Historical note on nine thread:
Please note as a product of understanding in thread
The poster Singularity poses the question the empirical value of nines, to board member Rianmantime.
Rainman, post a belief in Qubalic litititure and thoughts, to where a numerical system, so defines mankind.
This again is a Yidishism, which is an extrapolation of the allegory, of Plato's Cave.
One does not have to digest the entire work, to understand that the cave, means sanctum of thought, which parallels the mythical cave of Merlin in some of its scope.
Ergo, so there is a cave, we enter, new thought and mysticism is derived and anew response is brought out of the cave in philosophy.
Man in midevilistic witchcraft definitions equal the five pointed star.
So when RMT uses sectors of three, the two added to that number means divination over and to man.
The Devil's number, is nine.
I suspect that Singularity is a proponent of this thought?
I feel due to RMT's past behavior, that he is a proponent of control over man.
The squew is, were Lucifer has combined, under the guidance and allowance of the Angelic kingdoms, to propose that mankind in his last stages, must be a modified animal.
*Please note, that in the last of the Star Wars series, part of the story-line is that some of the principles in this very dated story, go to Hell, in order to gather an individual that comes to the normal world.
In reality, the clan of the syth, has what is known as a caustic hormone.
This was shown in the next to the last Star Wars, where Qui-gon-gin and Obe-one, fought in tandem against a Syth.
Note that when Mambas mate in Africa, the hormone that they secrete is so caustic to their internal nervous system, that this snake become very. very hostile, to all that crosses his path.
In parallel world developments, where there are parallels in evolution noted, among animals, as verses beings, from one system to another, sometimes, the beings, or people-like being, carry-on evolutionary traits, of some of these distant animals.
I've noted this many times in my studies, its just the way it is with offworld evolution.
On these two particulars, hmmmmmmmm?
On Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader also known as Lord Vader.
This guy, did love his son?
That's all I've got to say, tear this thread up if you want.