A couple ideas


Temporal Novice
Wow... I just made a really long post and deleted it. Writing it I realized something. Forward timetravel is possible (I hope anyone reading this already understands how it works). So, the same concept applied to backwards time travel would be impossible. The whole universe would have to slow down to a hault, then go in reverse. I doubt this would ever happen. The universe would collapse instead I believe. So the only logical answer is that backwards timetravel (using the same methods as forward timetravel(my concept of backwards time travel is to exceed the speed of light) would only affect the "traveler", reversing his stages of life until the point of non existence, or just kill him instatntly. Hey, why would you want to go backwards in time when you could stay in eternity forever (speed of light). So, when if comes to visiting the past, the only way I can think of is to pull the past and bring it to the future (use your imagination).
You fool

Backwards time travel is possible, but not how you think

Einstein said all time is relative. That is based upon the speed of light. Think about this for a second. We look at the stars, but we see them as they were thousands of years ago, since the light takes thousands of years to reach us. Read my post to see how you would see the past of earth, as it was thousands of years ago.

There is no "backward time 'travel'" Time is not linear. Time is not a road on which you are driving. Time is a dirt path, with stepping stones, with which you can go either direction. Each stepping stone is a moment in time. Jumping stones meanes farther leaps into the "past". This is true-all molecules are spinning(fluxing-slightly changing). The You that is reading this Now, is not the same You that is reading this Now. The Me that is typing this Now, is not the Me typing the Now that I just typed. That is not the same computer Now that it is Now that You are reading Now. Each stepping stone is a Now. Do You understand Me Now?
There is no "Time Travel",forwards or back. It is, shall we say, "Now jumping" and you just have to choose which direction you want to go on the path(and to figure out how to do that).
"Backwards time travel is possible, but not how you think,"the one

What you keep refering to as time travel is not. It is just instantaneous space travel. Time and space are differant. What you are calling backwards time travel is no more time travel than putting in an old home movie. It would be invaluable to history if someone could pull it off, but it still would not be time travel in a literal sense.

"You fool," the one