Message: 2: [burlingtonufo] Digest Number 108
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 04:58:01 -0000
From: "marysutherland2001" <
[email protected]>
Subject: Clues we may find in Masonic Symbols
In the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry the 30th degree to the 33rd
degree are degrees of Illumination with the 33rd being the most
sought after by the 'illumined man.' The 33rd degree is the highest,
publicly known, degree in Freemasonry. The number 33
signifies 'Illumination' and freedom from religious dogma or
From 33 to 13 degrees the original 13 colonies were just the start of
what would be many Illuminati experiments.
One Dollar Bill..United States
Look closely at the codes hidden in the ONE dollar bill. There are 13
blocks top to bottom on the Great pyramid. Look closer and you will
discover a hexagram which is two equilateral triangles superimposed
over each other. If you placed a hexagram over the Reverse side of
the Great Seal, five of the points in the hexagram would point to
letters in the latin words "Annuit Coeptis" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum"
which translates to "Announcing the Beginning of.
A symbol of the Freemasons is the Square and Compass, and it makes
for a good working substitute for super imposing a hexagram over the
Great Seal and it obtains the same resulting letters of "ASMON" by
putting the eye of the pyramid between the two legs of the compass.
Five points, two from the compass and three from the square, were
pointed at the letters "ASMON" which again, is the anagram
of "MASON." The eye of the "god" that sees all. In the center of the
bill is ONE for the cipher TRUE believers share with their "god".
Free and Accepted indeed. On the left side there are 13 stars in the
treasury seal above right. The Department=13 of the treasury=13.
There are 13 leaves on the left olive branch with 13 berries. 13
stripes on the middle shield. 13 arrows on the right. 13 stars above
the eagles head. 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon
which means "Out of One Many" in English translation. It is clear
that this is in reference to the thirteen colonies united into one
nation , under "god" . There are 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis. Agaig,
following the points of the hexagram in a clockwise order, they point
to the following letters; "A" in Annuit, "S" at the end of
Coeptis, "M" at the end of Seclorum, "O" at the end of Ordo and "N"
in Novus. These letters spelled out "ASMON" which, again, is an
anagram of "MASON". The word "Mason" is the shortened version
of "FreeMason."
The human backbone contains 33 vertebrea with the cranium
(intellect) on top. Enter the Skull and Bones Brotherhood. Like I
stated, from education to politics to organized religion, the
Illuminati symbolism is there and very real.
The Popes cassock has 32 buttons and his head represents the 33rd.
If you look at the roof of the United Nations General Assembly you
will see a large light circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights.
If you look at the United Nations own symbol you will see a circle
divided up into 32 sections with the center being the 33rd. On the
United Nations symbol you will notice 13 leaves on the olive branch
The symbol for the Soviet Union also has this feature as well as 32
rays or illuminations emanating from the sun with the sun being the
The United Nations flag is in reality the Universal Flag of
Freemasonry and this was confirmed by the Grand Lodge of Scotland's
The Washington monument is an obelisk and there is an obelisk at the
Vatican surrounded by a circle. This represents the union of Osiris
and Isis. (*Here is where Osiris comes in.)
Also these two symbols are surrounded further out by 32 archways on
each side of the courtyard, in all it is an outdoor temple of the
Mystery Schools.
Look again at the two Great Seals of the United States on the U.S.
One Dollar Bill. Count the number of thirteen's. On the eagle one
wing has 32 sections while the other has 33.
13 inches is equal to 33 centimeters. See how the Illuminati code
even shows up in our measuring system? Why is this? It is because it
originated in Masonic France in the 1790s. 666 divided by 212
Fahrenheit (boiling point of water) is equal approximately to PI
(3.14...) and 32 degrees Fahrenheit is when water becomes unfrozen
which corresponds with the degrees of illumination in the Masonic
Lodge. D. Fahrenheit was most definitely a student of the occult.
Many buildings (particularly those owned by foundations such as the
Rockefeller Foundation) are having symbology incorporated into their
designs. Look out for symbols of the sun, pyramids, obelisks, the all
seeing eye of Osiris, the circle with a dot in the middle, a snake in
a circle biting its tale. The list of symbology goes on and on, it
is all over the place.
But like Adolf Hitler once said.. "How fortunate for governments that
the people they administer don't think." The societal system: 1. was
designed to prevent you from thinking independently. 2. was designed
to think for you. 3. was designed to keep knowledge away from you. 4.
was designed to mislead you. 5. educates and educated you and your
seeds, and 6. was designed to control the human race through its
Remember Matrix System? "All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it
is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer.
The 'Federal'Reserve, which we all should know is NOT federal, has
it's main branch at 33 Liberty St. in Manhattan and it
is a 13 story building.
The Supreme Court ruled (about 90+ years ago) that Rockefeller's
Standard Oil monopoly must be broken up- it was, into 33 smaller
companies, and all were basically STILL controlled by
The old flag of the East India Trading Co.had 13 red and white
stripes BEFORE Betsy Ross supposedly designed ours. (Mainstream
historians now agree that the Betsy Ross story is bogus, but do not
know of who or where the design idea came from)
Hint-The old flag of the British East India Trading
Co. had 13 red and white stripes.We fold the flag into a TRIANGLE at
funerals etc, without realizing it significance. The back of the
jewel encrusted thrones of the British monARCHy have the triangle
with the inner circle. The pyramid also appears as a triangle.
William Shakespeare's plays are said to have actually
been written by Sir Francis Bacon, a rosicrucian Grand
Commander in the knights templar tradition who was
also Grand Chancellor of England. In the plays he hid
a secret code based around the # 33. (that one I can't
document) We do know for a fact that he wrote 'The New
Atlantis', where Bacon described a new world
controlled by a secret brotherhood of elite few, like
the one he belonged to, AND those manipulating men
behind the curtain of todays brotherhood.
The sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution DID NOT
authorize the IRS to tax personal earnings,
nonetheless the IRS has 33 divisions.
The first temple of Solomon stood for 33 years. King David ruled
for 33 years.
Jesus Christ was crucified at age 33
Rolling Rock beer, made in the 'KEYSTONE' state of Pennsylvania has
the '33' on it's label. Nearly EVERY governor of that state has been a
Witches celebrate imbolc/candlemass on February 2nd- the 33rd day of
the year!
The Reichstag fire was staged in 1933 to help put Hitler into power.
The Humanist Manifesto came out in 1933.
In 1933, the Rockefellers, John Dewey and fellow illuminists
announced "The creation of a new public mind" where "old stereotypes
must be broken down, and new climates of opinion must be
formed." That same year we saw FDR give official recognition to
communist Stalin who murdered over 30 million Russians.
The street # for The House of the Temple (Scottish Rite U.S. HQ) is
1733 16th Street in Washington DC. 1733 happens to be the year that
the first Grand Lodge of Masonry opened in America in
Boston Mass. It's flag was pale blue and white- just like that of the
U.N. and the Israel flag.
In the old John Marsh mansion in Woodstock Vermont (last owned by
Laurence Rockefeller) there is the pale blue and white
designed room. The Rockefeller's also left their Tiffany stained
glass window depicting the "Torch of Knowledge" (The fire/torch is
the oldest most important illuminati symbol, it is on back of the dime
and a stone flame is on top of the Masonic obelisk in Dealey Plaza.
There is an 'eternal flame' at JFK's gravesite to rub it in.
In 1999 (99 is 3 times
33) the cost of a first class stamp went up to 33 cents and the
interim stamp was the H stamp for the mythical Hiram Abiff of
Masonic lore (Hiram is actually symbolic of the REAL
martyr of the Knights Templar/Masons -Jaques deMolay.
The thing is, since 1978, every time they raised the
rate, they had an interim stamp, starting with the A
stamp and so on until the H stamp in 1999, yet there
INCREASE TO 34 CENTS. They had you buy 1 cent stamps
to add on instead. (There's no need to proceed past
the all important 33/Hiram stamp) If you think it's
coincidence, you should also note that the 33 cent
Hiram stamp portrayed the Masonic Lodge Masters TOPHAT!
In 1307, the Templars were ordered to be rounded up in Europe
by Pope Clement V (who was in cohoots with France's
King Phillip IV) and the Papal Bull said for all of
Europes rulers to do this on November 22nd of that
year. King Phillip couldn't wait to grab the Templars
wealth and so he started rousting Templars in France
on Friday October the 13th. (Hence the whole Friday
the 13th thing origin)
But the date of Nov. 22nd is MORE important as it is the primary date
set by the Pope. JFK was assassinated on that same day in 1963, and
he was killed as he entered the outdoor temple of Freemasonry known
as Dealey Plaza. (Which is almost right on the 33rd parallel)
The whole plaza is shaped like the topless pyramid of the Great Seal,
it's top cut off by the railway overpass. There is also the blatantly
Masonic OBELISK & REFLECTING POOL in Dealey Plaza. The obelisk is
made of 14 pieces. In the ancient Egyptian lore, the number of pieces
that OSIRIS was cut into by SET was 14, ISIS found only 13
pieces but not the penis (the generative principle) so
she remade him a penis of gold and therefore he 'rose'again
triumphant. (13 is the number of death &
re-birth in the mystery religions/philosophies) Rather
than having a pyramid top, the plaza obelisk has on
top the most common symbol of the mystery religions- a
flame (made of stone). The columns nearest the obelisk
have PENTAGRAMS on them. The window of the School Book
Depository that they said Oswald shot from is the only
window on the whole front of that building that is
SQUARE, all the others have a curved top casing. It's
probably a coincidence that November the 11th month adds to the 22nd
day to make 33. The revenge angle, against what the Catholic
church did to them exactly 656 years earlier is the
only reason the Masons picked THAT day, and the
location being on the 33rd parallel was a symbolic
plus. It's like a serial killer who likes to leave
clues to taunt the authorities. But in this case, most
of the culprits WERE in top positions (like Masons J.
Edgar Hoover and LBJ and 'single bullet' theorists
Arlen Spector and Gerald Ford.) Top culprit Allen
Dulles is mentioned and shown several times by Oliver
Stone in his JFK movie. He shows the obelisk
(Washington Monument) behind Kevin Costner & Donald
Sutherland in a special 'pregnant pause' scene RIGHT
AFTER Sutherland asks "Who do you think had the power
to do it? ,(assasinate JFK) Who do you think could
cover it up, who?" Besides telling you who with the
pause on the obelisk, he said 'who' THREE times. At an
earlier point in the movie, Costner playing Jim
Garrison gets asked "What are you driving at boss?"
Jim just stands there and we hear nothing but an OWL
hoot it's 'who' THREE times. It's a blatant clue,
especially since in this scene they are standing in
the major downtown New Orleans business section, yet
hear only an owl! The owl hooting 3 times twice is the
movies hidden '33'. Right after the 3 hoots of the
owl, Garrison and two colleages walk toward a point
within circle park monument. The Washington Monument
from above is a point within the circular walkway and
50 flags. There are other symbolic clues in the movie
pointing to the Masons. A convicted hitman named
Charles Harrelson has been in prison for years. Back
in the early 1960's he was one of the
'three tramps' photographed in Dealey Plaza. They were
arrested in the plaza but released without names
taken. He teased reporters saying that he was involved
in it but would not elaborate. Louisiana attorney Jim Garrison
brought to trial the only person ever indicted as a conspirator
in the JFK ritual murder- Clay Shaw, who lived at 1313
Dauphine street. So the Illuminati Masons got revenge against a
Catholic world leader who was threatening to mess up
their pre-planned history by stopping the Vietnam war
as well as end the CIA and take back our economy from
the 'Federal Reserve'. They gave JFK the same penalty
that a 7th degree Mason must bind himself to should he
reveal the secrets of "The Craft", which is "to have
my skull smote off and my brains exposed to the midday
sun"! -see 'Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry'.
According to the website of H.A.A.R.P., it's entire antenae array
when complete will be 33 acres large.
There was a 1960's TV show called 'Get
Smart' with Agents 86 and 99. (86 means 'to kill' and
99 is 3 times 33) The two opposing spy organizations
were called "Kaos" and "Control". Chaos is what the
Illuminati Masons use to gain Control as they Divide &
Conquer! Their old axiom is 'ORDO AB CHAO' which is
Latin for Order through Chaos.
The primary symbol of Masonry, the COMPASS & SQUARE has two meanings.
The first is FECUNDITY (sex) since it is obviously a male
(compass) mounting the spread legs of the female
(square). The G means Generation since thats where the
sex happens. For the second meaning, you must
understand that a compass is also called DIVIDERS, and
to 'square' something means 'to make to CONFORM'.
So their symbol means DIVIDE & CONQUER!!
In 1998, 33rd degree Mason John Glenn went into orbit one more time
during HALLOWEEN. That year the Masons of Massachusetts had their
Governor proclaim a certain day to be Freemasonry Recognition day. The
Proclamation was made in August of 1998 but the day of recognition
was set as OCTOBER 31st- Again with the HALLOWEEN! (31 backwards
is 13) Witches call it Samhain (pronounced like sowen)
It also happens to be UNICEF day. It is no coincidence that Masons
refer to Masonry as 'The CRAFT'. The symbols, rites and oaths of FM
are all quite similar to those of witchcraft, but they don't want to
talk about that. The 'ideal' witches coven is 13 of them. Up until
medieval times, the calendar year had 13 months, which is related to
the 13 menstruations of women, or "The Goddess". The Space Shuttle
Discovery docked with the International Space Station on Friday
the 13th of October 2000 with the moon at full phase.
It had left two days before to attach two new segments
to the 13 story space station. All Space Shuttles
leave Kennedy Space Center's LC-39. (3 times 13) There
is no Launch Complex 38 or 40! Everything NASA does is
The Lunar Moon Landing Hoax of 1969
If you go to the website of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern
http://www.srmason-sj.org/main.html , you see Mr. C.
Fred Kleinknecht pictured. He's the Sovereign Grand Commander of FM
(basically the top Mason of America). You'll see there how Fred signs
his name with the symbol of BAPHOMET on one side, and the 33 in the
TRIANGLE on the other side. His brother Kenneth S. Kleinknecht was
Manager for the command and service modules for the Apollo Space
Program in 1969, and ALL of the astro-NOTS who participated in the
hoax were Scottish Rite Masons!! ( about half of them are not
'officially' masons but secret members) One of the
many infamous NASA pictures from the "moon" that they
have not explained shows a moon rock near the astronaut with a 'C'
stamped on it. It may have been a
tip of the hat to the (soon to be) top Mason of America and brother of
Kenneth - Mr. C. FredKleinknecht. You know how the UN flag has the 33
section target drawn over the world, and there are 13
leaves on each of the laurel sheafs right? Well did
you know that laurel is the laurel of the greek god
APOLLO? Not only that, but the Scottish Rite says that they consider
the international flag of the Scottish Rite to be the UN flag!
Masons Laurel and Hardy released their movie "Sons of
the Desert" with it's Masonic message in 1933.
Freemason Charles Lindbergh made his famous flight in
33 hours. He named his plane after the hero of the
Knights Templar/Masons - " St." Louis, who led the
battle which recaptured Jerusalem for the Templars.
Masons put a big ARCH in the city they named for their
John Wayne Gacy sodomized and murdered 33 boys.
A deck of cards has 4 hands of 13 cards each to make 52.
You also find 4 sets of 13 in the proposed new World War II Memorial
to be built on the Mall in Washington DC. It is to have two SQUARE
ARCHways, and on each side of each archway is 13 columns. A 'Rainbow
Pool'in the middle as well. gotowww.wwiimemorial.com
The Washington Monument commitee formed in 1833, to build
the huge phallic idol of Osiris's penis. The whole
thing cost a total of $1,300,000 to build, and it's
pryamid granite capstone weighs 3,300 pounds! It's
height of 555 feet pertains to the 5 points of the
pentagram. If you take that height and add it to the
width and breadth of the monument at it's base (55.5
feet each) you get 666feet. Coincidence? Well guess
what, you also get a 666 by simply converting the 555
foot height to inches by multiplying it by 12 to get
6660 inches! It has 8 little windows at the top with
have a total of 39 square feet. The 2 on the east side
are larger than the others (to watch the rising of the
sun-god Osiris/Horus from). The word horizon comes
from 'Horus rising'.
In 1913,besides making sure the "Federal" Reserve Act got
passed, J.D. Rockefeller proved he could be as vicious
as his father. 9000 miners at the Ludlow Colorado mine
owned ny Rocky were each paid about $666 a year. They
had been on strike demanding union rights, better
conditions and pay, and an end to the prison-camp type
system they had to live and work in. J.D.'s army
charged through the miners tent camps in armoured cars
raking them with machine guns, burning a camp down. 66 (2 X's33)
men women and children were shot or burned to death.
It was just another pagan spring sacrifice.
April 20th 1999 at COLUMBIne High School 13
people were killed in 13 minutes!!
Kent State University had 13 students shot in 13
seconds, four of them died. 67 bullets were fired
which adds to 13.
The Medal of Honor is an inverted pentagram,just like Eastern Star
Freemasonry's inverted one.
From a book on the occultism of the Nazi elite: "The center
of the SS 'cult' became the castle of Wewelsburg in Westphalia, which
Himmler bought as a ruin in 1934 and rebuilt over the next 11 years
at a cost of 13 million marks. The central banqueting hall contained
a vast round table with 13 throne-like seats to accomidate
Himmler and 12 of his closest 'aposles'- making, as some occult
writers have pointed out, a coven of 13."
13 was a sanctified number in ancient Israel. The 12
zodiac signs plus the sun make 13. In Babylon, 13 people were chosen
to portray the gods and goddesses at their pagan feasts. The 13th one
was executed to end the ceremonies. (Christ had 12 disciples, making
Christ the thirteen, whom became the traditional sacrifice )
The 13th card in Tarot is the 'Death'
The KGB's assasination squad was the '13th
So is the British MI5's death squad, who killed Princess Diana by
forcing the car with her and friend into the 13th pillar in the
tunnel under what was an old pagan site there in what is now modern
Paris. It happened August 31st (13 backwards) and it occured 13 days
after the full moon and 18 days (6+6+6) after the witches high sabat
of Lughanasaid. It was all during the approach of a solar eclipse on
Monday September 1st, which in ancient astrology means the death of a
leader. The funeral was held 39 days (3 times 13)before the October
full "Hunters Moon". (Huntress Diana)
Flight KAL-007, with whistleblower Congressman Larry McDonald on
board was shot down on August 31st 1983.
The Bilderberg steering group has 39 members.
Another 39 with the 33 is the fact that Masonic President
Roosevelt put us under 'Emergency' rule on 3/9/33.
In the old goofy TV show "The Munsters", they lived
at 1313 Mockingbird Lane. Remember the 'mocking bird'
(owl)that Oliver Stone had in JFK? The front of the
dollar bill has a tiny owl in upper right hand corner
within the loop of the crest around the "1".
Timothy McViegh and Waco's David Koresh were both
killed at the age of 33.
The 13 most interesting sites on the 33rd Parallel
(from East to West):
Site 1: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan, which were both
nuked by order of 33rd degree Mason Harry S. Truman.
Site 2: South Los Angeles CA., which is just within
the 33rd degree corridor. Twice major riots broke out
there (on May Day) due to black people being upset
over police brutality. It is also where Robert Kennedy
was killed by mind-controlled dupe Sirhan Sirhan. If
RFK had become President he could have seen the secret
files on his brother's murder.
Site 3: San Diego CA., where 39 mind-controlled dupes
died. The "Heaven's gate" so-called suicides were
obviously occultic. They died in 3 stages of 13 at a
time! It happened just after the eclipse of the full
moon, which was 39 days before the witch's highest day
of Beltain (May 1st). Placed over their dead bodies
was the purple shroud of Pan- who is the Greek god
which personifies mind-control! The number of Baal is
39, or 13 tripled.
TheLA Times reported on the freedom of information act
request they did in which they found out that the
UNabomer Ted Kaczynski was a volunteer in the CIA's
MK-ULTRA mind-control experiments back in the early
Site 4: Phoenix, AZ. In 1997, a UFO's were seen by over a 1,000
Site 5: Alamagordo, NM. It's where the first nuke
bombs were tested. It's also called "TRInity Site" and
it is by THREE Rivers, NM.. The spot where the nukes
were set off is marked by a Masonic obelisk made from
blackened nuked rock!
Other towns on the 33rd degree in NM. include Truth or Consequences,
Boaz,Monticello, Magdalena, and Poe - all special names to
the sorcerers of the New World Order who fulfilled the
first law of alchemy (the creation and destruction of
primordial matter) with the detonation of the 1st
A-bomb at Trinity.
Site 6: Roswell NM.. The 1947 ufo crash
Site 7: Dallas TX.. November 22nd 1963 and the Masonic
ritual murder of JFK in the outdoor Masonic temple
known as Dealey Plaza.
Site 8: Philadelphia , MISSISSIPPI.. In 1964, three civil
rights workers were beaten to death by the sheriff and
deputies. The Movie "Missisipee Burning" was about
this. (Remember, the KKK was started by Rothschild's
Civil War instigator and Masonic 'King' Albert Pike)
Missisipee also has on the 33rd parallel the towns of
Columbus and Trinity.
Site 9: Birmingham AL. 1963. It was 18 days (6+6+6)
after Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech
when the Masonic agents of death exploded a bomb in a
black church killing four girls.
Occultic named towns in Alabama on the 33rd degree are Five Points,
St.Clair, (the St. Clair/Sinclair family is important in
Knights Templar history) and Alexandria.
On the 32nd parallel in Alabama is Orion and Omega.
In Georgia, where the KKK was started, and then revived again in
Atlanta in 1915, you find these on the 33rd- Pike County, Mason,
Boaz, Swords, Sylvania, St. Clair,Monticello, and Columbia.
Site 10: Charlestown SC.. The Supreme Council 33rd
degree Scottish Rite Masons put their first U.S.
temple in Charlestown, which makes sense since the
highest degree in Scottish Rite Masonry is the 33rd
Site 11: Orangeburg SC. 1969. Like the Kent State
University killings, a campus in Orangeburg was the
site of an atrocious killing zone. Police shot at
mostly peaceful demonstrators killing 3, wounding 27
Site 12: Damascus, Syria. Bible prophesy (Isaiah17:1)
says Damascus will be a city in ruins. This city on
the 33rd parallel has never been in ruins- YET.
Site 13: Bagdad, Iraq. Iraq was attacked (without
Constitutionally mandated authourity) by both Bush Sr.
and Clinton...and now Bush Jr. .