Hi Clara' I thought that since you had been so kind in the tallying of dreams, before the issue goes completely out, I thought that I would give you mine.
I dreamt that I was making a poster and this posterboard was in white.
I guess this posterboard was about a foot by a foot and a half long?
I was writing a letter of complaint about there not being a space transportation system to the current president of the U.S.
I even remember drawing a newer generation hydrogen slush vehicle on the poster board.
This was a protest post card, that I was going to mail to the presdient within my dream.
The dream ended when I woke up and I thought, why even try to do this, as all presidents are programmed any way?
This dream coisides with both corruption in higher places, the alien phenominon, where humans seem to be only cattle for more advanced alien races?
This is said to use and an ever encroching mass population problem, where the population seems to be getting larger and larger, without current Earth based man being able to explore space.
A while back, I had posted this concern to a group known as within their phylosophy section.My said was, as it is a bad social manifold where a system in sociology increaes in size, however the nature of this system does not change.
"Then what happens Clara"?
Well since it seems that we are living within a society, that is always going to explore space, however does not due to apparent corruption, then what do you think is going to happend next?
It's not me saying this Clara, however proven studies of what happens when socieites in general fail to innovate.
This is what has happened to a lot of past Earth socities as they have not been able to innovate and change their situation and therefor have died out.
We the U.S. are in grave danger of doing this, as what we have for leaders want the status quoe, in order to keep them both in money and in power.
They have absolutly no intention of letting the population expand to either deep space, or Mars or the moon.
For one reason, there are already base secretly held there.
However by and large, they are not ours.
The second problem if you enter the web serch word, hidden alien bases, is you will find some seventy hidden alien bases.
Some of these bases I'm not sure what their trying to prove.
Some of these bases had been built at assisting tax paier money, at the cost of billions and billions of dollars.
I will tell you that why the re-engineering programs that they have are going wrong, is that man has already beeen adultered by past alien influence.
So the hidden aliens attempt in modifiying human DNA is akin to a mule being made.This is that the process is a one time steril product and two mules can't breed by themselves.
Our basic modifications have been made millions of years ago, by a special breed of visiting alien, that in the physical sence, had modified us up rapidly from ape-like man.
So this gene is already in the physical sence within man.
So when you have the present day aliens trying to still modifiy us even further, there is a rejection factor.Additionally' if you have a few generations that their gene takes in human alien hybrids, after so long, there come a DNA rejection and this new temporary line dies out!
So the golden question should be aksed about and concerning Earth based mankind; is what is the value of Earth based mankind and would our long range picture be differnt, if the aliens were just to leave here and we as Earth based humans by the heiarchy were permitted to explore space on our own?
I feel that the answer would be, is that Earth based man would survive.
However as it is structured now Clara, I'm sorry, the situation does not look very good.
We have another current wondferful presdient who screaming, "Everything back to normal, make more money, make more money"!, when everything is falling apart.
This is why the subject of John Titor is so provocative, as the spectre of a possable N war arises.
I dont, DO NOT approve of these type of excahnges as a way to thin the population down and I will tell you why.
Even when supposedly clean nuclear wepaons are used, there is a lens effect form, due to spent nuclerar isotope particulides.
This layer after a nuclear exchange stays aloft and everything benith this layer, recives a radiation treatment, due to the act of the sun shining down through this raidoactive layer.
You would see the same effects, as show in the ABC special, The Fire Unleashed.This is where near the Three Mile Island in Pennsylvaina, you have very high rates of very rare cancers, plus dandylion leaves, over a foot in lenght, due to vented raidonuculide particulation.
All over this planet, you would see mass changes in both plant and aninmal species.
In all probable effect, Earth based man as we know him, may well die out.
Even the hidden alien bases here now, could not use stollen human DNA materials as they are reported to do now, due to gnetic structure damage, of the gene because of remnant nuclear isotopal radiation.
So if what John Titor or whoever this guy says is true, hidden aliens might be wise to call it a day and leave now.
Cut their cost and vacate the bases, as in the future tense, there will be nothing left here for them anyway?
Is the venture of exploring space inportant in the face of leaders such as at the head of the Federal Reserve and Congress and the house plus other who supposedly rule this society?
You tell me my fine freind Clara?
I want to thank you for having the courage to take concensus of dreams.
Good socitial systems thrive on new ideas, where free expression of ideals and phylosphies can be excahnged...Clara?