2006 - Titor's Time Is Up!


Super Moderator
2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!

The New Year comes in like a lamb, and the "future" predicted by John Titor goes out with a whimper. Yep... that's seems just about right, if you ask me!

Happy New Year everyone,

PS - Note that I waited until Pacific Standard Time New Years. Just in case some of us violent knuckleheads on the west coast decided to start a civil war a bit late. :D We shall repeat this drill for the upcoming (official) Winter Olympics.
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up! Happy New Year....


Happy New Year! and Best Wishes for 2006 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I see you're happy Titor's streak has come to an end... Enjoy my friend... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif You've Earned It! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm sure we can all look forward to a 'great 2006'

More Spying On Americans by the NSA and DIA! In violation of the Law!
More Americans declared as enemy combatants and shipped off to CIA secret prisons or maybe American concentration camps /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
More Offshore Resourcing to China, India and South America!
Further Devaluation of the Dollar!
Even Bigger National Debt Topping 7 Trillion and a growing Trade Deficit With Every Nation!
More Treasuries Being Bought by China and Saudi Arabia equaling 2 Billion or More Dollars a day!
More Americans falling into Poverty than ever before!
More Illegal Mexicans topping 11 million taking more and more Jobs!
More American Beef unchecked into the Food Supply!
Further expansion of the Iraq War into Syria and Iran! Special Forces are already in Syria! Whoopee!
Another Great Year for the Stock Market! Down again like 2005!
Further Decline in the Housing Market!
Another American City Lost! Maybe Huntington Beach or Darby’s Hometown! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
More and More Republicans indicted for corruption! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <That is good actually>

We can all rest easy that Titor was wrong /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Happy News Years! Best Wishes for 2006 To Everyone on the Board!
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!

You do realise this isn't going to stop people believing in what he said.

It's now obvious that he wasn't a time traveler, but he certainly made an impact.
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!

You do realise this isn't going to stop people believing in what he said.
Of course. But with every tick of the clock, and every unfolding of events that do NOT come to pass as Titor predicted, it all really comes down to putting on the brain our Creator gave us, turning it on, and actually using it for oneself. IMO, it is weak-minded people who continue to believe in Titor and allow his predictions to determine their future...instead of them determining that future.

As for CigMan: Happy New Year to you. Think your Demmy friends can actually swing a winning election year? Did they "get it" in the last two elections they lost? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif We'll all gather around the computer screen next year, with a hot toddy (or beverage of choice) and resurrect your predictions in this thread to see how well you've done! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Who knows... you might do better than Titor!

You still have time to delete your predictions, in case you don't REALLY believe them!
But for my own devious purposes (as an alleged spook), I'll keep a copy here:

I'm sure we can all look forward to a 'great 2006'

More Spying On Americans by the NSA and DIA! In violation of the Law!
More Americans declared as enemy combatants and shipped off to CIA secret prisons or maybe American concentration camps
More Offshore Resourcing to China, India and South America!
Further Devaluation of the Dollar!
Even Bigger National Debt Topping 7 Trillion and a growing Trade Deficit With Every Nation!
More Treasuries Being Bought by China and Saudi Arabia equaling 2 Billion or More Dollars a day!
More Americans falling into Poverty than ever before!
More Illegal Mexicans topping 11 million taking more and more Jobs!
More American Beef unchecked into the Food Supply!
Further expansion of the Iraq War into Syria and Iran! Special Forces are already in Syria! Whoopee!
Another Great Year for the Stock Market! Down again like 2005!
Further Decline in the Housing Market!
Another American City Lost! Maybe Huntington Beach or Darby’s Hometown!
More and More Republicans indicted for corruption! <That is good actually>
I thought we all agreed that politicians, in general, are as corrupt as they can get away with. Plenty of corruption to go around on both sides of the aisle.

See y'all back here for the opening of the Olympics.
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!

Re, Rainman Time: What is the relationship between said John Titor's worldline and ours, if there is strong evidence, that a two percent timeline divergence exist?

You can go on, without addressing this question.
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!

Note also, poster Pamela Moore, would have also had a dualistic brain, as it seems by all evidence, that she was in some way, over the line and involed with Titor, in some way?
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!


Think your Demmy friends can actually swing a winning election year?

I think the tide is turning /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif But with republican black box voting machines it is probably doubtful
As for my Demmy <democrat> friends... I'm not active in any party... More of a Dean or Moveon.org grass roots supporter... The DLC is about as Republican as the GOP is... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

We'll all gather around the computer screen next year, with a hot toddy (or beverage of choice) and resurrect your predictions in this thread to see how well you've done!

I'm sure I'll do very well...:) I look forward to it!

Who knows... you might do better than Titor!

I will... I might be a remote viewer /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Or someone who can just READ /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You still have time to delete your predictions, in case you don't REALLY believe them!

No you can monitor them... You do such a 'great job' here! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have already been proven right about the NSA and DIA!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

US spies said to share eavesdropping data

"Information from intercepts which typically includes records of telephone or e-mail communications would be made available by request to agencies "that are allowed to have it, including the FBI, DIA, CIA and Department of Homeland Security," one former official was quoted as saying."

"The NSA did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment. The Post said spokesmen for the FBI, CIA and the director of national intelligence, John Negroponte, also declined to comment on the use of NSA data."
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up!

Re, Rainman Time: What is the relationship between said John Titor's worldline and ours, if there is strong evidence, that a two percent timeline divergence exist?
We've been through the science of this issue more than once, Creedo. You cannot make a percentage measurement a useful analytical tool unless you know WHAT the percentage measurement is a measurement of. Titor did not define this specifically, and only gave a non-answer about it being relative to an empirical measurement. He alluded that it was a form of gravity measurement. From that one would have to infer it was a total universal gravity measurement. After that you would have to define the closed integral over which it was a percentage measure. Certainly you would have to integrate over the closed volume of the universe... but we are not sure it is closed! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Until we know how Titor's fabled divergence measurement specifically relates to the reality of events being interactions of matter in motion, we cannot quantify whether we are "within" his 2% divergence or outside of it. How convenient (for the Titor hoaxer).

But you don't have to believe me. Just look into the science of percentages as relative measures. You need to know what they are relative to (what 100% means).

Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up! Happy New Year....

Hi CigMan,

More and More Republicans indicted for corruption! <That is good actually>
Given the news about lobbyist Jack Abramoff, I would agree with this assessement, but I would make it less partisan (since we all know corruption does not ONLY exist on one side of the political aisle). The reason more and more POLITICIANS being indicted for corruption is a GOOD THING is because it shows and prompts two major truths of the US government that serve to contradict the civil war scenario that Titor predicted:

1) Our government is tranparant (a relative term). Certainly much more transparant than a dictatorial or fascist regieme that controls the media and can keep a lid on their corrupt actions.
2) Because of #2, it permits the people of the US to be in a continual house-cleaning mode (literally in the case of the House of Reps). The reason we won't have a civil war is because our government is set up to readily allow us to change course, by changing our leaders.

I'd just caution you about injecting the partisan flavor in this for a simple fact: Lobbyists are much smarter than the government officials they lobby. Lobbyists are not "pro-DEM" or "pro-REP". They will attempt to equally line the pockets of corrupt politicians on both sides of the political aisle. I know you know this, but it is important to point it out to those people who do NOT live in the US, and thus form their opinions based on incomplete propaganda.

Now I have another post to make to my Information Subsumes Physical Energy thread as a result of our current WV mining tragedy...
Re: 2006 - Titor\'s Time Is Up! Happy New Year....

Not ALL lobbiest's ;-)

Canada is about to change to conservatives (just a hunch) because we also have systems to change leaders. It's unfortunate it's not the entire liberal party that sparked our recent changes but the conservatives are going to win and they are going to make corrupt leaders even more accountable for their disdillegent dealings.