2010 – The Year That Was (Or The Year That Will Be)


Chrono Cadet
Well, for all intents and purposes, we can stick a fork in 2010. We are one-tenth done with the 21st century. In just 90 short years, we’ll be facing the 22nd century and ostensibly boldly going where no man has gone before. I, personally, plan to be dead… since I’ll be 126 years old.

But, what if, in the intervening years between now and my demise, time travel was to be discovered? I would immediately log onto my TTI account and find myself squarely on the opposite side… trying to convince others that I was legitimate.

So, what would be my 2010 predictions to convince every one of my amazing time travel tales? Let’s take a look:

[*]The Haiti Earthquake [*]The Chilean Earthquake [*]President of Poland killed in an airplane crash [*]Greek Financial Crisis [*]Spain Wins World Cup [*]Wikileaks Fiasco [*]N. Korea shells S. Korea [*]Deaths – J.D. Salinger, Peter Graves, Corey Haim, Gary Coleman, Dennis Hopper, Tony Curtis, Leslie Nielsen (Graves did in fact, have the fish… however Nielsen had the chicken.)

How did others do? Well, I checked the archives (these are predictions for the year 2010), and endeavored to edit out the globs of reheated Titor:

[*]Teleportation becomes a commercial reality in 2010 (Hugo Steyn – 24 Jan 1999) [*]“Much disruption in the Earth’s magnetic field between 2010-2015” (Time02112 – 30 Nov 2001) [*]Interaction with alien groups will be common (Steward Swerdlow, via Zxavier – approx. 28 Oct 2001) [*]A bunch of jibber jabber about aliens killing everyone, I didn’t understand it, really. (Creedo299 – 11 Aug 2003) [*]Human cloning legalized in 2006, illegalized in 2010 (USATTA421 – 31 Jan 2004) [*]War engulfs US, Cuba, Canada, and Mexico (stealthweasle – 30 Aug 2004) [*]BNP elected into power in UK, Quebec recognized as sovereign state by France, Spain invades Morocco, Flanders breaks away from Belgium, Denmark invades the north pole (yes, seriously!), Russia declares war on the US, Greece declares war on Albania, Sweden takes in Muslim refugees. (youdontknowme – 3 April 2005) [*]Gas at $10/gal (roorichard, who claims to be Chronohistorian – 19 May 2006) [*]President Obama removes almost all troops from Iraq (Myster E – 18 Jan 2007… a surprising hit, considering he was just being a wiseass.) [*]Powerball reaches one billion dollars, winning number to be posted on TTI (Titorian – 26 Jan 2007) [*]The Hives “officially retire” (Jimmy_Earth - 27 Jan 2007) [*]Corporate sponsorship of schools and other public buildings leads to something dire (DarwinMurphy – 8 July 07) [*]Major metropolitan areas destroyed by meteors (Paladius – 6 Jan 2008) [*]Britney Spears and/or Criss Angel get married (to each other or not) and/or die on 10 Oct 2010 (Razimus – 17 March 2008) [*]US no longer exists (PeterPanParadox – 16 Sept 2008) [*]The people of 2010 will see that Zeshua was the real deal (Peter Novak – 6 Jan 2009)

Well, pretty much none of that happened, and that was an exhaustive search of the TTI archives from inception through around March or so of 2009, when the year 2010 was coming up far too often to sift through predictions and just mentions of the year.

And, what about my "predictions"?

[*]A search for “Haiti” found no mention of earthquakes prior to 2010, and then it was all anyone could talk about, of couse. [*]There was a mention of a Chilean quake, but not the one in 2010. [*]Nobody cared about the president of Poland until he was dead. [*]Zero concern out there for the Greek economy [*]Nobody predicted Spain would win the World Cup (see, even in the future, nobody cares about soccer.) [*]There was discussion of Wikileaks, however, it was in reference to a California judge attempting to shut it down back in 2008. [*]Yes, everybody and their sister predicted war between the Koreas. I’m sure they’re all slapping high-fives with each other down at the Titor Bar and Grill somewhere. [*]Nobody predicted any of the major deaths I mentioned. JMPet did compare RMT to Gary Coleman, though. What’chu talking about, Titor?

So concludes 2010. It was the year that was/is/will be. To kick off 2011 in the right way, I'll be posting a "2011 Preview" of the TTI prognostications for that year (our first double digit year! Surely that means something!) And, no, I have not forgotten my Zeshua review... but, that is a huge pile to shovel. See you guys in '11!