7 Clans of Mars


Chrono Cadet

Could our government have known about Life on Mars? And Could they have known that life still does exist there in the Inner Worlds of the Planet around the Polor Ice Caps? Well would it be so difficult to imagine that our government has a secret and they are keeping it FROM us??

In 1979, the Mars photos taken by the surveyor were being carefully studied to identify at least 7 sites containing structures built FROM surface material of the planet. One of these photos somehow came INTO the possession of Richard Hoagland and we all know the rest of the story between Richard and Uncle Sam's finest.

As the story goes, there were 7 sites representing 7 clans on the planet Mars that were being secretly studied by our U.S. Government. They concluded that the Martians had been highly advanced and aware of the coming fate of their planet and people. Mars was, at one time, unbelievably lush, with trees covering 70 per cent of the surface. Being spiritually advanced, the people there had little need for technology such as what we see on Earth today. Each of the 7 clans lived outside stone cities, which were for trade, meetings, etc. Each city was designed with groupings of pyramids. These pyramids
were the only place their technology existed.

A sacred warrior was born every 20 years to the clans of Mars. They were the only sacred warriors that existed on a planet of less than 200 million. As the warrior neared his 20th birthday, he would step down and the younger generation would take over. These warriors were the keepers of the Ancient Knowledge .

Approximately 10,000-15,000 years ago , the Sacred Warriors were
called upon to protect their planet and help preserve the lineage of their people. Each was called before what we would call the President of their clan, and told that they must journey to the gold pyramids that lay in the frontiers of their world. Seven young men were to be chosen to accompany the warrior to ensure his arrival. Prior to their leaving they were required to procreate so that his special lineage would survive.

Upon arriving at the golden pyramid, the warrior and two of his
friends were allowed to enter. The priests explained to them that the warrior would be protecting the planet FROM incoming invaders, and that the two friends were to return back to their clans with instructions on how to protect themselves. Each warrior prepared for his sacred trip through a special cleansing ritual and then clothed in a bio-mechanical suit FROM head to toe. They were then taken to a great chamber (hanger) where the ships, (Blue Star) were stored. These ships contained weaponry and DNA material FROM each of the warrior's clan.

The first of the Blue Star Ships landed on our planet approximately 10-15,000 years ago. The warrior began the process of bringing his clan back to life. With the use of the DNA material being injected INTO genetically engineered pre-fertilized egg. The gestation tubes took only 16 months to bring a full grown adult FROM the fertilized egg. The last 4 months of this process, the memories of the donator of that specific DNA were reinstalled INTO the individual. There were 14 tubes on board, and it took 137 years for the population to begin
self sustaining re-population. The ones born FROM the ship had an elongated life span, typically 1,500 - 2,000 years. However those born on the planet experienced life spans that grew shorter every generation.

This first ship landed in a lush, fertile area of Egypt. These people then began restoring the knowledge and life styles they had known FROM the past. A ship was taken and placed in a great vault, and a marker built over it, so that when the other clans arrived they would know where they were. Over the course of their first landing here, the Blue Star Ships have since come to all part of our world, interbreeding with people FROM earth and giving to them the accounts of their religions, technology and history.

Aware of the 'Blue Star Legend, July of 1937, the Nazi party's elite, such as Hitler and Goering, began sending out special teams of their elite forces. These teams were also to collect all kinds of supernatural, scientific and religious items. Hitler has totally convinced of this Elite GROUP and was determined to find any ancestors thereof. During a quest for Noah's Ark, along the borders of Turkey and Persia in the mountain range of Arafat, the team was exposed to a story by some of the older members of a village near the Tigress river. The story was that 200 generations before, a strange shiny house had fallen FROM the sky, making such a noise that it woke
everyone in the village.

Sometime later, a man traveling FROM one village to the other came across this object. He said it sang, was warm to the touch, had a vile odor and looked and felt like the trading material used by the men of the 'stone hats'. The story was reported back, by the investigating team, to Germany. One month later two more teams arrived. One being a GROUP of scientists that were the forerunners of the special weapons division of Hitler's Nazi war machine. This GROUP of men set out to find this 'house'. And They Did! Hitler's attempt was successful and they had the first retrieval of an extra terrestrial ship! The disk was 25 meters in diameter, 8 meters in height. It was a solid state with no apparent entrance, and surprisingly responsive to exterior forces, i.e. it seemed to float several meters above the ground, and required little effort to move it.

In December of 1938 the disk was brought INTO the hands of Germany's top scientists to a location north of Munich. In the surrounding mountains an old salt mine was converted INTO a facility to study and reproduce, if at all possible, the craft. It had been determined earlier that this ship was not a top secret device of any other nation on Earth. The Nazi scientists had amazing success dissecting and understanding the ship and its contents. Until July of 1941, when one of their scientists managed to defect to the United States, no other nation knew what Hitler had, and what he'd been doing with it.

United States Military Intelligence, under the code name Oz,
successfully captured the Nazi facility containing the disc. The disc was shipped back to the US, narrowly missing USSR troops in their attempts to capture as much as they could of secret Nazi treasures and sciences. The USSR was to find out about the ship within six months, presumably FROM the German scientists they had captured.

In the summer of 1947 the US recovered its second and third ships. One of these was a Blue Star of the warriors described earlier in the story. The ship was approximately 120 feet long, 20 feet high. It had a half circle front end, approximately 50 feet in diameter, cutting back to the main part of the body. It had crashed INTO an arroyo.

The ship had sustained little damage due to the impact, but had
severe damage to the port side about halfway down. Some of the
interior contents had spilled down to the ground, but surprisingly there was no wiring as we know it. However, there were exposed clear fibers that had light emanating FROM them. There were two small dead humanoid bodies just outside the ship. Another dead body was found laying against a rock. But a fourth humanoid was found still alive sitting up on the crest above the ship. He was holding a small black
shiny box. Scientists came to find out later that it was a device used to create a virtual reality type video, that placed the operator mentally INTO the memories of the donator. This particular box contained memories of one of the female engineers. This being died within the first two hours of captivity.

Inside the ship there was located a ball-like structure at the front that opened when touched. Inside appeared to be a human form melted INTO a large chair. It wasn't until the ship was under heavy guard that this "warrior" separated FROM the ship and stepped through the large hole in its side. As he stepped out of the ship, the ship emitted a loud vibrating sound. At the same time, the Ft. Worth / Dallas area experienced a total black out. The date ... August 8, 1947."

Mary Sutherland
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier
nice, but this picture of the 7 places, is that possible to view it or is it just locked down somewhere with the stamp
"Top secret" on it
Re: Reaserch on Vs

Friend Creedo

Not that I am an expert on Nosferalogy but I do remember that once I was observing EarthTR125.0121 near the 8th decade of the 18th century AD and I ran into what I think could have been a vampire. It was on Marruecos, Spain. The creature lived in a manor with three of it's concubines. However, it seemed to be more like a regular person with an unussual diet than a blood sucking monstruosity.
Until later becomes now.
Re: Remarckable Story

Friend Zxavier

It might come to your surprise, but I do remember once having observed the MarsTR125.0121 area around 14,000 years ago and having witnessed the people you are talking about. I was as amazed as they were, they thought I was an arakr serathi, this could translate vaguely into a student of the walls, as they tried to communicate with them I learned of their impending demise. The atmosphere had been damaged and there was very little nitrogen left. I surveyed their constructions and I found them to be enormous pyramids sitting on huge square bases.
But the most perplexing is that a woman had her child on her arms and told me to take it with me to safety. Little could she understand that the proyection of a body there was an illusion and I was not really there. As I returned from that sojourn I said to myself that I have been a fool all my life fro not having check on MarsTR125.0121 before, maybe something could have been done.

Until later becomes now.
Friend Zxavier

It might come to your surprise, but I do remember once having observed the MarsTR125.0121 area around 14,000 years ago and having witnessed the people you are talking about. I was as amazed as they were, they thought I was an arakr serathi, this could translate vaguely into a student of the walls, as they tried to communicate with them I learned of their impending demise. The atmosphere had been damaged and there was very little nitrogen left. I surveyed their constructions and I found them to be enormous pyramids sitting on huge square bases.
But the most perplexing is that a woman had her child on her arms and told me to take it with me to safety. Little could she understand that the proyection of a body there was an illusion and I was not really there. As I returned from that sojourn I said to myself that I have been a fool all my life fro not having check on MarsTR125.0121 before, maybe something could have been done.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Personal

I have seen a ufo but no aliens I saw it in the sky in September 27th 1992 over my house also saw a man in black in my bedroom later on and even an unmarked black and white car in my driveway I have other strange or weird events as well but I might tell you later who knows also I have dreams that make sense and don't make sense I believe in the paranormal even though I am religious I can still believe in anything I want! Oh by the way I didn't have a camera and video camera to tape the ufo and the other stuff so sorry about that later on I got them both the camera and video camera! Well that's about it for now!