Another John Titor "Story" is now Reality


Temporal Navigator
John Titor mentioned that Florida in 2036 was "a bit colder" than it was in 1999/2000. Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you the impossible: it is currently warmer in Alaska than it is in most of Florida. This event represents John's 1st snowfall at age 26.


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Nobody says global warming. It’s climate change. The evidence is everywhere
Yes, now they say climate change. They've dropped "global" and any reference to the direction the thermometer is trending thus proffering a theory that cannot be falsified. Of course the climate is changing - climate is a dynamic process. Calling it simply climate change means you got it right no matter what happens. So you are correct, the "evidence" is everywhere.

In the 1970's it was called global warming. In the 80's global cooling. In the 90s back to global warming and in 2000 global cooling. By 2010 it was just climate change because no one had a clue about what was really happening.

And it all started in 1971 when Native American Iron Eyes Cody starred in a series of PSA anti litter TV spots, "The Crying Indian". He was sadly riding his horse in full Native American garb. He stopped along side a river that had trash in it. He looked at the camera as a tear ran down his face as he pleaded for us to take care of his environment. Problem was, and the theme runs through and through the environmental movement, Iron Eyes Cody was not a Native American. He was an Italian American actor named Espera "Oscar" DeCorti.

The real problem with the current state of climate studies is the same problem as with ESP studies. Who enters these education programs? True believers, aka the choir. They don't enter climate studies or ESP studies to explore whether or not there is an effect. They enter the programs assuming that there is an effect and their goal only is to discover the magnitude of the effect. We call that researcher bias and confirmation bias. And that isn't science. It's religion in both cases.

It's one thing to bullshit your way through college. But once you graduate and get that dream job where you actually get paid to look down your nose at the swine and scold them for killing your planet you had better be absolutely and undeniably right. Trillions of dollars are in the balance and someone is going to have to pay that bill. People are sick, tired and fed up with being told they are evil by hypocrites.
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