Of course there seems to be pieces to the puzzle missing,
but does anyone for a moment stop to think that maybe it's
because the inner workings are just slightly a national security issue - huge.
I can daydream alot of other wild imaginings that make more
paranoid plausible sense, then the usual theories being spouted.
IE. Osama worked with Western powers during the Soviet incursion into Afghan,
doing what he does best, whipping up fanatics to support a cause,
then it was to get the Soviets out. Now, maybe he turned to a Russian cause.
Look at the recent Georgian tensions. Ever stop to think maybe some of the
unknowns is in our best interest to perhaps avoid global conflict, etc?
I'm not saying any of that is even feasible, I'm just showing how
without sensitive details, anything is really possible - I think it's the
lack of faith when speculating that disturbs people.
'Again though, who knows?
Wouldn't 9/11 be interpreted as guerilla warfare? If so, just like when
dealing with FARC, etc, I'm sure every detail of operation, etc cannot be
put onto a CNN ticker lol.
Not that anything to do with these events is funny in the least.