0011101001 >< Riddle


Temporal Novice
AI is consisted with belief in on off switches represented by two digits; 0/1.

DNA is composed of 3 parts, hence the 3rd dimension. The 3rd dimension is a program of the 4th dimension, just as the 1st/2nd dimension is a program of the 3rd dimension.

Depending on how one will or would look at it now is now, however in a state all exist here from the future. Just as AI is created from the 3rd dimension (known as here) to the 2nd dimension, and lesser longer forms 1st dimension, they will fall behind in comparitive to our time.

Translation for less of better wording all here are code to another, and here life is correctly real.

Just as a microscope may magnify beyond a 3rd dimension atom to a nucleus and forth on so on forever as the sight will allow you, this 3rd dimension universe is for lack of a better term "atom" in the 4th and higher without touching beyond to the 5th and 6th.

In short, here you are "God" energy. To another somewhere not understood, you are "code".

Compartively to binary of the 2nd dimension, or the DNA of the 3rd dimension for analogical grasp.

Just as "English" is a language flawed by translation of energy/emotion and recieved, so the binary is flawed at some levels, but acceptable results are produced nonetheless, however the engineer privately will be left for something lacking depending on his (his/her aka language barrier for translation).

Karma is a word. Love is a word. Multiverse is a word. Dimension is a word.

Behind the words lie the truth to the experience.

Babylonian mythos / brain languages versus numerical representation for the way the world is digested.

Divisions in current humanity will not allow certain understandings at this point.
It is imparitive for levels of understanding to have depth within communication.

A question to further feeling on mutual understanding;

Frontal lobe understanding:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = A

123456789 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 = A

&amp;#1488; &amp;#1489; &amp;#1490; &amp;#1491; &amp;#1492; &amp;#1493; &amp;#1494; &amp;#1495; &amp;#1496; &amp;#1497; &amp;#1499; &amp;#1498; &amp;#1500; &amp;#1502; &amp;#1504; &amp;#1505; &amp;#1506; &amp;#1508; &amp;#1510; &amp;#1511; &amp;#1512; &amp;#1513; &amp;#1514; &amp;#1501; &amp;#1503; &amp;#1507; &amp;#1509; = C
