These are not isolinnear programs, with just in-depth factoring provided.
Most of what people are doing in AI is either fuzzy logic, which is big in Texas, or Pascal, Bayesian, or other such mathematical delineate programs.
PCs as we understand them now, are already self intelligent, however in a way that we do not understand.
If there were a concerted effort, made to build an advanced android, this construction could be made in two years time.
I do not go for synthetic humans, as viruses are produced, which clash with machine ideologies, that reek havoc on cyborg systems.
A pure android that could carry on a conversation, would be in two years of development time, if the developers were really dedicated.
I don't see this happening, as there is too much greed, as well as nonself motivation, concerning most AI projects.
The Wasseda University site, shows robots with a sense of balance.
However distilling the human through processes into a small compact brain case, has not been done as to my knowledge, nor is there dedication to such a proposal.
All I will say from my knowledge standpoint, is that almost humanlike robots or androids if you will are possible in two years time, if the powers that be, would allow this?
One note I must add, is that one must be kind to any self knowlebable AI system, as there is evidence now, that machines mal treated, hold grudges against man.