A Historian from 2200


Temporal Novice
I meant to put this in my civil war thread, but It won't let me post.

Now heres where this all comes together.

I am from 2200. I have calculated a 12 percent difference between our worldlines. I am a historian here to search for the past of these 2 figures who play a part in the civil war. Each of our historians goes to different world lines because some figures in our war don't exist in others. In some the war never even happened. So now I am here to search for they're History. Both are major players in our war and it is possible that they won't have anything to do with yours, but I was assigned this mission.

My goal is to uncover a lost piece of history around the time of the wars end to about 2150. I will explain.

I was checking to see how accurate the data from other universes is. If it was different than the result of our civil war I would abruptly travel back to my world line for a new assignment.

Now in our world the revolution began after the election. A terrorist network, a number of paramilitary organisations, and a private gurilla force attacked. The election was so heated that the losing party joined them in the war, providing solders and an industrial base.

Many citizens moved to the country, and in a few years the political differences of people leaving the citys was such that the countrymen of all pollitical partys were against all city dwellers reguardless of party. Generally, however, the less secure democrats lived in the country while the republicans who trusted the government lived in the city.

By 2010 the war had engulfed cuba, canada, and mexico into it. By 2011 most of Europe was involved, usuly directly, but also supplying the us with goods. Russia sold whoever had money stuff, and china the same.

In 2012 a large number of NATO and UN solders were in the US. Russia was very near to an economic collapse and hoped to avert this by swithching to a war economy. Together Russia and China attacked the US along with most of southeast asia. They begain by Nuking the american Cities and Europian capital. The Ameriacans untested starwars system largly remained intact and successfully blocked around 10 percent of the incoming missles. However, the Europian capitals were all destroyed. They cried out for vengance. Under the cover, Russian and Chinese troops quickly left to cross the pacific and reinforce the rebels.

The Europians cried out for vengance and nuked 10 russian and 15 chinease cities. An invasion of over 12 million europian solders of all nationalities then pured into Russian. Russia, even though a large portion of her troops overseas, still had a large population base, and even thugh she was poor, her economy was beginning to recover because of the massive industry the war economy requared. Armed by china until her weapons factorys got up to full production, she sent massive armies against the europians and they successfully halted the advance, reguardless of they're lack of training. They forced them back to the german border, and the europians threatined to nuke the russians again, but the russians pressed on. The Europians used the weapons on the 2 largest units in the assasult, and that halted them. THe russians were content with this, and they simply nuked Hamburg as a warning and set up a defensive peremiter in 2014.

In america many of the remaining cities had been captured. The war soon ended after the successful capture of the temporary capital of Denver COlorado, chosen because it was thought the mountans and cold air would hamper the american troops. However, it didn't halt the russians who were use to such weather and its unample, scrapped together defences fell quickly.

In exchange for they're help The greedy chinese armys wanted tribute, and the russians wanted money to convert they're rebuilt economy back to normal. The rebels were short on funds. BY this time the Asians had taken alot of damage and after six months of gurilla warfare and a nuclear attack on Bejing and the remans of moscow with captured nuclear weapons the Russians and CHinease pulled out.

THat ended world war three. It wrecked the economys of all nation's involved. The British mainframe was the only one left and was used to hold all of the countrys data and crashed. We managed to get several IBM 5100's and use them to restore it temprarly until other country's could rebuild they're own.

The powerlines are down, so we have mainly reverted to pre computer technology such as type writers and Ice chests. There is a community fridge where you may pick up your daily ration of ice for your own ice chest.

The great lakes were somewhat emptied and the water was used to clean up radiation. now all that water fills up all of Chenney mountain and several other nuclear waste sites. A mulitnational agreement was reached by the superpowers and they forced all small nuclear states to dismantle they're weapons and they' did so themself.

ANd then the disaster came. Factories closed since the loss of 4 billion people was alot of lost market. Banks were destroyed and fort knox was ransacked by rebels along with every other currency backup storage facility on the planet. It was quickly all seperated on the black market, making it impossible to recover. Whole countrys economys collapsed, taking the rest of the world with them.

ANd then came the rise of new feudalism and city states. The new pesant class emerged even in states where it formally hadn't existed, such as the united states. But instead of farming, they worked in factorys and were solders. Others farmed, ruled, ect. They pulled together the remains of each countrys militarys and fought amoungst themselves.

But unlike in both of our middle ages, develipment didn't stop, so this phase only lasted around 100 years. It ended with the invent of long distence space travel that could manage to get to alpha centuri in 6 months by using waves of gravity

We are all trying to find out what went on in the civil war, so we may better understand it. In the big picture we are trying to find out more about the second dark ages. All the records before it were generally burnt and new ones were burnt when warlord's found them. THey wanted to mantain tehy're control by keeping people from knowing about them being free in the past. When space travel was invented we traveled to the stars and discoverd societies that were much like the pre 2000 ones but of course more advanced. This information provoked a revolution and a reform back home. Time travel was accomplished a decade later and we began using it to research the past.
hi stealthweasle

an interesting tale you tell ! it seems on the face of it to elaborate on the tale of John Titor but this aside a few questions for you if you don't mind ..

your method of time travel ?

music from your time .. what styles etc ?

names of other races that you've discovered ?

hope thats not too much to be asking !

Oh goodie, I finally caught one of these from the beginning. In addition to the questions Cerial put forth, I’d like you to address any of the following questions:

1. What is the speed of the fastest microprocessor (CPU, IC et al) of your time? What material is it primarily constructed from?

2. How much in current US dollars (or Euros) does it cost, per pound, to lift cargo into orbit?

3. When traveling in one of your FTL (faster than light) space vessels, if a passenger was to look out of a porthole/window while traveling at above light speeds... what would the view look like?

Best Regards,

Our meathid of time travel uses a coil of wire and superconductors to alter gravity down to a trench like a black hole. It can't go on indefinatly, so eventually it breakes into another worldline. It takes up whole rooms, so I can't carry one and I must be called back to return.

Music is just recovering from the feudalism where it was erased by warlords because it was considered reminicint of the time. We generally have percussion beats because banging 2 sticks together is alot easyer than making a fancy instrument.

Other races, THey're is a race of reptiles on Alpha Draconis, THe grays come from zeta riticulin, and in the 20 nearist stars to is are several species similer to this. This came about because they all combined they're dna to create us, there were mostly humans involved so we look like them.
Generally, microprossesor speeds are virtually unlimited. Due to print circut technology they are printed on 20 atom thick silicon and nylon wafers and stacked together. IF you had enough space you can make an enormously fast computer.

To lift stuff into orbit we use wormholes by using 1 tt machine in orbit and 1 on earth. BY aiming the gravity residue in the right place they will cross and create a wormhole instead of a jump to a new wl. Thus it is actulally down to about 10 dollers a pound for government agencies who have this machine, and around 100 dollers per pound for private lifters with spaceplanes.

Yes it is possible to travel faster than light. Einstine accidently emplied that you couldn't. But generally we use wormholes of our own cration and cross them with subatomic ones at our destination and thus automaticl enlarges the crossed ones. They are faster and more reliable than deep space vessles. Deep space vessles are about the sieze of the moon and are built in orbit. They use massive electric coils, super conductors, print circuts, and fusion reactors. They crate a wave of spacetime itself it actually rides, pullin space in front of it towards it, and pushing space behind it away.
You can only see from the front. ALl other views have a lack of light and thus are pithch black. TO save money there generally are no portholes.
In all these posts regarding attacks on the United States, I have yet to see any mention of the submarine fleet that is prowling the depths of the worlds oceans.

Even if the U.S. itself was destroyed, each submarine has enough fire-power to destroy an entire country from a distance. One submarine could take out most of the Middle-East, and that is only one sub out of many. What happened to those submarines, eh?

Also, to attack the U.S. without use of WMD, the fight would be interesting, since many American citizens are armed with guns better than those issued to the troops.

The swamps in the southern area of the U.S. are a nightmare for any invaders, since no army has ever successfully defeated any cajuns hidden within the depth of those areas.

Also the celestial events as predicted to peak in 2012 isnt mentioned from any of you time travellers. Since you are also a traveller in space, perhaps you have copies of celestial charts from your time period?

I personally am not interested in the story of what happened, but want the technical details of your vessel.

Any photos of it? Any schematics? A copy of your research book, with the notes you have collected so far?
Maps, star charts, Language Translation Texts, A guide book on what you may encounter and emergency procedures to be followed if something goes terribly wrong, instructions as to where to live, get money, a guide to our time period, the slang, dress styles....

Any products with labels on em to post a photo of in here, Ancient Classic Coke or something, a picture of a shoe from your era would do.

My goal is to uncover a lost piece of history around the time of the wars end to about 2150

Then apparently you got here way too early, since they havent even started yet. So you may have to wait for awhile so we can nuke the crap out of each other, fend off invading chinese, russians, mexicans , cubans, and all the others coming over to a country that is at that time existing within a radioactive cloud.

So if you are here to uncover a lost piece of history around the time of the wars END , then apparently the duration of WW3 is really short.
WOW worst attempt ever you copy things from chrono historian which is not a good place to copy from and john titor. just stop while your ahead.
thanks for those replies /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

few more if you don't mind ..

ur use of language seems very phonetic .. do you use keyboards much in ur wl ?

what divergences did you notice between this world and urs ?

Cerial first
In my Wl, computers had semi-unlimited power. We don't need keyeboards because our most basic voice recognition program's can get through accents, and require no programmin before hand to use, and the more advanced ones can pick up every conversation in a crowd of around 5000 people


Population: our world had around 6, not 4.5 billion people around at this time.
Discovery: we had already set up a basic colony on the moon and had flone to mars at this point as part of the presidents campaign strategy. However, he rushed nasas mission and problems they hadn't had time to fix became fatal and destroyed the mars lander and 4 astronauts.
Invention: We Had a probe with a prototype fission engine on the way to alpha Centuri. The engine was pretty much a nuclear reactor without a bottom to allow some energy to escape.

TO the one who pointed out my use of the keyeboard...
I have taken 2 years of training fo this assignment. I had to learn your english, german, spanish, and chinese as opposed to using the world known Basic. I had to learn to use a keyeboard, to drive, and mimmic the most important parts of your society. I couldn't repair one of your computers but back home I could just take out a pen full of a metal-ink mix and repair any print circut I needed to.

TO the one who pointed out I had a while till the end of the war, it ends in 2015, but I am here to discover the prewar history of the 2 figures I named on my other post.
The subs were generally captured by agents who were already in place at wars beginning. The ones that weren't didn't fire because the president didn't want to use the missles on american soil. By the world wars beginning they had all been destroyed.
I could get you some basic text samples, hand drawn of course, with some translations.

I could show you some pages in my emergency precedure manual that you couldnt read, but could recognise teh pictures

I could draw up scematics for the worldships.

2012, maybe i;ll tells you what happens later.

I could go in depth on any of the technology
we use to a point where any physicist of your time would have trouble disproving us.

Note: the 3rd law of gravity is wrong. With the invention of the internal thrust magnetic engine (ITME) it will be disproven around 2030
I’ll just ignore the errors made thus far, just to keep the fun going...

Note: the 3rd law of gravity is wrong. With the invention of the internal thrust magnetic engine (ITME) it will be disproven around 2030

Do you mean Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion? Do tell! Well since gravity is so easily manipulated in your time, perhaps you would like to entertain us with a working quantum theory of gravity (including the appropriate formulae).

Wait, let me guess- you’re an historian not a physicists, right? Or better yet, “procedures” forbid you from revealing that information to us. In any event I’d really love you hear your response.



BTW- When you’re done playing around, I can tell you exactly the mistakes you made that instantly triggered the hoax alarm.
I could show you some pages in my emergency precedure manual that you couldnt read, but could recognise teh pictures

a manual eh ?

well then .. get it scanned my friend ! don't matter that we can't understand it, if anything it should add to ur tale if you have a manual page in a "future" language .. and will give ppl something to start to proof you by !

On Creedo's allegiance, in a civil war is to come, what may or may not be counted on.

I love the United States.

I love almost everything about it.

However what I won't love and will not be a part of, is a new revolutionary war.

I'm sorry, I come from a civil war background and if this crap is going to start happening, look for me to make tracks to elsewhere.

I was advised that there are at least two big underground alien bases, in every state in the USA.

These bases, among others all over the world.

So if there is a civil war to come, then this might have been orchestrated from other sources?

I've read the battles like Manassas, when people were often subjected to almost immediate amputations, due to the lack of adequate battlefield medical staffing.

I feel there is no reason to have another civil war in the U.S. that would turn bother against brother and authority figures against the people at large.

This type of war, would be bloody and senseless.

I want no parts of this and do not count on me for anything, in civil war of this measure.

I am and have been interested in space travel, meeting offworld beings, as well as a number of other issues dealing with space exploration.

The time is now for space exploration as well as colonization and this is the direction I feel that we should move towards now.

I want no parts of this projected civil war and may flee at any time to get away from it?

If this Titor thing is all a ruse, then the people behind it, I hope they burn in Hell for what they are doing?

If this projected civil war is being pushed by aliens, then you don't deserve your rank as offworld space fairing aliens and I hope the telling of this manipulation gets out to offworld sources and no other aliens want to trade with your types.
SO ye wanna know about gravity. ON some other world line I'll go stifflip, but not here.

The third law of motion is disproven easily. If you take a u shaped pipe (90 degree bend at two point's, not one continuous twist), mirror cote the insides, and coat it with a special mixture of gold and uranium it reflects magnetic energy. Now put 1 fixed electro-magnets at each outer end,and put 2 free moving electro-magnets at the back that can repel each other, Then you can change the power of each electromagnet and make them repel each other. Thus the machine can produce movement without reacting with an exterior object. The internal thrust magnetic Engine is within every craft for manovering, and is the sole engine of most atmosphiric craft and low orbit craft, although spaceplanes are still needed to lift loads because eventulally the electromagnets can't support a massive craft or its cargo.

Now, warping gravity. Supercunducters at low temperatures and spinnning at high speeds, but to warp gravity with a machine like that can only levetate platforms by lowering the barometric pressure above the craft, allowing it to float on the denser air below it. IT is only good for platforms above the ground.

For serious manipulation you need a building, 2 50 foot diameter super conducter blades, A ton of Liquid Nitrogen, 10 miles of high densety, high load taking gold wire for better conductive flow, and lots of pipes and your computers.

Keep the super conductors cool, spin them at around 20-50,000 mph depending on where you want to go (hope you got good computers, if you miss knowone can bring you back if they can't find you)

They will crate a wormhole to either another place by aiming the gravity residure at 10,000 mph, or different time at higher speeds (they lock onto any mass shadow where your visiting, since everything has mass, I can land anywhere by tracking, air, a photon, even zero point energy pulses with a fast enough computer.

Just step between the disks. WIthought gravity you'll feel like your in orbit, so we usuly have a rail up to the wormhole.
Creedo, I have to say, foolish. Yes they're are alien's on earth. Not as many as you say, but the gas they breath blows up if it contacts uranium. They all get out of here when the civil war starts and the nukes start spreadin radiation all over the earth.

The battlefield,
Many are left where they fall, except for pillaging. Rebel reserve divisions could be stuck with bows and arrows, so dead of both sides were raided of everything, ammo, guns, grenades, uniforms, bullet proof vests, ect

We actually attempted to rescue ours if they could be saved. The mortally wounded would be left because they had no hope.

War is senseless, but if your Pro government and under 60, watch out. Everyone under 60 is drafted.
The rebels don't draft. You are with them or not. You are expected to do 9 months combat followed by 3 months duty helping on the home front, m or f. Disableds that don't have a mental disability and can still walk and have at least one eye are in service. Everyone else is in factorys.
YOur all right. I am a hoax and this is for my psychology test.

I am a student with OSU with a current majors in physics, working on psycology, a very active imagination, and a talent for lying (I would have thought something new up, but I wanted to test you guys fairly), and read alot. All the stuff I came up with was from a book, or some titor-chrono post. Battlefield earth, star wars, star trek, space odyssy. Yeah i used them all. I am duing this little study for extra credit. And the results are in...

Believed 2% shame on you

Didn't believe 98% good job