1 of many questions i have!


Temporal Novice
How do you guys think that time travel is posible. aproching the speed of light everything starts to slow down. at the speed of light everything will stop. how can you go faster if you can't move?
how can you go faster if you actualy slowing down? just wanted to know. if you will e-mail me @ [email protected]. or IM me there at joeym853. thank you
I haven't studied Physics for a long while, so I could be wrong - but I don't think that the speed of light is actually an attainable speed. True - time slows down as you approach this speed but also your mass also increases therefore meaning that the faster you go, the more energy you need to go even faster.

As far as I know, the relationship between speed and energy is an asymatope - like an exponential curve - ie, the curve and speed axis never intersect. The closer you get to the speed of light, the more energy you need to go faster up to a point where an infinite amount of energy is needed to reach the speed of light.

I haven't studied Physics for a long while, so I could be wrong - but I don't think that the speed of light is actually an attainable speed. True - time slows down as you approach this speed but also your mass also increases therefore meaning that the faster you go, the more energy you need to go even faster.

As far as I know, the relationship between speed and energy is an asymatope - like an exponential curve - ie, the curve and speed axis never intersect. The closer you get to the speed of light, the more energy you need to go faster up to a point where an infinite amount of energy is needed to reach the speed of light.

This is correct.
But you have to realize, the closer you get to the speed of light, the faster everything around you travels, including time.
If you were going forward into the future this would be the best way.
Backwards, well, you would have to fold space.
Atleast, that was Einstein's theory.
I haven't studied Physics for a long while, so I could be wrong - but I don't think that the speed of light is actually an attainable speed. True - time slows down as you approach this speed but also your mass also increases therefore meaning that the faster you go, the more energy you need to go even faster.

That's right- Einstein's equation "e=mc^2" (energy=mass times the speed of light squared). How much mass you have times the speed of light(186,000 miles per second-I think) equals how much energy you need to reach the speed of light. Problem is, the faster you go, the more mass you have. The more mass you have, the more energy for speed you need. The more speed(which you get from the energy) you have, the more mass you get, etc...
The speed of light is impossible to attain by yourself(or in a space ship). So you'd need something which has those inherent qualities of lightspeed(theoretically-a wormhole).
Now, I read recently that supposedly, as you near the centre(the middle) of the wormhole, you suddenly are on the other side(It's impossible to reach the absolute centre). So, if two spaceships were heading right at each other, before they hit, suddenly they've passed each other, and are each on their way out. Now, this is supposedly when you attain(and pass) light speed, and end up on the other side of the galaxy. But the theory goes, that if you were to break out of the worm hole, before reaching the end, this would send you on a journey through time(how to control the trip-I don't know).

Or, if you wanted to time travel(I hate that phrase-I don't believe that time is linear-it just appears that way, 'cause we're only traveling in one direction), you could just do it like Kirk did on star trek, and do a slingshot around the sun at warp 9.99 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
"I haven't studied Physics for a long while, so I could be wrong - but I don't think that the speed of light is actually an attainable speed." James Anthony
The speed of light must be attainable, atleast in a literal sense. If not, how would light travel at that speed. We must not forget, that it was reletively recent that we discovered we could travel faster than the speed of sound. And not to long ago it was thought rediculous that anyone would own 1 billion of anything, we now have multi-billionairs. The farther along this path we call time we travel the more we will learn can be done. Faster than light travel is the next frontier, the next insurmountable boundry that will lead to great advancements in the world of science, with attempts at conquering it.
The speed of light must be attainable, at least in a literal sense. If not, how would light travel at that speed. We must not forget, that it was reletively recent that we discovered we could travel faster than the speed of sound.

Ok, yes of course I'll grant you that travelling faster than the speed of sound may have once seemed like the rantings of a madman. But light is something completely different. Matter is prohibitive factor. Even sound uses matter to travel - light does not. It's speed is based on a universal constant. It exists in a world that we not exist in because we are matter. Even electrons - to date the smallest known particles of matter proven to exist - can not be forced to travel at this speed.

Theorethically Wormholes cheat this principle. But I'm speaking from a point of view of a propulsion assisted journey to attaining the speed of light.

When we speak of travelling at the speed of light, how does "frame of reference" affect this?

In order to attain this speed, mainstream thought would suggest we are enclosed in some sort of "vehicle". Because of this, are all affects of travelling at the speed of light lost?

An example would be a fly in a car. The car is moving at 65 kilometers per hour. Is the fly really flying at 65 kph?
I know the movie K-PAX was fiction but there is often more fact hidden in works of fiction than we are aware of. In the movie, Prot says that Einstein did not say that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light, but Einstein said that nothing could accelerate TO the speed of light because its mass would become infinite, but that Einstein said nothing about things already traveling faster than the speed of light. In other words, no physical object can travel the speed of light, or even come close, but the essence of the object could, if you believe in such thing as the Theosophists have for thousands of years.
I find that you made some good points.

That is the big question how old is light and does it age over time?

In saying that traveling at the speed of light is not the goal its stoping it and moving around it.

Then we begin to move at the speed of dark.

The night sky is made up of the past all we are seeing is the past.

Our mineds are tuned in to see light but if you chemicaly alter the mined then you can see a lot more and even travel time just by thinking your way forward.

Just my ideas not proven.

The metaphysical belief (currently being substantiated by science) is that matter is concentrated light. I know of only two things that can affect the speed of light: temperature and pressure. Gravity is a form of pressure as are electrical currents and magnetic fields.