1st Secretary of Defense dies suspiciously


Chrono Cadet
Hello All,

Our First Secretary of Defense, James V. Forrestal, under the Truman administration, died of suspect circumstances that may be related to disclosure of the UFO/Alien phenoma. One person testifying at the Disclosure Project said that Forrestal was among those "erased" and was at the highest level in the government to be so done.

I came accross this website entitled :"Military/Apparent Serious Illness/Incapacitation of Heads of State/ Secretaries of State/Defense in Nuclear-Armed Governments - Resignations"

Which gave brief bios of such individuals, including statements by Nixon, saying how he got dizzy and was saying gibberish,hahahah.

You can reach this site at :http://sopris.net/mpc/military/incapacitation.html

Here is what it said on James V. Forrestal:

<font color="blue"> "In the early morning hours of May 22, 1949, the recently ousted first American Secretary of Defense, James Vincent Forrestal, committed suicide at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.... When he took over the top Pentagon position in September 1947 he was already, in the words of a close friend, 'a burner-out-case.' Over the next year, his mental and physical condition deteriorated rapidly. The frustrations of his daunting job ground him down, as did a relentless campaign against him by columnist Drew Pearson. His personal life, moreover, had become emptier than ever. Once, near the end of his life, an aide found him in his office at 9:30 in the evening and suggested that he go home. He replied bleakly, 'Go home? Home to what?' The pressures of his life had caused his behavior to become erratic by 1949 and he resigned his Defense Department post on March 1, 1949. He was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital (where he was placed in a 16th floor suite which had originally been built for President Franklin Roosevelt) shortly thereafter for psychiatric care. On May 22, after several prior attempts at suicide, and after copying a passage from Sophocles' 'Chorus From Ajax,' he jumped from the 16th floor hall window


So I looked up Sophocles' Ajax, and well I didn't read the whole thing, but copied here the summary and some of the actual verse. It is very interesting.

<font color="purple">In the tragic fate of Ajax, the bravest of all the Greeks, save only Achilles, the poet teaches that men, though excelling in strength and riches, should never boast or utter impious words against the gods.
All human things
A day lays low, a day lifts up again;
But still the gods love those of ordered soul,
And hate the evil.
In bitter wrath that the Atridæ have decided the contest for the arms of Achilles in favor of Odysseus, Ajax determines to slay all the Argive leaders. One night, when about to enter the tent of Agamemnon for this purpose, Athena afflicts him with madness, and he falls upon the flocks, slaying bulls and rams in the belief that he is taking vengeance on his enemies. [/COLOR]

It doesn't take too much of a leap of imagination to see how this passage and summary might be speaking to words that should not be uttered, whether or not Forrestal scrawled this passage before flinging himself out the window or not.

Interesting, huh?
I don't get it, he could easilly be referring to the passage as a statement to show that his work drove him insane. At the same time it could show that he was purposelsy insanitized (if it's even a word)... I see it as someone who wanted power and put some higher ups in an estranged position while doing so (though excelling in strength and riches, should never boast or utter impious words against the gods. All human things) those higher ups then made his life impossible through work, giving him the runaround, it's a stressful job to begin with, it's easier to get it even more stressful... and he commited suicide, saying who may or may not made his life harder wouldn't do much, so he cryptically wrote it before he died.

You can drive someone to the point of insanity, just look at postal workers.
Dear TheSadOne,


The witness testimony in the "Disclosure Project" reports that he was "terminated" because he was going to make known information pertaining to what was known about UFOs at the time.

I read the quote left behind:
<font color="blue"> "So I looked up Sophocles' Ajax, and well I didn't read the whole thing, but copied here the summary and some of the actual verse. It is very interesting."

In the tragic fate of Ajax, the bravest of all the Greeks, save only Achilles, the poet teaches that men, though excelling in strength and riches, should never boast or utter impious words against the gods.
All human things
A day lays low, a day lifts up again;
But still the gods love those of ordered soul,
And hate the evil.
In bitter wrath that the Atridæ have decided the contest for the arms of Achilles in favor of Odysseus, Ajax determines to slay all the Argive leaders. One night, when about to enter the tent of Agamemnon for this purpose, Athena afflicts him with madness, and he falls upon the flocks, slaying bulls and rams in the belief [/COLOR] that he is taking vengeance on his enemies.

I believe the passage was left behind by the murderers, not the Secretary of Defense, as a warning to others who might want to come forward with information,

The line: <font color="red"> "should never boast or utter impious words against the gods"

[/COLOR] to mean that one should never speak of these matters.

and the line: <font color="red">"One night, when about to enter the tent of Agamemnon for this purpose, Athena afflicts him with madness, and he falls upon the flocks, slaying bulls and rams in the belief that he is taking vengeance on his enemies."
a threat that whosoever might want to tell about the UFOs, can easily be tagged as insane, and can be staged to kill oneself under that guise.

That is my take on it, but I welcome other interpretations. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong

But what about the attempted suicide?

Origonally, when the first UFO hit (Roswell), the gov't said that nothing unusual happened, hours later they said that a UFO did hit. (or maybe it was the other way around)... in either case, the gov't later said (years later) said that there was no UFO, it was just to take people's mind off of troubled times.

Area 51 does is a top secret air force testing faccility, which is how people see 'UFO' like planes, because that's what they are, Unidentified Flying Objects. The gov't would like to keep it that way so they put them under the guiose as real 'UFO's or "weather baloons." We'll have to wait untill the next major war to see them. Most of the technology from early WWII was hidden from the world untill the war broke out.

The main reason the people at the base couldn't talk about what happened is because they are on a top secret base with top secret testing facilities, they don't give that information out. Area 51 wasn't even on the map before the 'UFO' hit.

I know about this 'blue book' thing that the Prezident has which supposedly talks about this, and I find it iffy, I'd like to see a book like that, then i'll believe it.

I could go on for hours, but that's my stance on a brief note.
Dear TheSadOne,

You asked: "But what about the attempted suicide?"

He didn't commit suicide, he was murdered.

<font color="blue">I was a skeptic who was interested in all of the UFO/Alien lore. I remained undecided until I saw an expose that showed witnesses testifying at a National Press Club talk. The National Press Club in Washington DC, is the "largest and most prestigious press club in the world" [/COLOR]

Here is the National Press Club web site: www.npc.press.org

I wasn't convinced then, but I was intrigued, because the National Press Club talks/forums whatever are pretty damned legitimate. I used to hear them on public radio at noon time where I live.

So I ordered the 2 hour video that has testimony of military people, intelligence people, astronauts, top people in American Aviation Ass., pilots (military and civilian) credible scientists, and on and on. This convinced me that they are real. But I am still undecided about abductions.

Here is their website: www.disclosureproject.org

I wish I could lend you my copy of the video tape of witness testimony (I only have the short version, a 4 hour version is available). The thing about it is, they don't show a bunch of fuzzy photographs as evidence. The evidence is found in the multitude of credible people who have all given their stories and have asked for a congressional hearing, where they will testify under oath. You got to see this if you have any doubts or questions. I am not a flake. This is the real deal.

I strongy urge it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Do you believe OJ is innocent because he testified under oath?
And these people weren't up for murder.

Look, I'm not saying this did, or did not happen (I mean meeting aliens) but there has been enough ficticious stories and vicious lies spread around to taint what could be the truth, which leaves me at a dillemma... Much of what I know of UFO's is off the History Channel, some out of my own curiosity and research.

I can't say for sure one way or the other, I just lean towards the "ain't no chance" side.
Besides, the origonal UFO attacks that were presented to the public were widely fictitious (Like crop circles in England) so I have no reason to believe that the pop-culture of 'UFO' and Aliens today were not spawned out of that, instead of real visits. Let's just say I feel about UFO's much the way I feel about John Titor. If you want I'll get into the mechanics of why.
Hello TheSadOne,

I think everything you said carries quite of bit of credit and honesty.

I felt just like you do, and it is a wise way to feel, considering all the stuff that is out there. For me, I was finally convinced. But I must state emphatically that I attach no ideaology or scenario or whatever to it. Like, I don't think the aliens came from alpha-centari or something. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

[As far as testifying under oath. It is like these people are chomping at the bit to have the opportunity to testify. They aren't being subpeonaed. They have nothing to gain. In fact they are risking their credability, maybe their jobs or their safety. Etc. They are <font color="blue">asking [/COLOR] for the opportunity to testify in front of the congress.]

I just suggest you look at the "alledged" evidence that the Disclosure Project offers, and then make your own intelligent decision.


I hope I am not sounding too pushy or self-righteous. I don't mean to.

Please, just check out the web site and see what you think. I won't mention it again, it is up to you. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Best Regards,
I took a look at the site, and all I know is that soeone stands to make a lot of money off of it.
I'm not saying that would impact the fact of what it's trying to do, but it was in my mind.

The only thing I agree with (at this time) is the futuristic energy sources, because everyone with half a brain knows that they exist and that the government doesn't want us to have it. God only knows why, maybe it can be used for terrorism, or maybe, just as likely, they want to keep it from us to controll us in just one more way.

There are several different reasons why someone would fake a testimony like that (not saying they did, but possible) 1) (the most obvious) Money 2) Memories induced by Sodium Amethal (I think thats the one) some form of a truth serum, which turns out to be more of a memory inducer... causing the persons mind to be susceptable to anything you might tell them, same thing with hypnotic drugs. there could be any number of reasons they would take it. 3) Maybe they just want attention?

You're not being pushy or self righteous, you're just defending what you believe in, commendable.
Dear TheSadOne,


The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Lemme try to explain,

I believe the governemnt does have futuristic energy sources, not from Aliens though.
I believe that the governemtnt doesn't tell us for various reasons (explained in the PM).
One of the things the disclosure project is there for is to get these energies de-classified and released to the public.

The second part of my previous statement are just some of the reasons someone might fake a statement.