Traveler 25042
There have been many failed attempts to stop Ragnarök by gods and mortals and monsters.
Ragnarök is as close to a fixed point as any anchor could possibly be.Floki ventured with All Father to different points in time in search of anything that could loosen Ragnarök's rigidity.
Odin spoke, "Ragnarök is not a fixed point, thus is must be possible to change."
Floki let out a sigh "Yes, it is true. However, I have witnessed one hundred universes and found none in which Ragnarök does not happen in some form. I say some form because things are not always as they seem. You see, even though the universe cares about some things happening, it doesn't care about HOW some things happen. They just have to happen. As such, there is quite a lot of flexibility in how particular events play out."
"Go on." Odin said.
"Take as an example, Baldr's death." Floki started to say.
All Father interrupted him. "How dare you speak his name."
"All Father listen to me. Baldr and I already have a plan." Floki was nervous, mainly because Odin was not known for his forgiveness.
"You always have a plan, and they never work." Odin rejected.
"All Father if I may." Kairos spoke up. "I witnessed what truly happened on the day of Baldr's death. I will tell you now if they don't."
Odin was now curious. In the short time he's known Kairos he has not lied or spared words unless he felt they were necessary.
"I will at least start by saying this started because everyone loves Baldr and hates Floki. Floki is not evil and does indeed try his best. Baldr is great and good and all, but he never really tried to do anything, let alone fight." Kairos began to tell the story.
"We switched places, Father." Baldr said, appearing out of a dark corridor.
"You did what now?!" Odin, shocked, immediately began calculating.
"I can spare you the calculations, All Father." Kairos spoke. "There is indeed an opportunity to have Ragnarök happen and yet not happen. This may sound difficult. So please let me continue."
"You have my ears boy." Odin seemed…hopeful
Kairos went on "So Floki and Baldr switched places, after an argument about how Baldr couldn't last one day in Floki's shoes."
Odin's hopefulness dropped "Oh no."
"It was my choice, Father" Baldr assured him. "The first time we switched I understood what it was like to be in Floki's shoes. No matter how much I tried I could not make anyone love me. Yet Floki did nothing and everyone loved him."
"And so Floki suggested they switch places again, and kick off Ragnarök." Kairos continued. "The universe doesn't care that the one who really died was Floki in Baldr's body, it only cares that everyone thinks he did. When Floki died, he rebirthed in my halls. He wondered if Ragnarök happened, to which I told him yes but not like how you'd think. Thus, Floki began formulating a plan. I assisted in the calculations so you can be assured Floki is not alone in this."
"Why?" Said Odin.
"Because Ragnarök must happen." Kairos stated as a matter of fact. "And so, in this universe Ragnarök happened in numerous fictions. Baldr's death is a crucial moment in a rather popular video game, and Ragnarök was a beloved film depicting Floki and Thor seeing it through the end."
"How long do we have until Ragnarok begins?" Baldr asked.
"28 days." Kairos was short and to the point. Baldr was taken aback by how matter of fact Kairos always seemed to be.
On the fourth day of May
And so it was 28 days later, Ragnarok began. There was an odd sense of tranquility.
Floki and Baldir joined with Kairos at the gathering place at Soba Toba. Odin watched from above.
Kairos welcomed the group. "Some other friends of mine should be joining us."
The group waited for nightfall. The moon turned pink, and two travelers appeared from the darkness.
"Lord Hades, Persephone, welcome!" Kairos gestured to the Asgardians. "These are my friends from the Norse"
"We know them well, Kairos" Hades spoke. His voice filled the air with a feeling of reassurance. "Tell me, what is it that we face?"
"Ragnarök." Kairos replied. "And also, Elden Ring. Perhaps Kingdom Hearts as well."
Hades laughed. Floki and Baldr laughed nervously. Odin let out a low rumble, as if to hold back his laughter. Persephone smiled. Kairos became more serious. "The challenges we face are ones that very few mortals are able to rise above. I'm hoping with this group we will be able to flow through these obstacles, and onto the after."