Epochal Historian
Please note on this photo-link said from, where a tube of some sort, shows a similar placement in a held bood, to said Titor time displacement unit, shown?
There is a recent more detailed photo held here, at TTI, which is larger and more detailed than the cut-away held anywhere else.
If this photo could be supplied here please?
Other notations, that if a said time displacement unit does exist, as the said holder of the copyright owner has claimed some sort of property here, then in the technical sense, we should now, with what little information that is offered here in the said photo and cutaway, be able to start defining the said Titror TT displament unit?
The tops of said tubes, would have to have a braided cable, to ground, rather than a standard multi-stranded wire, to case-ground, due to possible shift in time mass gravimetric pulls on intercase materials.
So your ground ontop of said tubes, would have to be of a braided nature.
Does TTIs held cutaway show a braided to top of said Tripler-like contrivance, to be a braided appliance to ground braided strap?
*Note also on the outside of the case of said time displacement unit, that by the case design alone, the said probable TT unit can not be defined.
This is so as military stores, carry universal utility cases, to be constructed into, for multi-based purposes.
So a number or i.d. would have to be held on both the outer case of said tt unit as well as on any said supposed part within?
All parts should start to be identified by now.
Keep in mind, if one so by the storyline only, then this unit is at best, marginally functional, as compared to other supposed time travel machines and or said unit?
There is a recent more detailed photo held here, at TTI, which is larger and more detailed than the cut-away held anywhere else.
If this photo could be supplied here please?
Other notations, that if a said time displacement unit does exist, as the said holder of the copyright owner has claimed some sort of property here, then in the technical sense, we should now, with what little information that is offered here in the said photo and cutaway, be able to start defining the said Titror TT displament unit?
The tops of said tubes, would have to have a braided cable, to ground, rather than a standard multi-stranded wire, to case-ground, due to possible shift in time mass gravimetric pulls on intercase materials.
So your ground ontop of said tubes, would have to be of a braided nature.
Does TTIs held cutaway show a braided to top of said Tripler-like contrivance, to be a braided appliance to ground braided strap?
*Note also on the outside of the case of said time displacement unit, that by the case design alone, the said probable TT unit can not be defined.
This is so as military stores, carry universal utility cases, to be constructed into, for multi-based purposes.
So a number or i.d. would have to be held on both the outer case of said tt unit as well as on any said supposed part within?
All parts should start to be identified by now.
Keep in mind, if one so by the storyline only, then this unit is at best, marginally functional, as compared to other supposed time travel machines and or said unit?