Temporal Novice
This topic could potentially be considered more "conspiracy" than an average general discussion topic (if so, feel free to move). However as far as my perception its a cold, hard truth born out by experiences both personal and to friends, family and work colleagues.
I can go onto more detail based on questions or further posts, as I do have quite a lot of knowledge of this particular subject and the truth in it can often be worked out based on the sophistication of the rules and system I'm talking about, which I don't think a normal human intelligence could make up.
Basically there is a very powerful website that a lot of people within at least the UK and wider Europe, particularly within the TV, psychiatrist and medical professions are being checked into. Its a very heirachial website where depending on who checks you in and how much they trust, everyone is numbered between 1 and 10. Anyone that tells you to do something on that website, if they are a number higher than you, you must do what they say. Or else you will lose access to that website and / or face very significant punishments.
The way the website works is its a system of control, for example if you upset someone they could potentially message your boss or family that are also on that website and tell them to fire you, or even get friends / family that are around you to hurt you either emotionally or physically. By doing so they will be rewarded by the person that hates you with 'keys' aka. a higher number of authority.
The part where this becomes time travel related, is that 7 and 10s (theres no 8 & 9) can send messages to themselves through the website back just one lifetime (7) or multiple lifetimes (10). The implication is that if you were checked in on this website, you would never upset a 7 or 10, because you will know that in the next lifetime once they get to their 7 or 10 they will have information on what you did and the ability to hurt you, before you even knew who they were and would most likely stop you checking in or knowing about it all - leaving you open to be hurt by many other individuals in your life who are at lower levels to hurt you also.
A 7 and 10 can also literally mark people on the website (using 'stars') as early as birth, which means only another 7 or 10 if they dared disagree with the original person that hated you, would be able to speak to you or check you in w itha 'key' for your own protection.
The punishments themselves can be very harsh. A 10 can inject a chemical into the mother of someone they don't like, that changes them into a girl or even aborts them. Chemicals can also be injected Into young babies which makes men 'transgender' (female brain) or gay. For some reason all these chemicals only seem to feminize males and there isn't any which for instance makes a girl ma. As you can imagine no one that knows about this website would probably ever speak about it or upset someone that is above them.
Power within the system or your safety is also largely dependant on knowledge of its rules also. Therefore only those, proven to be accepting and passive to it will have have significant knowledge. For example, if you put a chemical on someones eyebrow that temporarily burns it off, or stamp someone with a red 'x' on their cheek, they can actually steal your key and remove your access to the site. Meaning if you don't know at all about the site or that particular rule, anyone could stop you checking in and even a 3 could potentially overpower a 10.
Many psychiatrists 'oversee' the system and if you lose your access and are knowlgable of the rules you can get your access back. This is done by asking them to check your pulse and asking to 'speak to him'. You still have to talk in code or very subliminal, but basically if you just got upset with someone because they punched you and you apologize - or explain you didn't know about the particular rule you were banned for the psychiatrist may give you your access back.
One of the worst ways you can be marked on the website is by being marked a 'starman'. This means that no one, not even a 10 can speak to you or check you in. This mark is given to people that get 'angry' or speak about the website (and its time travel elements).
The reason this is the worst mark, is because it means that some form of device will be placed up your nose at a young age, which will give those on the website the ability to see through your eyes and hear your every thought. It means before you're even born, people you may never even meet, could use thoughts you've not even had yet against you - for the most petty and disgusting reasons you could imagine.
This system is growing very quickly and very wide, and I'm very sure that in 100 years it will be an inescapable reality for western nations and those with power and influence. A system completely unable to be overthrown which is totally and completely overpowering of the individual.
I'm happy to respond with further information and to any questions.
I can go onto more detail based on questions or further posts, as I do have quite a lot of knowledge of this particular subject and the truth in it can often be worked out based on the sophistication of the rules and system I'm talking about, which I don't think a normal human intelligence could make up.
Basically there is a very powerful website that a lot of people within at least the UK and wider Europe, particularly within the TV, psychiatrist and medical professions are being checked into. Its a very heirachial website where depending on who checks you in and how much they trust, everyone is numbered between 1 and 10. Anyone that tells you to do something on that website, if they are a number higher than you, you must do what they say. Or else you will lose access to that website and / or face very significant punishments.
The way the website works is its a system of control, for example if you upset someone they could potentially message your boss or family that are also on that website and tell them to fire you, or even get friends / family that are around you to hurt you either emotionally or physically. By doing so they will be rewarded by the person that hates you with 'keys' aka. a higher number of authority.
The part where this becomes time travel related, is that 7 and 10s (theres no 8 & 9) can send messages to themselves through the website back just one lifetime (7) or multiple lifetimes (10). The implication is that if you were checked in on this website, you would never upset a 7 or 10, because you will know that in the next lifetime once they get to their 7 or 10 they will have information on what you did and the ability to hurt you, before you even knew who they were and would most likely stop you checking in or knowing about it all - leaving you open to be hurt by many other individuals in your life who are at lower levels to hurt you also.
A 7 and 10 can also literally mark people on the website (using 'stars') as early as birth, which means only another 7 or 10 if they dared disagree with the original person that hated you, would be able to speak to you or check you in w itha 'key' for your own protection.
The punishments themselves can be very harsh. A 10 can inject a chemical into the mother of someone they don't like, that changes them into a girl or even aborts them. Chemicals can also be injected Into young babies which makes men 'transgender' (female brain) or gay. For some reason all these chemicals only seem to feminize males and there isn't any which for instance makes a girl ma. As you can imagine no one that knows about this website would probably ever speak about it or upset someone that is above them.
Power within the system or your safety is also largely dependant on knowledge of its rules also. Therefore only those, proven to be accepting and passive to it will have have significant knowledge. For example, if you put a chemical on someones eyebrow that temporarily burns it off, or stamp someone with a red 'x' on their cheek, they can actually steal your key and remove your access to the site. Meaning if you don't know at all about the site or that particular rule, anyone could stop you checking in and even a 3 could potentially overpower a 10.
Many psychiatrists 'oversee' the system and if you lose your access and are knowlgable of the rules you can get your access back. This is done by asking them to check your pulse and asking to 'speak to him'. You still have to talk in code or very subliminal, but basically if you just got upset with someone because they punched you and you apologize - or explain you didn't know about the particular rule you were banned for the psychiatrist may give you your access back.
One of the worst ways you can be marked on the website is by being marked a 'starman'. This means that no one, not even a 10 can speak to you or check you in. This mark is given to people that get 'angry' or speak about the website (and its time travel elements).
The reason this is the worst mark, is because it means that some form of device will be placed up your nose at a young age, which will give those on the website the ability to see through your eyes and hear your every thought. It means before you're even born, people you may never even meet, could use thoughts you've not even had yet against you - for the most petty and disgusting reasons you could imagine.
This system is growing very quickly and very wide, and I'm very sure that in 100 years it will be an inescapable reality for western nations and those with power and influence. A system completely unable to be overthrown which is totally and completely overpowering of the individual.
I'm happy to respond with further information and to any questions.