A Major Problem For 'Internet' Time Travellers


Quantum Scribe
A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

I'm posting this in this forum.....as it is really quite relevant to the latest batch of 'time travellers' claiming to be arriving here just via the internet in the future.

I have watched a number of these threads, and cannot help but notice something strange.....that to all extents and purposes completely gives away the fact that the time traveller is a fake.

I refer to the sequential nature of the questions and responses. Poster X will post a question, which often will immediately be followed by a response from the 'time traveller'. In one case I note just 2 minutes later.

Now this sequential nature of question and answer is odd.....because although WE have to live time one day at a time, there is no such constraint on our alleged time traveller. He can read tomorrows posts if he wants to. He could, if he wanted, even go back and respond to John Titor ( I see no evidence that any new posts ever arrived ). He could retrospectively answer a question before it is even asked !

The only way you are going to get invariably sequential posts and responses is if you have a 'time traveller' who is very much in OUR time......and ( like the rest of us ) responds to the latest posts to a thread. In other words....a fake.
Re: A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

We are time-bound, 'tis true. But the legitimate time traveler doesn't require free and untrammeled motion in time (corresponding to our ability to move at will through space). The time traveler must be physically from somewhere else. Once he reaches our time circumstances <font color="red"> MAY [/COLOR] make him as time-bound as we are.

On the other hand, all such time traveler postings are pure B.S. unless shown to be otherwise (and why the heck would one bother to do that if you were the real McCoy), so they're frauds anyway.

Hey, don't get the idea I have a negative attitude on the subject. Do you remember seeing the New Guinea cargo cults in documentaries? The natives of a remote mountainous region have the idea that the airplanes they see pass over are filled with good stuff sent back to them by their ancestors, but the planes are being lured away. So the tribesmen make what looks to them like airplanes out of poles and leaves so the other planes will think it is an airport and land.None ever do, though.

But this doesn't mean there aren't real airplanes. The leaves and stick mock-ups are the best the natives can do but they aren't airplanes at all. The natives don't have the foggiest idea of how to build a real airplane, and don't have the technology even if Rainman was there to show them what to do. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

While I don't believe many if any of these are actual "time travelers", one could always postulate that they are in fact "in our time" for periods of time.

For example, it is like an FTP session, where you "log" into a time period, and from the remote future you spend your time there.

So, your "mind" travels back in time to 2009, you spend 5 mins here, while these 5 mins elapse here, 5 mins elapses in your time.

Or maybe I just gave them a huge copout from now on.
Re: A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

But this doesn't mean there aren't real airplanes. The leaves and stick mock-ups are the best the natives can do but they aren't airplanes at all. The natives don't have the foggiest idea of how to build a real airplane, and don't have the technology even if Rainman was there to show them what to do.

Hmm. Not really the best analogy. All we ever ask the time travellers to do is provide even the simplest of tangible proof that they are who they say they are. Being able to answer a question in advance ( i.e alter the sequential nature of posts ) would go some way towards that.

But nobody ever takes the challenge...even though it OUGHT to be a piece of cake for any internet time traveller.

I point blank refuse to believe, or even discuss further, with any 'time traveller' who either fails or will not take such a simple test.
Re: A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

All we ever ask the time travellers to do is provide even the simplest of tangible proof that they are who they say they are.

Or, failing that, at least post a scenario that is vaguely plausible. Not even Titor's story, in its details, was even slightly plausible.
Re: A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

We are time-bound, 'tis true. But the legitimate time traveler doesn't require free and untrammeled motion in time (corresponding to our ability to move at will through space). The time traveler must be physically from somewhere else. Once he reaches our time circumstances MAY make him as time-bound as we are.

I'm referring to the latest batch of 'time travellers' who seem to all claim that they are 'internet time travellers'. As such..they ought to be free of any time constraints when posting in our time. They OUGHT to be able to retrospectively post posts....answer questions before they are asked.....etc, etc. And yet...eveything remains totally sequential....as if, the 'time travellers' are in our time.
Re: A Major Problem For \'Internet\' Time Travellers

I agree with the op, you that believe otherwise, I guess you won't learn until your dead, but anyone posting on the internet claiming to be a time-traveler is a fraud, joker, fake, hoaxer, 100% of the time.

It takes a kid with an imagination, and perhaps family, living, issues to even believe in such nonsense, wake up, grow up, if you want to fantasize about time travel you might as well become a theoretical quantum physicist, that's the closest thing there is to a time travel expert.

There are an infinity reasons why online posters are not time-travelers, and I could list a few hundred but life is too short.