestion. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

PS: Just another thought relative to the "general Internet community". Keep in ind that this saga came from the general Internet community. It's not as if an honest researcher can parse out the Internet community ad hoc and thereafter end up with the same story.
Oh no not my intention to accuse anyone here on these forums of being a part of that immature close-minded community, Iam sorry I come across this way. I am referring to the general hostile attitude the anonymity creates within people in the online world. People can find it easy to be hostile when you dont see the other persons face. plus there is just to many miss-communications in forum /topic to topic dialogue.

I simply want to have a one on one dialogue with Pamela.

As for the Mount allison remark, well we are independant from the physics deptpartment in terms of any officially sanctioned study, I simply stated that I was a Mount Allsion physics student. sorry for the generalized remarks about the internet community, I have always had trouble communicating myself online. I have great respect for everyone who has been involved with the John Titor story, except the plain rude or mean people. perhaps that is what I meant when I said "they are too subjective and not to mention immature and close-minded". I was also writing that with some of my dry humor behind it, but like an internet forum noob, I always forget that that kind of humor is lost in the digital translation. And for that I appologize. We have extreme repect for all the people involved in communicating with Titor, even if he wasnt a TT. It is quite the internet legend, if need be. Wether they are skeptics or not, Darby, Rick Donaldson,J.C. we are all pretty much fans.

I am sorry to come off on the wrong foot,(believe me as an liberal Canadian, I do so all the time)
I can only hope you and any others I have offended can take my appology.


Now that's a much better effort. Thank you.

We'll do our best to try to get a hold of Pamela for you. She hasn't been around much this past year but she does lurk and read the posts.
What do you mean she hasnt been around much. I have found Pam to be quite congenial in PM. She a very nice Gal. I wouldn't doubt that she has already begun a dialoge in PM. Great Gal Pam. Very nice light on the whole saga.

Read the post. It's obvious from the context the "she's not around much" means that she doesn't post very often. I said that she does lurk and reads the posts.