"End Times" Vs. "End of Ordinary Time"


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\"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

We submit the following for your consideration: [Twilight Zone music begins to play in the background] :D

What would be the potential differences in interpretation by mankind of the two phrases given in the subject line? Could it be possible that a gross misinterpretation or mistranslation of certain doomsday predictions were passed from generation to generation? And to those unsuspecting humans who are unlucky enough to actually be living at the "End of Ordinary Time", what would they make of their remaining lives, given they are living under an incorrect interpretation of a joyous prophecy? Picture if you will, a group of people. These people partake in spirited discussions through an electronic interchange medium about the possibility of travel through time. This group of people may not even realize that they have just embarked on a journey into and through.... The Twilight Zone....

Before I discuss anything further on this, or share some insights I have had, I encourage others to think about this, and chime in. What if all the hoopla, prophecy, and predictions about how we are living in the "End Times" was "correct but incorrect"? In other words, what if all the predictions were REALLY fortelling of this time that we live in.... but what these prophecies are describing is a MAJOR (and generally JOYOUS) evolution of mankind? An evolution so great, and so meaningful, that it would be heralded as "The End of ORDINARY Time"?

Are you truly ready for what is ahead for humanity? And if you think you are, do you choose to make it the most wonderful experience that could occur to mankind? Or do you plan on making it the ultimate "final battle of Armageddon" in which life on this world will be extinguished?

Choose Wisely,
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

I don't feel that this is a fair question, for technical reasons relating to the stage of development that man is now.

For this reason Creedo times out.
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

Well, gerschlop at the be-bop, to you too, Creedster my friend?

Yet have you not figured out, said DaVinci Code of the three picturs, the ones I have placed herein.

The face (as in Mars), as will to the Mass. The sportscar, as friend to the Time. And the canine, is the willing participant in Space transforms.

It is certainly deeper a message than you have ever solved? You may think you know, but think again. Look deper.

Each layer you look, and think you have transcended said metaphor, there is one just beneath, that holdes yet again more information.

Oh if only you knew?
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

I choose to do my own path, stock pile arms in my uni-bomber style shack in the mountains.

Could you please re-state your opening post with out the twilight zone references???
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

i think we should all just [censored] die and for get about it

"Everybody's got to check out some time;
You go first, I'll catch up right behind" - "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye" by Styx /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

Friend Rainman Time of EarthTR125.0121

Yes the thought had occurred to me. In fact, with your permission I shall stretch your question a little bit farther, what if all those angels and burning bushes and flying thrones and strange men were nothing else but actual visitors, outsiders. Think about this. What if Eden was not a place at all here on this Earth. What if it was an actual world, distant from this one. What if Lucifer was an ambitious general that tried to take a hold of the Empyream and was forced out of that galactic sector. What all the nephelim, arelim and elohim were simply ordinary human beings from a very advanced society that were simply scattered through out the farthest reaches of our galaxy.

What if the humans that were left here were refugees from that all emcompassing galactic war and were simply left stranded on this world. What if theses guys began to look for us after the war was over, what if when they found us centuries later all they found was a group of severely scientifically impaired society, that because of a lack of scientist turned their knowledge of physics, medicine and astronomy into something the less studious would understand and obey. What if they tried to help us, but we misunderstood them and took them for gods and their words for religious dogma and after that created so many legends and myths.

What if...all they are expecting us to do is to grow out of the dogmatic and into the inner spititual, the all unifying principle of love.

Until later becomes now.
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

Greetings Transient001:

because of a lack of scientist turned their knowledge of physics, medicine and astronomy into something the less studious would understand and obey. What if they tried to help us, but we misunderstood them and took them for gods and their words for religious dogma and after that created so many legends and myths.
You have herein established a context for exactly what I have been researching since 1982. Namely, the potential scientific implications of the Qabalistic Tree Of Life. So, while I agree that the "what if" context you have stated could be true, I also acknowledge there could be other such contexts that underlie the "scientific-to-mystical transformation of knowledge". Therefore, I am less interested in the context that gave birth to this transformation, as I am in reversing that transformation, and restoring the valid science that I intuitively know is embedded within the TOL.

I do have the feeling that such a reversal (mystical-to-scientific knowledge) may be one of the major stimuli for our species to regain a true sense of Mass, Space, and Time...and how to use them at a much higher level than we do now.

Thanks for your comments! Please do continue, if you so choose. Even if I do not respond, I do read most of everything posted by people who I understand. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Kind Regards,
Re: The Tree of Super Science

Rainman Time

The importance in re-discovering the important aspects of science turned to religion lays within those human made concepts that are considered as archetypes. For example let us review the simple tale of little red ridding hood. No I have not gone mad, nor I am attempting to make fun of anything. Just bare with me for a second.

In this tale, the LRRH goes on towards grandma's house but grandma is visited by the wolf, eats her and then eats LRRH as well. Then a hunter comes along and by opening up the wolf's belly both LRRH and Grandma come out. The the hunter goes on and fills the wolf's belly with stones and tosses the wolf into the river.

Besides being a horrible story to tell to little children it also is an amazing piece of alchemical and kabbalistical lore.

Here we have four elements, two ingestions, one division and the birth of a dual principle.
We also have the mixing of some powerful alchemical elements, LRRH would be copper, grandma would be gold, the wolf woud be arsenic and the hunter would be silver. Now when this is properly mixed as the tale advices one would obtain one wondrous result. First, notice in a periodic table how copper is above, silver and this one above gold. copper is 18 from silver and silver is 32 from gold. this would yield us with an interesting geometric progression, 18, 32 and 56 as the result. And this result is one most amazing for 56 stands for the word ALCHEMY according to Christian Rosenkrantz. A coincidence, I think not.

So you see, there is plenty for us to perusse in order to find the true messages from the magic of science.

Until later becomes now.
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

Dear Prof. Rainman Time,

[music playing: Bach's Concerto No. 4 in G major from the Brandenberg Concertos]


Aye-Euphoric Enlightenment

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: \"End Times\" Vs. \"End of Ordinary Time\"

Prof. Rainman Time,

"gerschlop at the be-bop"

Quit it! You are getting me in trouble for laughing during class!

Hearty, har har!

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: The Tree of Super Science

Prof. Rainman Time,

I am not singling you out to respond to, it just happens to be that I respond to what you are usually saying.

Now, this comment really has nothing to do with the theme of you posting. It is just a side note.

You used the story of Little Red Riding Hood as an analogy to explain your point. You also said "Besides being a horrible story to tell to little children".

I happen to think all of those wonderfully written Grimms Fairy Tales /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif, that depict scary imagery to children, and therefore give them a fright in the context of a loving and safe home environment. That these tales teach them to emotionally and intellectually prepare for their future in the adult world. The tales teach them that life is not full of big purple Barnies and bouncy Tele-Tubbies. On the contrary. The tales teach children that it is possible to face scary concepts or things or situations, and lets them know fear can be overcome.

I believe this is also why horror movies are so popular with teenagers and young adults.

Thats my spin.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: The Tree of Super Science

So persephone,

Your in favor of exposing our worlds youth to violence and violet stories? I think it is a good idea, personaly. If the children are adjusted to violence and violent situtations then when a real life situation comes along, say there in a bank and it gets robbed, then there going to be teh ones with a lvel head and will be able to think of a way to stay out of harms way.
Re: The Tree of Super Science

Kind Keven,

Your posting remotely reminded me of T2

Yea, I guess my posting could be seen like that. I just really loved the Grimms Bros. fairy tales growing up, as well as Hans Christian Anderson's tales.

I don't advocate showing a bunch of kids really violent movies or taking them down to the nearest front line of a war. These are stories for little kids. They get a little open eyed and scared then everything always turns out all right.

It is not like it is suppose to prepare them to be soldiers or victims. Rather, to face scary things, like public speaking, or telling the truth when everyone else is lying, or tackling new experiences with confidence.

That's my spin anyway.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: The Tree of Super Science

No Roel, I have not seen the 10th Kingdom, and I am not familiar with it.

Please do tell.

Ray's avatar. Again I am calling a blank.

Sorry /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong